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[ s i l e n t   s c r e a m ]
[ triggers: kidnapping ] 

I walked to my house. I can't believe i just did that.. i raised my voice at Zane.. I-i just walked out of the house. I realized i was alone, and panic set in so i started speed walking towards my house. Zane i and i were there painting not too long ago but it was hard to be here alone. I was almost over my dad's death, but now because ive been watching Ghost Adventures with Zane so much, i believe that his spirit could be here. It might have been silly but because ive been living as a practitioner i said hello.
"hey dad im home.. i don't know if you can hear me or if you're here but.. i'm back. If you want me to do anything for you.. like get you a drink or something.. let me know, ill be painting the bathroom." I said, taking my hoodie off. I turned on some rock music on low volume. I know my dad liked to listen to it a lot.
"Why are you trying so hard? He might not even answer you"
"Ill try anyway, Demon." I took my hoodie off, rolled up my sleeves and started painting. I was jamming out to the music a bit too. Getting into it and enjoying the time alone. I felt like someone was watching me.. which could have been my paranoid mind. 
"Dad? Is that you?" I heard a knock on the wall next to me. It made me jump a bit but i felt like it was him. "Okay, lets do two knocks for yes, one for no." I said, going back to painting. Then i heard two knocks, i guess to my previous question if it was him.
"Okay big brain, get your phone out and do the voice record thing. See if he answers you."
"Good idea, Demon." I got opened my phone, going to the voice memo app and hitting play. "Do you have enough energy to say hello?" I asked, then i waited a few seconds to see if the voice memo thing caught any spikes. Once i saw one i stopped it and listened. I heard a whisper in his voice exactly, "ill be fine." I thought this was incredible. I was communicating with my dad!
"Oh my god it's really you! This is amazing! I miss you so so much." I put down the paint brush, afraid to splatter paint on the wall with my excitement. He responded with "how are you?" 
"Wow, youre doing great, thank you for using your energy to communicate with me.. I could be doing better. I mean i was doing shitty after you were gone, then worse, but Zane was protecting me and we went to the therapist not to long ago. Ive been good since then until now.. that probably made no sense. Im sorry, i haven't talked to you in a long time.." I waited a second to play his response back to me. "I know. You're strong, Travis."
"thanks dad.. you aren't mad about me liking Zane then..?" I heard a solid knock, as in no. "Wow.. dad i really wanted to come out to you.. i just.. got afraid you wouldnt like me.." I heard another knock cut me off. Just then my phone vibrated and made me jump. I look at it to see Dante texted me.
Dante: hey dude whats up?
Me: oh not much, wby??
Dante: im hella bored, do you wanna come over?
Me: sure :)
Dante: Sweet! Ill seeya soon then? :D
Me: Yeah! seeya soon then.
"Hey dad, is it alright if i go see Dante? I-i think im comfortable enough to go visit him." I received two knocks on the wall next to me. I also saw that there was a spike on the voice memo. I forgot i was recording. It said, "I love you, son" It made me tear up, hearing my dad actually say he loved me, and called me son. It was an overwhelming feeling of love and sadness, and i missed that so much. I put my hoodie back on because the temperature was starting to drop. I headed to Dante's house, which was only a few houses away considering i was walking there. When i arrived i knocked on the door. He answered the door and did a bro hug with me which i was comfortable doing. He lead me to his room and we just sat and started talking.
"It's been awhile since you've been here. So, do you need to talk about anything?" He offered. I smiled, thankful for what he said but, i looked down embarrassed.
"I don't know. I know you mean well but.. it's a lot im just not sure if i can do it."
"You don't have to- but i want to help you as much as possible.."
"I know man.. Zane and i fought right before i came here.. so im a little upset but."
"Are you guys a thing or just friends?"
"Does that matter?"
"No but.. Garroth told us Zane is transgender and gay.. he comes up with a lot of fake shit so, it was hard to believe but if it's true then oh well it's true. I don't really care it's whatever he wants to do with his life."
"I think we were friends at first, it developed into something more.. but now.."
"It's okay- we don't have to talk about it anymore."
"Thanks, Dante.. Do you want to meet Demon?" I put a half smile on my face. He had asked earlier but i never got around to seeing him because of school.
"Sure, am i dressed the right way?'
"Of course you are, hes an asshole not a king. My dad was a lord, we are not a prince though." I chuckled, then changed into Demon.
Please don't show off to him, just be yourself.
"No promises~" *changes into demon*
"Hello there, so youre Dante?" I asked him. He could only nod.
"Yeah im Dante. It's a pleasure to meet you. So youre like Travis but.. grey and have horns..?" he seemed to be in awe but also nervous. 
"I have some powers too, im cooler, louder, and more confident and stronger i guess. But yeah im like Travis. Maybe even more hot honestly." I bragged, trying to get him to laugh while i flexed my arms. 
"Haha- yea okay. That's amazing though. So are you his protector?"
"In a way, yeah i guess.. It's grown into that."
"Cool.. that's really cool of you to protect Travis.. from rumors ive heard he been through a lot."
"Yes he has. Ill change back now okay?"
"Sure, thank you Mr Demon sir." He waited patiently. *Changes back to Travis* "Wow Travis that is pretty cool! You're like a superhuman."
"Haha- i wouldn't say that but im honored." We sat and talked, hung out, played some video games.

"Dante, it's time for Travis to head home, you have school tomorrow." Dante's step mom said from behind the door.
"Alright." He yelled back. We finished this match of modern warfare, then i got ready to leave.
"Thanks for having me over, i had a blast. We should definitely hang out again soon." I said with a wide smile on my face.
"Yes definitely! Ill walk you out. Wait you walked here? Do you need a ride?"
"No, it's okay, i live like two houses down. No need to get out so late." I said. I didn't want to go through the trouble of him driving at night or wasting gas. It wasn't too dark on this street anyway. People had their porch lights on.
"well seeya, Dante!" I said walking down the sidewalk.
"Seeya later! Text me ill be bored." He said back to me, it made me chuckle. "let me know when you make it to your house okay man?" He shouted out before shutting the door. 
"Glad to see you smiling"
Yeah yeah..
"Still pouty without Zane?"
No im.. fine. Ill probably just apologize tomorrow and sleep at the house with dad..
"But dad is a ghost."
"okay- wait.. do you feel that?"
"i don't know.. sorry."
I snapped out of talking to Demon in my head mode when i saw a van go by. The road was silent now and i didn't know of anyone who drove a big bulky white van on this street. I started hurrying, i could see the house from a few yards away and the lights were on. I don't remember leaving any on, maybe dad did it. I look up and someone was walking on the sidewalk. It was a werewolf, his right ear had a bite mark chunk missing from it. I tried not to stare, i smiled and said hi softly, he nodded at me. I passed him and kept walking. I was celebrating in my head a bit. I felt relieved as well, he was just a normal guy walking home too probably.
But then i heard footsteps behind me.. so i started picking up my pace. I didn't dare to turn around.
"Travis run-"
I didn't hesitate i started running but if it was the werewolf i passed then id lose this race. It was a dog for god's sake. I was right at my sidewalk when I felt arms around me.. I started screaming. It was all i could do. The wolf person picked me up, covering my mouth. No one came outside.. Tears of absolute fear started streaming down my face. The van that drove by earlier pulled up and he through me in the back of the van and that was the last i saw of the outside world...

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