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[ i t h a p p e n d e d a g a i n ]
[triggers: implications of rape, drugging, violence, depression ]

{AN: this was originally an idea from someone i was working with once i reached a point i was stuck. But.. no offense to them, i think this story is evolving in a good way, and id like to skip the messy stuff in this chapter, but still keep vague information about what happens with travis because it's important honestly you can skip it if you want too, im sure you get the idea. or just skip to the very last paragraph.}

the vehicle stopped as i was waking up. My eyes were covered by some type of cloth. I heard two people talking in the back next to me.
"Look at the pet weve caught tonight. He's quite tiny, i wonder how long he'll last. " -#1
"Yeah right- he wont make it past the second hour." -#2
"He's a freak too, make sure to grab the collar." -#1 the first one said. I started whimpering just listening to their plan to torture me. "Oh goodie, hes up. Cmon, little one. Were home." He dragged me out of the van, i hit the concrete ground hard.
"Be gentle with him, stupid ass. Look at how shook up he is.. poor thing. Bring him inside." This guy shut the driver side door, he sounded much bigger than the other two. (he is #3) I was taken inside this small worn down apartment looking area. They threw me down on the floor and ripped the blindfold off my head. I was already crying, one with brown hair noticed, looking down at me. "Look, the bitch is crying already. I told you he was a bitch. Hand me the collar." He said.
"Were getting out of here." Demon said, trying to change quickly and run out. He managed to push the idiots down, but the big guy grabbed his shoulder and pulled him down hitting the ground. We winced in pain.
"Where do you think youre going so fast? Try it again and youll have more than a bruise on your back." the big guy had black and red hair, he stepped over me. demon hissed at him. "Don't act so tuff, little demon. We can and will fuck you up if you try anything. I suggest changing back to your host."
"Or what? Gonna spank me?"
"Give me the collar." He said to the other two. The one with solid black hair had the bite mark from his ear. He handed 3 the collar. "Are you doing this the easy or hard way? Im giving you a choice."
"Over my dead body are you putting a collar on me."
"You picked the hard way." The werewolf had huge hands, and he held down both Demon's hands to the ground and forced the collar around his neck. Then we both felt a shock, and i was back out in control.
"There you are, twink. I missed you. If your demon friend gets any ideas you get shocked. Got it?" He grabbed my chin. "Youll do just fine wont you? Youll listen like a good boy?" I nodded and started crying more. "Oh no no, don't cry love. Well make sure you don't feel anything." He stood up backing away, letting the other two step forward.

i was drugged and tortured for hours.. they dug their claws into me, hit me, abused me, used me as they pleased... i was only half conscious. I wasn't sure if i was fighting over dosing or just fighting to stay awake. I lost quite a bit of blood, i screamed my lungs out. I felt nothing. All this for nothing. Because i was an easy target and people are monsters.

"I loved the orgasms you had. Such a big one for a little guy. Quite tiny for being 17." The brown haired werewolf showed me my wallet while i was laying there lifeless on the ground. I didn't have any money so he didn't take anything from it. I couldn't breathe, i couldn't move, i felt like my body was on fire. My throat was destroyed from yelling and being throat fucked. 3 picked me up off the ground, threw me out in the ally with my clothes on the ground next to me. "You can get dressed if youre strong enough."
They left me outside on the ground, bleeding from multiple areas, shaking, cold, feeling dead. The world was dark. Like black with white outlines of everything, like buildings and the rest of the environment. that may be because it was night. I wanted to die. I didn't have the energy to move, to make any sort of sound, otherwise id crawl into traffic and let a car hit me. i couldn't even get dressed. And they were inside enjoying the mess they made of me, how they ruined my life, while i was right outside their door in the ally, suffering.

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