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[ AN: this might eventually get confusing so anytime Demon, aka Travis' form, talks it will be italicized and in quotes and travis responding will just be italicized. ]

[ w e d n e s d a y ]

Today I start school. I am literally terrified, shaking in my skin. The uniform was a deep grey color, which didnt really bother me, but Garroth said his friend Aphmau hated it. She was a ray of sunshine and if it were up to her, shed be wearing purple every day. She did not hold a place in my heart because we weren't even friends yet. She was just another girl i heard about and didnt care for.
I was forced to take the bus because my father was still asleep. Even though he is a total douche sometimes, i left him a glass of water and some aspirin. He had stayed up late drinking again.
I walked outside and waited at the corner for the bus to arrive. I was texting Zane.

Snowy: im freaking out! Idk what to do or where to go! Im riding the bus!

Candle: hey chill out there. Youre gonna work yourself up and that's never good. Were on the bus too so once you get on come to the back and you can sit with me if youd like. Ill wave at you :)

Snowy: okay.. thank you. Ill seeya in a few minutes then. 

The yellow vehicle intimidates me as it comes around the corner and stops right in front of me. The doors open and i see a nice lady. She welcomes me, and i try to see this as the start of something great.
"Hello young man, are you new around here? Ive never seen you at this corner before." She asks with a warm smile. I look up at her and smile back slightly, starting to respond but almost trip up the stairs.
"Heh- whoops- im-im Travis- nice to meet you- yes im new around here-" i could feel my face turn a bright red.
"Oh hunny its okay, no need to be worried. The first day of school can be overwhelming, but dont worry about impressing me. Everything will be smoother than you think." She smiled bright and shut the door behind me. "Go on ahead and take a seat."
I look in the back and see Zane waving at me. I walked swiftly to him with my head down, I felt like everyone was watching me but I kept my eyes on my feet so I truly wouldn't know. When i arrived at the back i sat next to him.
"Morning partner. Looks like you made it on the bus without any major problems." He said with a slight smile.
"Morning.. say, where's your mask?" I ask curious. That caused him to roll his eyes and he shrunk down.
"The school's dress code states that i cant cover my face with a mask of any kind."
"Oh, heh, im sorry mr grumpy pants." I say. I suddenly heard my name being called and i look around. It was Garroth up a few seats.
"Hey- Travis- what are you doing back there?"
I didnt know what to do so i just waved and said, "im sitting with my friend."
Garroth looked at someone across the isle from him and laughed. "We can talk at school. Ill show you around." He then winked and turned around. When he winked i blushed, and zane noticed.
"Ew- that creep is disgusting."
"What-?" i said back quickly not really paying attention. 
"He winked at you, it's disgusting that he can't just act normal." Zane said. His hand readjusted on his lap but it hit my hand and he apologized. I apologized too, but didnt think much of it. It was quiet for awhile between us. I could see that Zane's facial expression went from how it normally is to suddenly a little more grumpy or depressed than normal.
"Oh Travis~~ your thoughts about that jock up there are quite intense, dont you think? You wouldnt want a 'morning wood' on the first day of school, would you?"
W-what are you talking about? Why are you bothering me again? I ask myself in my head, which was new for me and surprisingly worked.
"You know what im talking about, Travis. You have the hots for Mr. RoMeave up there. That wink turned you on and opened so many doorways with sexual things down them didnt it? Tell me it did."
I didnt answer him. whoever this thing was inside me. I really don't know if it's me or someone else up there. Or if it is even really talking to me right now. I don't know my form very well.
"No answer? I see. Ooo~ i think ill pick this one right here."
My thoughts were suddenly full of Garroth and him kissing me softly.

I found myself being hard and zane looked at me. "Travis... you okay?"
"W-what-? Y-yeah.. yeah..."
"Youre lying to me.. your form.. is that the problem?"
"Shh-!" I accidentally flipped out. "Sorry.. no one knows but you.."
"Sorry, I understand. But he is bothering you again isn't he?" Zane asked grabbing my hand and reading my feelings, I think that is what he was doing. He did it without permission and i wasn't sure what he would find.
"Travis tell emo wanna be over there to get out of your feelings."
I don't know what he can feel and what he cant..
I felt mentally and physically drained suddenly, as if Zane was taking all the emotion out of me and Demon was just draining me and filling my head with every type of emotion. I felt angry and got off the bus early because i thought i was going to throw up. When i met the bus at the school i saw Zane and Garroth arguing.
"You need to stop getting in people's heads, Zane! Travis could've been your only friend and you blew it! You blew it being my friend!" Garroth hit Zane upside the head.
"It? Travis is an it now?" Zane gave a look. It was odd not seeing him with his mask on.
"I meant him-" Garroth looked more mad than flustered.
"jackass." zane scoffed.
I just walked past them. I didn't really want to talk to either of them right now. As soon as I walked in the building I was lost. I managed to find the office and they immediately new who I was and that I would be lost. I told the office lady that I didn't know who anyone was in this school, hoping i wouldnt be told to follow Garroth around. She immediately told me that Garroth RoMeave would be able to show me around.
"Trust me Travis, he knows his way around the school very well. He is a great student." She gave me a smile and called him to the office. He appeared very soon and we started walking off.
"Cmon, Travis, right this way. What is your first class?" I explained my schedule to him and he showed me around. Surprisingly, and luckily, I had almost every class with him. I also noticed that I had a class about shapeshifting and I had it with only a few other students. Almost one on one with this nicely dressed guy. It was making me a little uncomfortable. It was my last class of the day, which was good but also alittle weird.
Without Zane here, I feel kind of empty- like im missing something and it made my colors fade quite a bit.

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