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[ p a r t y ]

Dante's party is today. Great. I have to go and find him girls, which really means, I have to attract them then direct them towards Dante. My dad is going to kill me. So, the plan was to put sleeping drops in his drink to make him fall asleep and stay asleep, if his pills didn't work.
"Travis! Would you bring me a beer?!" I heard him yell from his room.
"Sure dad!" I grabbed a beer from the fridge and turned quickly. I opened it and put 4 drops in the liquid, careful not to get any on the rim of the can. I carefully made my way to his room so i wouldn't spill it. 
"Why didn't open it when you got closer?" He asked me, that's how he was telling me i was being too slow.
"i had to open it with the can opener. I couldn't get it." I blush and walk out of the room. I went to get ready, hoping I see Garroth's younger brother there. But what about candle..? I-I guess it's fine.. I snuck out at 9 and walked to his house. All the guys were waiting there outside for me. I was dressed in my normal dark, pine tree green converse, black ripped jeans, and my green jacket.
"Travis! There you are!" Dante ran up and hugged me. I just chuckled. I look over his shoulder and see everyone else here too. All of our friends. Even Gene, since he his Dante's brother after all. I've heard a lot of people dislike him because he's a jerk but they do live together so there really isn't any escape from him. Let's see, Garroth, Aaron, Dante, Gene, Laurence.. who's that? I found myself starring at a stranger. How have i never seen this kid before?
"Travis! You can talk instead of starring at us like strangers ya know!" Dante laughed at me.
"O-Oh- right- Sorry guys..." I looked down and glanced up at the pouty, short one I've never seen before.
"Okay, Zane. Don't hack into my snapchat anymore. And I won't post any more videos of you. Just stay on Dante's property. I really don't care where you go or do. But you have to stay here. Or mom will-"
"Yeah, yeah, mom will take away your privileges."
"Exactly, so stay here."
I look away from the brothers. Is that him-? It sounds like him- He's so short and adorable- I look down at his shoes and see that he has black converse with spikes on them. Not candle's converse.. but I guess a lot of people have regular black converse. I was dumb to think that they were the same person for a moment. 
I check Garroth's story to see what he was talking about, and see that he posted a video of, I think Zane, messing with his chest. It looks like he, or they, have boobs, and it looks like they put some sort of X over their nipples. Oh my god.. What Garroth did was way too far even if I know Zane or not. I could see visible self harm scars which means this must bother Zane a lot. I look over at Garroth. "That video was pretty funny huh?" He kinda smirked as he asked me. He knew Zane could hear him and he didn't care.
I nod my head no.. "T-that was kind of messed up, Garroth.. someone's identity is serious, you can go watch people doing it on the internet for free, ya know.." I started.
"You mean porn?" Laurence asked listening too.
"Yeah that-people don't make tons of websites or public videos about outing someone's private identity.." I saw what I said was sinking in Garroth's head. I really hope it was.
"Oh, I guess you're right.." He looked at his phone. I glanced at Zane who was looking at me like I was crazy, wide eyes and face red. He had a sketch book in his hands, looked like the same one candle had but i don't know for sure. it is just a sketch book after all. 

Was that candle..? I can't tell, something in me wants to believe it is..


I look at this white headed kid with a dark green jacket walk up to my brother's stupid friends and him. I happen to look down at his shoes. The same green.. I thought. I just watched this new kid, who I think his name is Travis, stand up to MY older brother, Garroth RoMeave, for making fun of me in front of all his friends.. This couldn't be happening right now. I kind of felt the same energy I felt when texting snowy but it might just be a coincidence. I couldn't believe a kid who has never talked to me once, or even knew who i was, stood up to my brother for me. he must be stupid or something! 

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