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[ h y p e r a n d h o u s e s t u f f ]

I was sipping on my caramel frappe when i noticed that Zane looked really lost in thought today, i hoped nothing was bothering him. I wouldn't mind trying to help but i often felt like i couldn't no matter what i did because it was too late. I decided to ask him to make sure.
"Zane.? Are you alright?" placing my hand on his arm gently. He looked at me suddenly, breaking from his trance.
"Yeah im alright. I was just thinking about what we need to look at when were there." He explained taking a sip of his coffee. I kept taking sips from mine, i was obsessed with this drink!
"Travis maybe we should slow down on the coffee for a bit"
I can't help it i love it!
"You'll have to pee so much! Chill out!" Demon explained. I guess he had a point.
"We will need everything. Flooring, tile for the bathroom and or backsplash in the kitchen and the shower. Then i guess we could go to a furniture store too if you guys have enough energy. We will go to At Home, not Ikea." Lucinda explained still facing the road.
"What's wrong with Ikea?" Gene asked. She looked at him over her sunglasses.
"Umm have you seen Travis on coffee before? Plus he will get lost and start freaking out. He almost needs one of those book bags for children with the leash on it." She said pulling into the parking lot.
"Hey! I'm right here ya know?"
"Is she wrong though?" Zane looked at me and asked with a joking smile on his face.
"I guess not, haha." I said rubbing the back of my head. We parked and got out, following Lucinda. We really all came out in public with cold coffee in our hands and our painting outfits on. to be honest we all looked like gay homeless kids and Lucinda was our awesome older sister.
I really wasn't able to handle the caffeine in a large coffee with caramel and whip cream on top. I was bouncing my legs and swaying back and forth any time we stopped to look at something. Zane seemed to notice and reached down grabbing my hand when no one was around. He was rubbing my pointer finger with his thumb while we were listening to Lucinda's suggestions. It somewhat calmed me down a bit but i still swayed my body, and now because Demon was being dirty.
"He's feeling your fingers to see how long they are~"
And you said i didn't need the coffee, jesus christ- did you really just say that?! he is being sweet and trying to calm me down.
"I wouldn't mind fingering Zane."
I thought you wanted to be topped by him? Plans suddenly change?
"What- i am the top what are you talking about-?"
Sure you are..
"Is he bothering you, Travis?" I heard Zane ask, looking up at me slightly. He was about an inch and a half or two inches shorter than me. We were super close in height. Maybe that's why Demon is embarrassed to be bottom because he's shorter.
"Am not, asshole!"
Zane knew the look i gave when talking to Demon by now. I suppose that's why he asked.
"No were just talking." I explained taking another sip of my coffee. I saw this really cool black hexagon tile and i wanted that for the shower. "Ooo i love that!"
"I do too it's stunning. Thinking for the shower?" Lucy asked looking at me. I saw her glance quickly down at Zane and I's hands locked. A small smile creeped over her face. I turned a light shade of pink and felt my cheeks warm up.
"Yeah. I-I was thinking it would look nice for the shower." I felt myself become nervous when talking to her. The power she held was intense. She nodded and we continued to browse the store. Next we went over to the hardwood floor and i picked out a nice dark floor that i thought would look nice with gray walls.We continued to drink our coffee and get more hyper as we looked through the store.
"Travis get in the cart." Dante whispered to me, finding an empty shopping cart and gesturing towards it. I nodded and got in, then Dante started pushing me around in it and putting both his feet up on the bar once we got speed.
"Boys- do i have to be mommy and tell you to stop? There are breakable things here ya know." Lucinda said turning into the light section. I thought this was more of a Lucinda thing to pick out the lights that would hang over the island in the kitchen and the bathroom lights. Dante continued to push me up and down the aisle as I sipped on my coffee more. I saw Zane standing there talking to Lucinda, looking up at all the glass fixtures, the light causing his icey colored eyes to sparkle. I sat there in awe, my mouth probably wide open, watching as he looked deep in concentration, the lights causing his eyes and skin to glow.
"Look at that man, Travis. He's just perfect isn't he? Him and his cute overalls."
I know.. He's stunning.. Look at his pretty eyes.
"Ughhh i want this man to rail us!!"
You couldn't be all gooey for one second you had to make it sexual?!
"Umm yeah who do you think i am?"
Zane looked over at me then chuckled to himself. I got flustered, face and ears heating up and turning a bright red.
"Woah Travis you alright buddy?" I heard Dante ask. I nodded yes and tried calming myself down.


We went over to At Home, a furniture store and picked out some things for the living room and kitchen for now. It was almost supper, we were gone all day running on iced coffee. I felt the sugar high wearing off as we were going to check out.
"Zane im getting tired and hungry.. Can i lay on you in the car?" I rubbed my eyes. Zane looked at me with a slight smile and nods yes.
"Of course you can." He said we proceeded to check out. Gene and Dante still seemed very hyper and ran out pushing Dante in a cart, i walked holding Zane's hand. Lucinda did this cool thing where she shrunk everything to fit it in her trunk and when we got home she would make it normal size again.
I laid on Zane's shoulder in the car and immediately fell asleep because of a sugar crash, plus cars make me really sleepy. I blame Demon for this, but i had perverted dreams about Zane..


We got back to the house and put all the furniture inside and pretty much left it.
"I can't put everything back to normal size right now. Im out of energy boys. Why don't we finish this tomorrow some time?" Lucinda looked drained.
"Of course, that's fine. You need some food and sleep." I explained yawning myself.
"Thanks hun. Ill give you guys a ride home." She said getting back in her car sighing.
"Lucinda you don't have to-" Gene started but she shushed him and got in the car. We all followed and piled back in. Lucy dropped us off after the boys. Before we went inside, Lucinda pulled Zane over to the side to look at picture they took today. Lucinda got out her nice camera and scrolled through a bunch of pictures of Zane painting. He had his shirt and binder off, only his bibs hooked as he bent down, and a few others were him with the bib straps slightly falling off his shoulders. He looked so serious, and so sexy.. I could tell Lucinda was doing this for his body confidence. It looked like it was working in the photos. When this was happening they went into the bedroom and closed the door so no one would see him topless i guess.
Woah.. Demon look..
"His binder is off.." Demon said in awe. "BOOBIES!"
Jesus christ, Demon..
"Cmon you want to see them too! Don't lie to yourself."
Im not lying to myself but i won't dare look at his unwanted body parts without his permission or at all for that matter. We have no idea how much that hurts him.
Demon shut up after this. It was like he was speechless and i kinda felt bad. We got home and walked into the house, Zianna looked like she going out somewhere.
"Oh- hello boys. How was your day?" She said with a big smile, then hugged us both.
"Good. We got a lot done and went shopping for furniture with Lucinda." Zane explained.
"That must have been fun. Ill have to come see what you've done so far sometime soon! Im off to the store alright? Garroth is in charge ill only be gone for about 45 minutes okay?" She explained.
"Ooo that is just enough time to get nailed." Demon said in a seductive voice. I haven't really got turned on since we made out last...
I don't know, Demon.. It's been such a long time since ive kissed Zane even..
"Just do it you won't regret it. Look at his face you know he thinks about you a lot." -demon
No.. it just looks like Zane.
"Fine ill ask him when we get to the room."
No don't do that!
"Too bad. Im making my voice come through."
"Zane, can we go to your room? I have a question for you." Demon made me say.
"Zane, can we go to your room? I have a question for you." Travis said. I turned to him and he winked with one purple eye showing, then it went back to his emerald color. He turned pink, i understood the situation at hand here. Demon wanted something... I nodded in response.
"Okay mom, we'll be fine, take your time." I said. I saw Garroth in the living room really staring at Travis and then at me.
"Okay boys, behave yourselves. I know that is hard for you," She joked, "And Garroth watch them and behave, please." Mom said walking out the door. She left and then Garroth motioned me over to him. I was confused but i made my way over to him anyway. Travis said he'd wait up in the room for me.
"What is it.? Why were you staring at Travis?" I asked confused, but ready to hit him if he made a dirty comment.
"Did you see his body language?"
"No what..?"

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