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[ m i n e ]

I knew when i walked inside the house, shit was going down. My mom was going to flip, and that's exactly what happened. I tried sneaking in but my mom was sitting on one of the stools from the bar like an eagle on it's perch, just waiting to swoop down and snatch up it's next meal with its talons. Well, i was that meal and she got me good. I could even feel the talons stab into me as i listened to her words.. 
"Zane Allister RoMeave. Why did you not tell me you were staying with your friends all night? I thought something happened to you!" My mom didn't sound to happy but her high pitched voice didn't scare me much.
"I lost track of time and i fell asleep on their couch. they just let me sleep.. Sorry it wont happen again." I said trying to leave.
"Zoe RoMeave! You reek of marijuana! Did you smoke?!"
i avoided her question and decided to investigate the name she just called me. "What.. what did you just call me?"
"I didn't want to have to use your dead name but you will not disrespect me. Respect works two ways young man." I started to shut down. Everything in my mind was crumbing. All these high walls with confidence and self love and happiness and content came crumbling to the ground. "Talk to me about my teenage decisions when you understand the difference between my identity and respect." I walked up to my room. My eyes were doing that stupid thing again where they start to tear up. I was looking at the stairs through droplets of water and then my vision would clear up and i felt the warm tears run down my face. I went into my room and found a note. And I heard the same familiar sound of my brother's creaking bed.
I ran to his room, busting open the door and picking up the closest object to me that I could find, which happened to be a beer bottle, I smashed it over his head. He was still standing so after he pulled out of Travis rather violently he swung at me. Being intoxicated he missed by a mile and I punched him in the face. i shook my hand and winced at pain, im pretty sure it hurt me more than it hurt him. ive never punched anyone before. So he stood back up and punched me in the tit and I tried not to yell but the pain was excruciating even though i had my binder on. But out of anger I whipped my fist back around right into his face again. He finally fell over. As much as i hated Garroth i felt slightly terrible for knocking him out. But id also do anything to protect Travis. 
I looked over at Travis who was bleeding from his..there.. and his head, his face was buried into the blankets screaming in pain and his knees were buckled. My poor innocent Travis. The only person who brought light into my world would soon be in the same position I would be in: endless depression, endless emptiness. It will never end..
I picked him up and helped him to my room. I had to tell someone. I just had to. Lucinda.
I called Lucinda who had helped me with my potions, and other serious situations before. She was a good girl friend of mine. She's been busy so I haven't seen her in awhile but we met back in middle school and have stuck close together ever since.
"Lucinda! Hey listen- i need you here right now! Garroth is drunk and fucked up my friend and now he is bleeding! i can't really tell my mom because she wouldn't know what to do and im still in trouble from her and i know you have a lot of magic and you can basically do anything so will you please grab your stuff and get over here quickly?!"
Before i knew it the phone hung up and there was a flash of light out of the corner of my eye.
"Okay! im here!" Lucinda yelled as she stepped out of her portal. Yeah she has those, it's pretty cool. She has her own dimension too it's super cool.
A very aggressive knock was at my door and i only assumed it was the big stupid himself. "Give me my travis back! Zane im going to kick your ass!"
"Lucinda we can't stay here we have to go to your other dimension-" I said worried.
"Okay- okay! Grab him and hang on!" Lucy said to me as I attempted picking him up and standing next to her while she made her portal. We made it to her dimension safely and we put Travis on her couch.
"Everything should be fine as long as he isn't a demon" Lucinda suddenly said. I stopped and glanced into the background.
"What happens if he is a demon?"
"Well. His demon form could come out and if it decides to it could take over his body while he is weak and never come back or it could take over this world and destroy everything that is in it. And im not strong enough to deal with demons again."
"im not hoeing anything, stupid bitch."
"Okay dumb cunt. We have bigger problems than one upping each others name calling. There is a demon inside my world! If this world goes down so does everything in it, my magic included, and i'll turn into a demon and die from the inside out."
"There is no way that'll happen to you."
"You're right I made that last part up i won't turn, but he could destroy everything here and i could lose my magic abilities. Using my magic in the right dimension comes from this place and the power it has. Usually demons try to attack it to have that power for themselves. He isn't like that is he?"
Travis passed out and i know realized we had bigger problems than what i thought were big problems...

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