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[ " h o m e w o r k " ]

"Can I kiss you or not?" Demon asked me. My mind went blank. I hadn't kissed Demon yet, and the first kiss I shared with Travis was more of me making the move, in this situation I felt like such a bottom..
"What are you waiting for?" I said, trying to give the same energy I was giving a second ago instead of flustered or nervous. Demon army crawled a few more inches towards me, grabbed the chair between my legs, causing me to look down at his hand getting more embarrassed, and pulled me towards the bed, where he grabbed my cheek and locked our lips immediately. I melted into his lips. I tried not to ruin the moment by thinking of weather this was technically my first kiss or my second, and or if it bothered Travis or if he felt it too and liked it. It was something I didn't exactly understand and wasn't sure if now would be the right time to ask.
"Get on the bed." He said backing out first but still inches away from my lips, I could hear the horniness in his voice. I nodded abruptly and crawled onto the bed like he asked. Demon leaned against my headboard, pulling me onto his lap, running his hands through me hair as we kissed. I think I was making out with him. I had never done it before so I wasn't sure if this was right.
"God, Zane youre so hot.." Demon whispered looking deep into my eyes, then glancing down at my lips and generally all around my face.
"Youre making me feel like such a bottom right now, Demon.." I said unimpressed.
"You are." He grabbed my neck lightly and it immediately gave me butterflies, causing me to bite my lip and roll my eyes. I didn't know he had that in him, and i didn't know i liked it so much. 

{demon pov}

"Shhhh.. just watch. He likes it. He's a kinky boy."
I smirked as I watched my emo boy bite his lip as I grabbed his throat.
(AN: I needed to add that little line by travis lmao)

{zane pov}

"Wait is Travis okay with this?" I ask suddenly, just to make sure.
"Yeah, ill tell you when he isn't, alright?"
"Are you okay with this?" I double check. It made him hesitate to answer. It was like I hit some nerve.
"Of course im okay with this. Thanks... Now quit talking and start kissing me." He said pulling me, by my thighs, closer to him I was basically sitting on his dick. He put his knees up, locking me in my place. We started kissing again, our lips locking for periods at a time, eventually our tongues touched and his explored my mouth. At one point he bit my lip and I tasted blood. I don't think he meant to bite me that hard, it was probably from his fangs. I felt myself get a little more horny than what I was previously. I hoped my jeans kept it down as much as possible... Demon's hands explored my body, I was nervous but I loved it, the evil looks he was giving me was making me melt. I wanted him to degrade my confidence and use me.. but deep down I know it wouldn't end up like that for my first time with Demon or Travis. . . . maybe.

{demon pov}

AHHH- Why are we this horny?!
"Don't you like it? Look at Zane, such a dirty boy. He wants to be talked to like he's a slut."
How do you know that?
"I know a lot of things. Are you alright or what?"
y-yeah.. yeah keep going if he likes it.
"Do you like it?"
yeah.. but i'm not ready yet.. I don't think so..
"I gotcha"
"Hey, this is from Travis." I stopped being rough and kissed Zane long and passionate again, just like the beginning. He wrapped his arms around my neck and arched his back/perked his butt up in the air, causing it to run against my dick a little more than i could handle.
what the fuck was that. . . Travis just dropped the f bomb asking what that tingly feeling was in our penis. It was hard not to laugh out loud at his innocence.
"He's an ornery little fucker isn't he? Can I smack his ass?" Why was I asking Travis for permission when I was the one who was out and in control? To my surprise he said yes anyway. So I spanked him hard and grabbed his butt the best i could, his jeans shielding him a bit. He gasped in my mouth because we were kissing when I did this.
"D-Demon-!" He squealed in embarrassment.
"Travis said to." I shrugged, "It's not my fault youre a brat. You know what youre doing don't you?" I grabbed his thighs.
"Travis did not, you liar."
"He did too."
"I wish i knew what i was doing.. I want to please you.."
"What is that suppose to mean? You know what you're doing."
"Im letting my dick lead the way right now actually-"
"How are you supposed to jerk off tonight with that cast on your dominant hand?" I asked smirking.
Demon don't be mean!
"Wow- you really are the opposite of Travis.. ur such a sarcastic jerk. I never said I was going to- I don't do that normally anyway."
"That can change." I said back, I kept the same dominant smirk on my face as I talked to the tiny emo boy on my lap who kept getting flustered. 
How far is this going to go tonight? You're ruining my brain right now.. 
"I'm sure he'd love to choke on your dick if you give him the chance."
Ah no- not yet- you're the only one ready. C-Can we leave a hickey on him?
"do it yourself."
Im afraid too..

{travis pov}

I woke up, as in I came back out, suddenly sitting there with Zane on top of me. "H-hiya.." He said nervously. I thought it was adorable, for once it wasn't me stumbling on my words and I was actually in charge of my own feelings and what lust I allowed myself to feel. We're teenage boys we both know we feel horny sometimes, it may not be every day but we still do I know it. Wait- does that mean Zane fingers himself when he has his girl parts? I feel like that's offensive to think about.
"Hey..~" I said staring into his dreamy eyes. I looked him over to make sure Demon didn't bite his lip too hard. I placed my thumb to his bottom lip and looked it over carefully. Zane looked at me like he was patiently waiting for something.
"My lip would feel better if you kissed it." He said, it made me stop and stare up at his eyes. I slowly leaned forward and kissed him, and I was actually comfortable enough to make out with him. My heart rate started rising, I felt everything inside of me melt as my thoughts filled with Zane. His body his taste his smell just Zane. "C-Can I leave a hickey on you?" I nervously ask after pulling back for air. He nodded and pulled his shirt collar off to the side so his shoulder and collarbone was exposed. "It's my first one.. but I just really want to if that's okay?"
"It's alright, please do it. Ill beg for you to do it." He whispered to me as I got close. It gave me even more butterflies. I started sucking on his soft skin, between his collarbone and shoulder, so his mom wouldnt see it on his neck of course. It was hard to figure out, but I got it eventually. Zane was quiet and his breathes were calm still, maybe his facial expression said otherwise though. I hoped it felt good for him. "C-Can I kiss your neck.?" I got the courage to ask. Something inside me felt comfortable when I was in control, I had no fear of Zane suddenly doing something without my permission.
"Of course." He answered soft. Everything about him seemed to have a soft, calm, understanding vibe. I kissed the crook on his neck and I could tell he liked it. So I started trying to almost French kiss his neck, hoping that is what people did when they kissed someone's neck. It seemed to be working because he started panting out slightly. I was running out of things to do that might pleasure him but wouldn't take it too far. Things that were meant for a time when we were both comfortable, like looking at and touching each other. Plus we were only in 11th grade I didn't think "the dirty" was such a big priority unlike other high schoolers.
"If you keep doing that I might nut in my pants-~ Between you and Demon you guys really got me all hot and bothered.." He said looking at me awkwardly, obviously turned on now.
"Im sorry about that.. I-I enjoyed what happened though.. if you did of course-" I said nervously, placing my hands on his back.
"Of course I enjoyed it." He smiled bright.
"Boys! Don't forget to go out into the greenhouse it's almost time for supper!" We both heard Zianna yell up the stairs to us. For some reason even though to door was closed, we jumped, separating and blushing madly.

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