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[ h a n g i n g  o u t ]
[ triggers: sexual activity, drinking ]

I woke up in my room with a bunch of text messages. My head was pounding and I immediately checked my phone for a message from Zane. But Zane wasn't the one who texted me; Garroth was.

Garroth: Hey cutie. I was just wondering if you wanted to come hang out today?

Garroth: I just wanted to see you again. I found out that Zane made plans with you then ditched on you so i just didn't know if you wanted to come hang out and stay the night. We could drink if you wanted to but if youre not ready or brave enough to drink i understand. I know how you were at the party but i saw you leave. So i just wasn't sure what you wanted. It's okay though. Just let me know when you wake up what you want to do okay, baby?

I finally got the courage to text him back. finding it very weird that he called me baby..

Me: Hey.. sorry i was asleep. im down to drink, i did last night. could you come get me im kinda hungover still lol.

Garroth: Hey sleepy head. Yeah ill be over in a few minutes. Get ready and pack some clothes.

Me: Okay.. Ill tell my dad.

I went to my dad's room and i saw that he was taking medication again. He was out cold so i wrote him a note.

Dear Dad, Thank you for last night. It helped a lot and im glad i got to spend time with you. I can't wait to do it again. I am going over to Garroth's house. And yeah he's a good kid. He is my only friend and he helped me find my way through school. Well ill seeya tomorrow morning. Love you, Dad.

I got my things together and left the tiny house, waiting on the sidewalk for Garroth. I soon saw him pull up, a smile was plastered on my face.
"Hey cutie, hop in."
"Hey. So, I recall you telling me we'll get messed up?" I was super numb still and needed another escape. I wasn't even sure what was wrong at this point but I was upset.
"Oh hell yeah we are." He pulled away from my house and drove to his. He was a bit of a crazy driver but i knew at this point we just needed to escape and we both wanted to get messed up.
When we arrived I was greeted by Mrs. RoMeave.
"Hello Travis! Im glad i get to see you again! I thought Id be seeing you with Zane?"
This kind of made me upset and I just wanted the escape more. "Yeah.. we were supposed to hang out but i think he was with some other friends. Im not mad at him or anything, Im just kind of worried. Thank you for letting me come over again. I really do like it here, it's a beautiful house and i feel welcome and safe." I said as i walked up the stairs to Garroth's room. I noticed that Zane's room was still empty.
"Zane isn't home?"
"So he's always home!"
Hes probably with his other friends still. Why does it matter?
"It matters to me, asshole."

Garroth walked in his room and i followed. He shut the door behind us and immediately grabbed two beers. I tuned Demon's concern out for now.
He opened the bottle for himself, the took a drink. "So what do you think about playing COD? I am told that i am a pro at this game so there is your warning. And i won't go easy on you." Garroth smirked getting it all set up.
I laughed. "Im not afraid of you, ya big goof."
"Oh really?"
"Yes really?~"
He got close to me and his hand ran gently up my chest to my neck and he put his fingers around it lightly. "You should be." He joked and let go.
I laughed and sat my beer down on his nightstand, pushing him over and sitting on top of him. "Or what? You gonna kiss me again? Well im not afraid."
"You should be afraid Travis. you're poking the wrong bear, man." My inner demon said to me but I totally ignored him. Garroth pushed me off and we both started rough housing and laughing. Then we were playing free for all and I was getting my ass kicked.
"This isn't fair I was drunk before youuuuu." I whined out.
"Haha- I told you i was good at this game. other than sports, this and drinking is all i do."
"Travis~ I see why you like him so much~ Are you gonna let him smash you or what?" Demon said to me being very bipolar. I couldn't really talk out loud right now and i figured because i was drunk he was too. I just tried thinking in my head hoping he would hear me.
Yeah I know. Are you drunk too?
"No shit stupid. Of course I am. Now please have sex with him, he is the one to lose it to. i can tell. he's experienced." see, very bipolar. 
I wish I could but im waiting for his first move.
"Not unless you beg for it~~" Demon was SO distracting. It was annoying just a tad, explains why im doing so bad.
"Garroth." I said still playing.
"Yes handsome?" He said not looking away from the screen either. I noticed he was calling me all these cute nicknames like we were a couple.
"Do you love me?" I ask and stopped. Looking at his beautiful skin and golden curly hair. He turned and looked at me. It was like looking at the sky. His eyes were so light blue and pretty.
"Of course I love you. Ive been waiting for you to take the hint."
"Do you wanna... ya know.." I ask. Inside my head Demon was going crazy. "Please say yes, please say yes!"
Garroth paused and just looked at me like I had two heads. He stood up and went to his door. I was thinking the worse. I was going to get thrown out, beat up, or worse. But he locked it and turned on his fan. Walking back over to me he took off his shirt and I instantly got hard. He was a snack and I wanted to eat him up forever and ever. He took off my shirt and stood me up. Garroth lightly grabbed my check and looked into my eyes for awhile.
"Ive been waiting for this moment for a very long time.." He leaned in and kissed my lips. Not like the last time he kissed me, but like a real kiss that meant something. I felt my insides melt. I didn't notice it at first because of how intoxicated i was, but this was all happening so fast and i tried to remember how i was uncomfortable last time this happened.
"Oh Travis~~ Im so turned on right now~ Just kiss him back before I come out~~"
But I blocked Demon out. It was just me and Garroth.
"IM GONNA COME OUT IF YOU DON'T DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS FASTER!" demon screamed at me, wanting more. Being the horny, impatient, and drunk, demon he was
Demon no! Don't break out! If you do we won't have a chance with Garroth!
"No lets just tell him right now. want his big cock inside of me~~"
DEMON! Watch your mouth! I can't believe you bring out such a dirty side of me! I felt my body being taken over my lust and I started blacking out.
"G-Garroth- there is something I have to tell you-... I-I'm a-..." I blacked out and started turning pale and my head hurt and I felt my spine extending into a tail. Being aware of the transformation might have felt more uncomfortable than being so anxious that i turn. Or maybe it's because im drunk.

Demon... youll pay for this if he doesn't talk to us anymore. You're gonna ruin our chance with him.
"Will I though?"
[ an: i dont like this chapter i did my best to fix it, sorryyyy >~< ]

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