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[ c o m i n g   h o m e ]

narrator pov
So with that, within the next few days, Travis was sent off to a rehab facility out in dessert type terrain. Zane was kept at the hospital for about a week longer to make sure he was alright and would eat from now on. The facility he was sent to was in the opposite direction of Travis, of course just their luck, so he was up in the mountains where it always stormed. Phones weren't allowed, but writing letters were. They wrote to each other as soon as one would come in. Zianna being the only parental figure, alive, left in Travis's life, he wrote to her as well as to Zane. And of course Zane wrote to Travis and his mom as well. They've been gone for about 4 months.
Eventually they did make new friends. Travis met someone named Katelyn. They both had parent issues, but comes to find out she was a drinker. Zane also met someone, Nana or Kawaii~Chan, KC, for short. She had a lot of things going on similar to Zane's as well. Turns out though she was leaving soon and Zane would be by himself again for a few more weeks. He got a letter from Travis that the date read march 21st, 2018, but the current date was the 26th.

Dear Zane, im packing my things and im on my way home. Ive been doing so good the last few weeks. Demon and i have really learned a lot about what were capable of doing and we cant wait to see you again. I hope to see you soon. Ive been instructed to stay with Zianna for a few more months, even until college so i can take my medication supervised. I hope to see you soon, my love.
From Demon- ive really worked on my anger issues and i miss you a lot. hope you're doing well yourself. i miss you a lot too, my little emo. 
~ snowy & demon

It hurt Zane a bit to hear Travis would be heading home while he was still stuck up in the cold abyss of the mountains. He didn't have KC anymore either she was moving out later that day. So he was left to himself just like he used to feel before he met Travis. He was doing much better but depression doesn't simply just go away. He did many art pieces while he was up in the mountains, some people some landscape and many different medias (which means like paint, markers, colored pencils etc.). The ones he didn't like the workers at the facility kept and hung them up with others. Zane mostly sat for days at a time, watching the clouds form over the mountains they were in, turn to rain and then reform thick in the afternoon with a storm throughout the night. Most of the time he didn't move and wished he had his phone to take aesthetically pleasing pictures but they wouldn't allow it yet. He tried meditating like Lucinda said and once actually focused enough to astral project once or twice. It was a while ride, and he also communicated to lucinda at one point, telling her how everything was going. Overall very boring there for him. 

A few days later. . .
I finished up my story of the day in my notebook. You'd be surprised how many of them I had. Some people really did try escaping or sneaking their phones. Of course people were there for different reasons and roommates were not often paired up correctly, other than that this place was one of the nicer facilities ive ever heard of existing. I flipped through the pages of my spiral notebook and reread all the crazy stories ive heard. Two girls addicted to masturbating ended up having sex and getting put in their own individual rooms, a girl swallowed a lock pick and threw it up and still used it to get out, a guy tried clogging the drain while the shower door was closed to fill it up all the way and drown in it, when the nurses came in and opened it, it flooded the room because the drain was clogged with a washcloth. A lot has happened here. The showers here are not like showers in a bathtub, its like a standing shower. The issue ive had here is being off testosterone and having withdrawals. (an: zane isn't fully done with it yet because he's only 17 so his voice isn't as deep as it is in mystreet yet) Also i haven't had a potion in forever so the gender dysphoria is really setting in heavily. But the stupid staff here wont understand that. So yes, this place had its downfalls I guess, but the location was beautiful and there were some real workers here who cared about us. There was a girl worker who insisted she wish she could do something about my gender issue but it was against rules to give us anything that wasn't medication to help our mental illnesses, which made no sense. Anyway.. The staff said i was leaving, but then something came up. {trigger: self harm} My new roommate to replace Nana was also a self harmer and he stole a plastic butter knife from the cafeteria and started self harming while i was packing the little things i had here. I froze up of course- i hadn't done that since i got here and it triggered me down to my core. I just watched as blood came to the surface of his skin and all i could do was curl up in a ball, grabbing my own wrists where my scars were. {end} I pushed the emergency button on the wall and someone came in, taking care of him and someone else comforted me. I will not go into detail of what he was saying or how he was doing it considering just thinking about it makes me cringe and go into a blind panic.
"Zane- hey can you hear me? Youre doing great okay? Lets just talk about home. Are you excited to see your family again?" The lady asked me. I turned to her silently, then nodded yes slowly. I turned back to my things and continued to pack and talk with a shaky voice.
"Yes, im sure my mom is suffering without me around. I miss my boyfriend too." I explained.
"That's very nice. I bet they will be just as happy to see you." She said. After i was done packing she took me out to the main area, grabbing my mask and phone, then to the train. We rode here on a train.. yeah it was weird. Anyway, im on my home now and all i could think about was seeing everyone. I got my phone back and texted my mom first.

Mom: CONGRATULATIONS HUNNY! We cant wait to see you!! we miss you so so much Zuzu!!
Me: hopefully it doesn't take that long to get home.
Mom: me too hunny, me too!

it was hard to message her, its been forever since ive heard her voice or felt her warmth. Of course i messaged Lucy, Gene and Travis letting them know i was on my way home. I took many pictures that i thought would be aesthetically pleasing in my home-coming outfit with my overgrown, curly, floofy hair and edgy look with chains and necklaces and everything else grunge type. It was night now, so i knew i was not getting home within this 24 hours. I tried sleeping with the moonlight pouring in through the window and sitting on the plush seat of the rocking train.


Word from Zane came threw over the phone the first time in weeks since ive been back home. Oh my gosh we have to do something for him since his birthday was spent in that hell hole. Which i also found out was on a leap year.
"You think he'll appreciate another make out sesh?~"
Demon what is with you and the making out with him? You think about it 24/7. Don't you get tired of thinking that way?
"Not really why? Is it annoying?" He asked, I could hear the sarcastic smile he was giving me.
Honestly yes. What if Zane is having gender dysphoria when you think that way? I bet he hasn't had a potion that whole time!
"Then lets just do something nice for him ya know? Like give him a welcome home basket from us only."
Demon, you're a genius!
"Or a welcome home blow job." 
You're not so much of a genius.. shut up now. 

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