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[ b l o o d   b a t h ]

I heard a loud, annoying buzzing sound in my ear. I tried moving to stop the noise, but noticed i was restricted. My vision was groggy so i rubbed my eyes and looked down to see that Travis was laying on my chest. I quietly told him that i had to move but he could stay asleep.
"Hey, i gotta move, go back to sleep, sweetheart.." I said sitting up. He turned over and i looked at my phone. I had just missed a call from Gene. So i picked up my phone and saw that i had not only missed this one call, but 7 already. Whatever was going on must be an emergency so i called him back immediately.
"Hey hey what's going on-?" I ask in a slight panic. I started pacing. Unexplained spammed phone calls with no texts always made me worry.
"Something's wrong with Sahsa. She is in a panic and crying and we need you right now! Youre the only one she will listen to!" Gene yelled in my ear.
I felt the color drain from my skin. "Okay- put her on the phone and ill drive over there right now im getting ready-" I said frantically. I look over and Travis sat up and rubbed his eyes, but he looked worried.
"W-What's wrong, Zane? Everything o-okay.? Where are you going..?"
I look at him and shook my head no. "Something is wrong with my friend Sahsa. She's pregnant so im worried about her, and she isn't going to the hospital for some reason- Sasha? Hunny it's gonna be okay alright? Im right here ill be over in a few minutes okay?" I put my phone on speaker and threw it on the bed running around my room trying to get my jeans on. I almost fell and Travis said he wanted to go with me because he didn't want to be left alone. He never changed into his pajamas so he was already dressed. He sat up and looked out the window while i grabbed my shoes and phone and wallet.
"Zane what time is it..?"
"What do you mean?" I ask not stopping tying my shoes.
"It's still pitch dark out." He said opening my curtains so i could see the outside light. That's the problem, there wasn't any, it was still dark. I look down at my phone and saw that it was 2 in the morning. "Shit.. Cmon we gotta be quiet." I said to Travis while we walked out of my room as quickly and quietly as possible.
"ZANE HURRYY PLEASE!" Sasha yelled through the phone, which was turned up almost all the way and on speaker. Noise came from my brother's room and by then i knew we had to hurry and making noise was the least of our concern. Travis stopped and looked back as his door opened and he looked sleepily at us.
"Zane what the hell are you doing? Shut the hell up and go back to bed. Travis?! I am not finished with you-"
I ignored him and kept going. I heard him run after us and if he woke up my mom our asses would be handed to us. He grabbed Travis's arm and he gasped. I heard a slap.
"Garroth, please, this is an emergency. Our friend is dying and i can't afford to lose anyone else. Leave us alone." Travis said to, my surprise, almost crying. I looked at Garroth who had a red mark on his cheek and he let go of Travis. Im not sure if he felt pity for him looking like hed been dead for 3 days now, or getting hit was all it took to make him listen.
"Get the fuck back in your damn bedroom and mind your damn business. " Travis said sternly looking at him and running down the remaining stairs with me. We darted out the door to my moms car and sped off to their house.
When we arrived Gene gave a slight look at Travis but i explained that i couldn't leave him alone with my brother. He just wasn't trusted alone. The things travis is going through he would probably do something stupid like self harm. I didn't think about how awkward it would be if Travis and Gene met and both liked me or something.
"Shes in the bathroom- she's in a lot of pain!" Gene said pulling me into the bathroom. Zennix was crying and Travis seemed anxious and distant from me. I didn't have time to save everyone right now Sasha was my only concern.
I kneeled down by Sasha and grabbed her hand. I didn't really care if i saw things i shouldn't have i was just more worried about her life. She told me that she thought it was time. Her stomach didn't have the biggest bump, this baby was early, really early. I looked at Gene.
"What's wrong.? Is she gonna die.?" He asked frantically.
"She might be having a miscarrage but I don't think it will be developed at all so she shouldnt feel anything but I wouldn't know ive never had a baby-" I said back. But I didn't have much time to talk to him because she squeezed my hand tight and screamed.
"It's okay Sasha- just breathe okay?"
She screamed and sounded like she was getting murdered. I wasn't an expert on pregnancy or how any of that worked. I just knew that a miscarriage could kill her, and if the problem for them was money then they couldn't do anything about it.. i didn't know what to do besides tell her to breathe.
"Gene how long has she been pregnant for?"
"We just got her tested when we noticed she had been gaining a lot of weight, she might be at month 3?"


[ Travis's POV ]

I didn't quite know what to do so I just kinda sat over by the stranger on the couch crying. I tried my best not to break down while trying to comfort him because I knew he was panicking.
"Hey.. what's wrong.?" I ask him softly. He was crying a lot.
"That girl in there, her name is Sasha and I got her pregnant.. We were fuck buddies to let off steam from our pasts and I got her pregnant.. i don't know whats happening to her, but she isn't 9 months yet. I do love her she is my best friend I don't want anything to happen to her.." He started crying more. I just put my arm around his shoulder and comforted him the best I could. I gave him his headphones and held him close. After awhile he calmed down a tad. I could hear all three of them yelling from the bathroom. I didn't know what was going on but it scared me just as much as it scared him.


[ Zane's POV ]

"Sasha i think you had miscarriage.." I explained examining the bloody water in the bathtub.. i wasn't sure if she was going to make it or not. I don't know how to help, what would the emt's say if they showed up and saw 5 high schoolers in a house alone while one of them is dying. they had no money. and i couldn't be giving it out for free even though mom got paid well. I think this situation calls for an ambulance, her life is on the line.

[ an: not so sure how accurate this is.. i tried fixing it. but obviously this is a fantasy / realistic fanfiction so pls roll with it thank youuuu. ]

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