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[ d r e a m s ]

I started walking around in this small house. I heard yelling, and things breaking. I wasn't quite sure what to do. I saw a blanket move in the corner of the living room. I looked away from the bedroom where the fight was going down and I went over to the child. He was about 5 years old.
"hey there buddy.. you okay.?" I asked lifting up the blanket.
He looked up at me with bloodshot eyes. He nodded no and pointed to the bedroom. As I stood up and looked towards them I felt time shift. I looked back at the boy who was now about 9. The fight was more intense and I heard a slap. And yelling from a dominant male. I went to go look to stop the fight but the boy yelled at me not to leave or interfere with the argument or I would be hurt. I turned back to him but time shifted yet again and now the boy was 14. He wasn't in the corner but now running to the door to interfere with the fight. He got hit and beat as well. I couldn't watch anymore.

I woke up panting and realizing that I was cuddling Travis, who he was stuck in that nightmare, I was only channeling his dream, which i didn't know i could do but I guess I can. I tried waking him up immediately but he was stuck in his dream, the deepest sleep I have ever seen.
"Travis wake up hunny- youre dreaming please wake up-" I shook him. He still wouldn't so my only other option was to sit him up. Once I did this he woke up with panic.
"N-No-! Z-Zane.? Oh god im sorry..-" He started crying. I took him in a warm, tight embrace and told him everything was going to be okay that it was just a dream. Even though he was sweating I still held onto him tight.
"Im sorry.."
"It's okay Travis, want to get some food..? Play some video games.?"
He nodded. "Okay, lets go see what we have in the kitchen." I said getting up out of the bed. He followed me down the stairs into the huge, white marbled kitchen to search for some food.
"Chicken nuggets and mac and cheese sound good?" I ask him. He nodded. I noticed he was very quiet so I decided to start some conversation.
"So, do you have a future planned?" I ask starting to make the mac and cheese.
He looked down and blushed. "Not really. I just want music to be in my future. And a kitten.."
"Awe, that sounds precious. I am interested in an art career but I mostly want to become pet shelter owner.. No one in the shelters around here care about the animals and it's sad.. I like little geckos too.."
"That's so precious of you. you have such a big heart, Zane.." Travis said looking at me
After lunch was done we went back up to my room and were on my laptop looking at apartments.
"Zane do you want to live with me? Ill play the piano the entire time you paint.. And we can own a kitty and a geck and a doggo.." He was blushing and sounding so adorable. I smiled.
"Of course I want to live with you. That sounds like a paradise." I pored him some more chocolate milk in his wine glass. "To us."
"Tehe, to us" our glasses clinked and we drank our milk.


[ d a t e ]

Travis and I were all geeked out and dressed like nerds, ready to go see Avengers "Endgame." We couldn't wait to see it. We stocked up on a shit tone off sweet tarts. Giant, normal, chewy, ropes, everything. We were ready. We stayed up all night watching the Avengers series and branched off movies so we knew what was going on throughout the new one.  Mid way through the movie I found myself holding Travis's hand. Around the end with the sad parts, we cried a bit.. okay we cried a lot. The movie was honestly great and i cant wait to go home and hopefully snuggle with him..

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