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[ d a d ]
[triggers: physical/mental abuse]

I felt a tug on my arm. My body was being ripped away from Zane's. My grip loosening. The colors of the world were fading fast.
"Zane-! Zane-!! Save me-!" I was struggling to get back to him. I was pulling and jerking my arm away from the person who had me in a tight grasp. They picked me up and threw me over their shoulder. Why no one decided to care or even see who was taking me was blowing my mind. I guess no matter where I am or how sober the people are, no one sees or cares about me. It might have been because they were all drunk but seriously how is this normal?!
"Put me down! Let me go!" I kicked and wiggled. This person was a guy, I could tell by their body structure and strength. This man took me outside and set me down. I tried running but they grabbed my arm and pulled me towards them.
"Travis!" The person yelled. My dad. God help me. Im in so much trouble..
"What do you want?!" I snapped. I didn't mean to, I felt instant regret.
"Wh-" He started but I cut him off. What I wanted to say was important.
"Why do you ruin my life?! If mom were still here she would be proud of me going off to find friends! Unlike you! Why are you trying to hide me from the world?!" My eyes were smoking purple as tears started pouring from them, "You're such a monster! Im not your stupid slave, Im a teenager trying to have fun, make friends! I'm you're god damn son!!"
My cheek burned. I stumbled backwards and to the ground. Am I being my clumsy self or was that a powerful hit to the face? I honestly couldn't tell and my vision was fading in and out a bit. I look up at my dad, his eyes had pure anger in them.
"I've done nothing but protect you. You drugged me to sneak out, and proceed to call me a monster? I didnt raise you like this, you aren't my son." He said down on me, which wasn't even a worthy comeback to what I just said. Did he just hate me this much..?
Everything is dark. dull. I don't care anymore. I hope this darkness consumes me. 


I ran threw the people. I saw that Travis was in the air, they must've put him on their shoulder. Which means they are getting away faster! I tried running faster but I have such stubby, little legs! Why am I so short?!
"Travis-? Where are you-?" I stopped and looked around. ThE dOoR! It closed! They took him outside! I ran after them but stopped and quickly hid in the landscape bushes when i saw them talking. This man looks exactly like Travis, white hair and dark skin, must be his dad.
"Travis!" I think his dad yelled at him.
"What do you want?!" Travis snapped. Which seems out of character from him.
"Why do you ruin my life?! If mom were still here she would be proud of me going off to find friends! Unlike you! Why are you trying to hide me from the world?!" his eyes.. they were..turning purple, and flaming! "You're such a monster! Im not your stupid slave, im a teenager trying to have fun! i'm you're god damn son!!"


I gasped. My eyes started watering. Was I.. crying? Why was I crying? I didn't get hit. Wait.. the colors- Where are they going-? Travis fell and I could tell he was shaken up.
"I've done nothing but protect you. You drugged me to sneak out, and proceed to call me a monster? I didnt raise you like this, you aren't my son." He stared down at Travis. After a moment of silence he sighed and spoke, "Don't come home. Do what you want."
"How did mom love you..." He muttered under his breath. I was terrified- I couldn't stand to see Travis get beat by his father again- I was about to get up out of my hiding place but he got in the car and took off. I ran out to Travis quickly. Should I pretend I didn't see anything-? Should I say something to him-? I was torn because I didn't want him to know I knew that but I also didn't want him lying to me that he was fine if he really wasn't. Now I had only met him so i wasn't expecting him to tell me his whole life story tonight.


I saw Zane run towards me out of the corner of my eye.

Oh my lord did he see my fight with my dad-? Is it good that he could've seen that or is that bad-?  that might have been the demon rage my dad was talking about. im sure the mere fact that i drugged him to sneak out was enough to make his anger uncontrollable mixed with alcohol..  

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