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[ d r i n k s ]
[triggers: mention of drinking, mention of rape]

It started raining and i was 2 blocks away from my house.
"Great..." i put my hood up and walked home in the humid air. As i grabbed the door handle i thought to myself, my dad is gonna yell for me and ill probably be grounded. But surprisingly enough I never got yelled at. ookayy he must be waiting around a corner to knock me too the floor. catch me by surprise if i try to "sneak" inside. But that never happened either. I actually went to him. I walked to his door, that happened to be wide open, and I knocked on the door frame.
"H-Hey dad.? Could I sit in here with you.?" I was expecting the worse. He was going to yell at me to get out and tell me that my problems were babyish.
He gave me a stern look like I thought he would but the yelling never came. "Sure, son."
I nodded and sat on the edge of the bed, looking down at the blankets.
"You aren't going to tell him are you? Travis tell him or I will." My inner demon demanded me. But I hesitated. "Umm.. well.. today.. I went to see this one girl but she wasn't there.. I checked her snap map and she was with 2 other dudes and another girl, like a double date I suppose. It wouldn't have been such a problem if she wouldn't have told me that I was her only friend and that she couldn't wait to see me. Plus I-I... i think i was almost raped by her brother..." I started crying and I couldn't help it. I wanted my dad to see the real me but I was also afraid that he would tell me to get out if i told him Zane was the one i was talking about, not a girl. So I continued, "..I understand if you don't want a crybaby of a son like me in your life anymore.. I just thought you would know what to do because of mom.. and I do have bad anxiety and it leaves me depressed.. I just thought you would be able to tell me how to find a good escape for it without hurting or killing myself.. because dad I do love you even though im always away or out if that makes it seem like i don't want to be around you, i do.. I was just trying to do what you told me to do and leave or give you space.. you are the demon lord and I wanted to be a good enough son.." I hunched over and started crying more. I didn't mean for all of that to spill out but it did. Im glad it did. I heard silence and I suddenly felt a hand wrap around my shoulder. I felt the bed move and the warmth of my father was right next to me.
"Son.. I love you okay? You are my only baby left and I will never just throw you out like your mother did. I promise I will try to be nicer to you. Ill start controlling my demon rage.  We can go do things together, i can teach you your true potential . Now what do you think about watching a funny movie and drinking tonight? For your escape. Almost being raped is a scary thing, but if you want this girl, you need to not hurt or say anything unless he tries it again. There is a chance she won't believe you, or even say something crazy like you aren't manly enough to stand up for yourself. It might even turn into a whole family ordeal, and the last thing you want right now is to cause family drama so early in your relationship.. He won't know what hit him if he touches you again." My dad tried his best to comfort me and I loved that he tried and offered to do something with me. I just nodded. I didn't know my dad was this nice when he was able to control his form and was sober. Hopefully we would get stupid drunk and laugh at the movie together.
-2 beers later-
I was drunk, not totally wasted but drunk. It was my first time drinking if you couldn't tell. i couldn't really sit up, my head and stomach hurt a lot. My dad and I enjoyed this movie and my depression was masked for now. My colors started fading and i realized that i was fine without Zane. I mean, we were only friends anyway, if friends at this point, so i guess what he does right now is none of my concern.
i never imagined the person who saved me from myself would leave so soon. 


[ an: I apologize for the shorter chapter ] 

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