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It had been two days since i had eaten or drank anything. I know that I wasn't dying yet but it felt like I was. My stomach was eating itself and my mouth felt like the desert but I didn't have motivation to do anything but lay here and look at my wall. Zane had texted me and I finally got the motivation to answer.

Me: Hey
Zane: Hey how you doing..?
Me: idk
Zane: My mom wants you to come back over and stay with us if your family isn't there yet. But I know they aren't there.. so ill be over in a few minutes to get you okay?
Me: ok
Zane: Ill help you get ready and stuff.. ill be there in a few minutes. Love you..

I didn't answer him I just left him on read and laid there. I waited. Around this time my dad would wake up and ask for a beer or for me to make him breakfast. I couldn't do this. I couldn't live my life alone in this house. This shell of a house that I had so many good memories with my dad, despite the fact that he beat me in the past and drank a lot. He blamed himself for my mom's death. He told me his dad beat him and he would be a better father but we both know how that turned out. I mean he never apologized for it or actually seemed to care until recently. But ive also noticed that he had been popping pills ever since I told him how I felt. That night we bonded was the best night of my life with him in my teenage years. I actually felt like I had a real dad again, who really cared, and saw me as his son and not a servant. After my mom passed is when things started getting bad really. Life was okay when they were both happy. 
When Zane got here he let himself in and called my name. He walked into my dad's room and walked over to me. He sat down on the bed in front of me and started rubbing my leg.
"Have you stayed in the same spot as when I left you.?"
I just nodded.
"Travis you look like shit... have you eaten anything? Your stomach is offlay noisy.."
I nodded no.
"Okay, well im going to go pack your things okay? My mom is really worried about you, we all are.." He said getting up and going to my room. He came back but I still hadn't moved. I think I was getting sick from all this stress and depression. Everything hurt.
"Are you just depressed or do you feel sick?"
"Depressed, but in pain everywhere.."
"Well you havent moved in 2 days.. cmon travis, lets go snuggle in my warm bed okay.?"
I just noticed he had a cast on his hand. "Z-Zane.. what happened to your hand?" I ask looking at him wide eyed. He hesitated which wasn't a good sign. He was either too embarrassed to tell the truth or something happened and he didn't want to tell me.
"You promise not to tell anyone?" He asked looking down.
"You can always trust me even in my darkest hours.." I said grabbing his good hand, this was the first time i had moved. I sat up to reach him. 
"Garroth stomped on my hand because he wanted revenge for smashing that bottle over his head.." 
I immediately felt responsible for this. It was my fault I liked Garroth, my fault I tried drinking. It was my fault I wasn't strong enough to protect myself and now look what ive done. Ive caused Zane a deep pain. It was his dominant hand, the hand he has to use to vent, to draw all his feelings away. That's what Garroth wanted, was for Zane to suffer. Just so he could make himself feel better about his sorry life.
"Don't blame yourself, and youre right, he is just trying to make up for his pathetic life by ruining mine.." he felt my feelings again and said them outloud. 
I blushed and looked down. "Im sorry.." 
"I know you are, and I forgive you if that's what you want to hear, but you don't have to be for something you didn't do. Now cmon, my mom is probably worried sick. Lets go." He said grabbing my stuff and walking out of the cold, dark house.
Zane drove us carefully to his house. When he parked the car we walked through the back door and into the sparkling, welcoming home that smelt like vanilla pumpkin candles and was warm. It relaxed me a bit. Zianna ran to me about to break down and hugged me tight. Apologizing and saying how worried she was about me. She told me I could stay for as long as I liked or needed to and if I needed any help or medication she would kindly take me somewhere to get that help. I nodded and thanked her.
"Im not sure how much I will interact or eat though, I haven't in a few days and ive gotten used to the quiet and pain.." I warned her. She held my cheek.
"It's okay dear, just take your time. But I will make sure you get at least a protein shake inside your body once a day you hear me mister? Both Zane and I can't stand to see you in this type of pain.." She said slightly smiling to me, trying to make me feel better. "Now then, go get some rest and if you need anything just holler okay?" She walked off into the kitchen and Zane took me to his room. It was cooler in here, but that just gave me a better reason to snuggle under Zane's arm.
"Here lay down. If you want to change into pj's you can wear mine or yours, whichever you prefer. I can walk out or stay-" I cut him off.
"Please... don't leave me alone..." I almost started crying. Only one room over was Garroth. The exact bedroom in this safe house that was swarming with negative energy. Where Demon and I were attacked, and Zane was beat up in the process of trying to save us.  He's such a sick bastard. If only people knew the real him, things would be so different. 
"If youre worried about him he doesn't know youre here yet.. ill kill him if he gets near you.." Zane said walking over to me, noticing i was looking at the wall that separated their rooms. I hated asking but I really needed his warmth against my cold, lifeless body.
"W-will you snuggle wif me..?" I ask about to cry, my facing turning red with embarrassment. He nodded and smiled and snuggled under the blanket with me.
I remember dozing off and feeling safe in his arms.

All I could see was black, no colors. But because I was going to sleep I also couldn't see anything. I felt like Zane was putting the life back into my body slowly reviving me from this near death state i was stuck in. 

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