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[ s t u p i d ]
[triggers: language]

I woke up the next morning to Sasha and Zenix arguing. I wasn't quite sure what was going on but i heard their voices at a very loud tone.
"You fucking broke my favorite bong, asshole!" Sasha yelled at Zenix.
"Im hungover and sleeping how was i supposed to know it was there? Maybe you should pick up your shit!" 
"I was not about to attempt to put that up being as high as i was. Because i didn't want to do exactly what you did. Ugh you ruin everything, youre so fucking clumsy!"
I stood up sleepily and walked out into the hallway to see what was going on because the yelling was only getting louder and i heard things being thrown. When i peeked through the living room i saw Sasha throwing things at Zenix who was ducking and trying to calm her down. I hurried to Gene's room and told him what was going on. He rushed to the kitchen to break up the fight.
"Sasha- Sasha calm down! Hey, take a lap. Go.. calm down." He said, she huffed and started walking through the house as Gene cleaned up the shattered cup. The violence reminded me of Travis, and how he might be dealing with his father right now. The only thoughts i had were about Travis. Travis. Travis. Travis. Tavis. Tavis. Tavis. Tavis. Tavis. Tavis. Tavis. Tavis. Oh my god Travis probably hates me. Travis could be dead. Who knows what happened to Travis. 
"What was that about..?" I asked cautiously. 
"Sash has anger issues." Zenix said holding his hand. A piece of glass cut him, but he washed it off and helped Gene with the remaining glass on the floor. 
"Not to be rude and just leave, but i should probably go soon. I was supposed to be home last night and.. it's the next morning. at 12 pm." I said, i was mostly worried about charging my phone to text Travis. I crashed without doing so last night, and it was almost dead. I didn't want to start a conversation without being able to finish it. 
"Alright, let me get dressed and get your clothes back to you." He said, we both went to his room to get changed. After gathering my things, we went to his car parked outside the house. As soon as i sat down and got situated in the passenger seat Gene handed me a box. Inside of it was 2 different vapes. A dab pen and a nicotine vape.
"I figured you would want something to get you through the day or week or month.. or life. You can always come back to me for more. Hope you like the flavors. And i hope it helps you stop cutting." He said starting to drive me to my house.
"I do, thank you i really appreciate it. You didn't have to do that" I said and I pulled out some pina colada juice and a blue raspberry juice. "You know you guys spoil me."
Gene laughed, "Weve only hung out with you once. How do we spoil you?"
"You accepted me." I said with tears forming in my eyes. I tried not to cry so I just let them dry up. I shouldn't cry, it was only the first time hanging out with them and all we did was smoke weed. And i had sex with Gene...
"No, you accepted us.. We really are thankful you came to hang with us. we know are quite the crew." We arrived at my house and I put my new things in my pocket and waved goodbye to Gene. "Take care of the crazys for me." I chuckled.
"Will do! keep in touch!" Gene said starting to drive away.
"I will!"


[ an: heavily changed and deleted a lot of this chapter too, sorry it's now shorter ] 

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