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[ p e a c f u l ]

I was cold, but I knew I was still asleep. I woke up suddenly when my ears thought they caught a sound of something that was so delicately played. I sat up and I looked at my door that was open just a crack, and noticed Travis wasn't in my room. My eyes were wide awake, but my vision was still groggy for a bit. I swooped the covers off of my body and I ran quietly down the stairs and followed the sound. I looked out the windows when I hit the bottom step and I found that it was just becoming morning. I heard the sound traveling up from the basement stairs. I walked down them carefully and I leaned over just as I hit the bottom of the ceiling so I could see if what I was hearing was real. And to my surprise it was real, Travis was sitting there playing the piano like a holy figure. Hitting every key correctly (from what it sounded like), his gentle fingers were gliding over the black and white keys. I could not believe that he was actually able to do it so well, especially this early in the morning. I walked down the rest of the stairs and sat on the bottom one, watching him and listening with all my attention. It was like he was my source of light. He was the one thing that I wanted in my life. He was the one that could guide me out of the dark. I knew he was.
Pretty soon he started playing another song on the piano that was just as calm as he was. He never really opened his eyes, he felt every key and played with his heart and soul. Pretty soon my brothers came over to the top of the stairs and my mother followed right behind them. They both looked at me with shock and I looked back up at them with a dumbfounded look. I was actually starting to cry because I could feel his emotions and he was just.. so pure yet so upset.
He started to play a song that I had not heard in awhile. It was Hell Is Where I Dreamt Of You And Woke Up Alone by Blackbear. I thought, Oh boy if he sings I might have an ear-gasm and lose it, like actually. He started to sing and I could feel my heart melting. My mother started crying because the lyrics were so deep, she wasn't used to really hearing songs like that. I shewed them away so they wouldn't wake him from his trance. I was hoping that Garroth didn't record Travis but I have a feeling he did. I walked down the last few stairs and over to Travis. His eyes were still closed so he didn't see me, and I don't think he heard me. I placed my hand on the piano and felt the vibrations. Travis opened his eyes and looked at me sharply. His face immediately turned a deep crimson and he stood up causing the piano stool to fall over.
"Hey- It's okay- I didn't mean to scare you- it was beautiful, Travis. You could seriously put me to sleep with that voice." I placed my hands on his arms to try to calm him down.
"D-Did I wake anyone else up? Im sorry if I did- I didn't think that it would be that loud-" It was expected of him to start freaking out. I tried calming him down. I took him outside to the backyard for air.
"Awe, your flowers are dying already.. it's too cold out here for them. Zane, is it okay if we go back inside.?" He asked me, which was fine. He was right though, the morning frost had not yet melted from the sun's kiss. The flowers were dying in the fall air and it was still chilly outside.
"Of corse. I forgot that you actually have feelings." I said to him. We went back inside and about to go up to my room, but I got a glance of Garroth, who was on the couch watching Travis closely.
 He played the hangover off well, somehow my naïve mother never could figure out when he did illegal things. I took him upstairs and we sat around on my bed and talked. We started doodling and talking about people to watch out for at school.


[ Travis POV ]

I was tying my hardest not to stare at Garroth while we were down stairs. Don't get me wrong I like Zane but.. Garroth just seems like a good boyfriend. He's positive and he is strong and he is hot. He was watching me closely, and it made my blush and get all hot. I can imagine myself being with him, him protecting me and all. Ahh it was a dream I wish would come true.

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