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[ f u c k  a l l ]

time skip - 2nd semester 
[ triggers: talk of sexual/drug abuse, self harm, language, physical fighting, smoking ]

The sound of the alarm seeped into my dream, causing the ringtone to continuously disrupt my train of thought. Once i realized what it was, i opened my eyes to check the time. It was 7:15. I sighed, "Travis.. we have school."  I received a groan from him as he covered his head in the blankets. "I know.." I tried waking him up softly. I knew how i was in the mornings and i didn't want to piss him off and ruin the first half of his day. I sat up to stretch, pat Travis's legs, and then got out of bed to find an outfit for today. Even though it was one of the warmer days in March, i still decided to wear a lot of layers. I've already been over this, but it didn't matter what the temperature was, i kept my emo aesthetic going. I also didn't want anyone to see my scars, so i wore arm socks. It was enough to go back after being in treatment, it was another thing for people to see my progress.. Same with Travis. After everything that has happened to him i don't imagine today was going to be easy for him, but we needed to graduate. Travis emerged from the blankets after groaning once more, then he rubbed his eyes and sat on his side of the bed. 
"fine..." He sighed out. I smiled to myself. I thought when he was annoyed it was adorable. He wore one of my hoodies, baggy jeans and a pair of construction boots he got while being away. I liked this look on him, made him look edgier, it suits him. 
"What?" He asked me, catching me staring at him. 
"Nothing." I blushed and continued to get ready. 

Unfortunately, because we were going back to school, mom had to go back into the office, which meant Garroth had to take us to school. I was sadly picking up on my smoking habits again, so i lit a cigarette before we made it to the school parking lot. 
"Zane." Garroth scoffed. I didn't respond to him. Travis understood that stopping would take time, and i have been clean for awhile since starting up again. We made it to the hellhole we call school once again, and walked inside like no one else was there. No one else mattered. We went to our new classes with new people, and some of our classes we didn't have together, some we did. We were fine. Of course the fear of something happening to Travis was in the back of my mind, but i trusted that since the school board knew about what happened to both of us, they would take it easy on the both of us. It's just 5 classes until lunch... 

During passing period for 4th hour, the sophomores stopped me at my locker. "Barcode boyyyy. Nice to see your ugly mug around." The first one said. I tried to ignore them. Then he grabbed my locker door, "Im talking to you." I rolled my eyes sighing. 
"Listen. If i wanted to hear anything from you, i would have said something back. It's my first day back, can't you bother someone younger and dumber than you?" 
"Why would we do that when you're so easy to make mad? How did therapy go? I see you're still covering your arms." he spoke. It was taking everything inside of me not to spit in his face. 
"You don't deserve to know my progress." I said and tried walking away to next period. But they stepped in front of me. Travis showed up at my locker to see what was happening. We had 4th period together so he was waiting for me, honestly i hoped he wouldn't have shown up. It's just going to cause more problems with these idiots. 
"Look who it is. The kid who gave the football team chlamydia." 
"That's not what happened.. but if that's the case didn't you get it too?" He asked in his innocent tone. The sophomore's face dropped. 
"Fuck off, whore. Im not gay and i wouldn't have sex with you if you were the last person on this planet." He shot back angrily. 
"Zane, lets go." Travis said dragging me, knowing that if anyone messed with him i would snap instantly. I knew we would get teased but fuck, man... I flipped them off before we went into the classroom. 
"Watch yourself, RoMeave!" He shouted, then left. We sat down in 4th period next to each other, trying to make it through the class. Everyone stared at us as we walked in like we were deseased or something.
"Focus class, they're here to learn the same as you." The teacher spoke up. It made me kind of more annoyed that he would even draw that attention to us, but he was only trying to help. A girl started talking in front of us to another girl next to her. Purposely showing her phone to her friend where we would both see it. It was a rumor in a group chat about Travis sleeping with a football player against the kids' will. I rolled my eyes and looked at Travis. He looked hurt, but still gave a half smile to me, trying to act like it didn't bother him. It's one thing to make a very false rumor, but this was the reverse of what actually happened to him, which i know hit close to home. I tried remaining silent.. but i couldn't. 
"I wonder how many guys he's slept with.." The girl whispered. I leaned forward and whispered to her. 
"I wonder how many guys you've slept with? By the way, she slept with your boyfriend about 3 weeks ago." This got their attention and started a cat fight between them. 
"Shut up you fucking liar. You don't even know my boyfriend." 
"He was at my brothers house to pick up something for basketball while i was bed ridden. He was standing right in front of my door, right next to the stairs, and said that she slept with him after a party. You were passed out on the bathroom floor. At least what im saying is true." I leaned back in my chair. I wanted to brag about how well Demon could rearrange guts and how amazing Travis was in bed as well, but they weren't deserving to know that spicy information. And it's our information, i didn't want that to get spread around either. Travis couldn't help but giggle because he knew exactly what i was talking about. Anyway, they started arguing because she knew that i was right. I didn't go to parties, nor did i know her friend, but i knew that she was black out drunk on the bathroom floor of her friend's house about 3 weeks ago. 

We made it through 4th, and were separated again for 5th period. On my way to Travis's locker before lunch, the sophomores stopped me again. 
"Did you tell everyone that i slept with my girlfriend's best friend?" It was the 2nd kid in the group. 
"Well yea, why would i spread false information like you all? She was talking about Travis forcing himself onto a senior football player and that didn't fucking happen. Nor did he ever force himself onto a freshman, nor did he spread any std's through the football team. I guarantee that it was the sophomore girls fucking around with the football team. Plus, your girlfriend was in my brother's room like 4 days ago screaming her head off. So if it was anyone spreading an std, i would test your girlfriend. And possibly yourself." 
"You fucking pervert!" 
"Hey im not the one who fucked your girlfriend, that would be something you talk to my brother about. Im not even straight." I put my hands up. 
"Ill kill you for this!" He shouted, even though i didn't do anything at all. Travis ran over to my side again. 
"This is the last time im going to warn you to back off." 
"Or what? You gonna make a move on me too?" 
Before i could say anything Travis punched the kid in the mouth. 
"Travis?!" I yelled out of shock. 
"You don't get the right to say anything about me! I was assaulted twice!! I don't want to hear another word about me or Zane come from anyone's mouths you hear me?! I was stolen, drugged, beat, assaulted by three grown men and left in an ally naked and half dead! IS THAT WHAT YOU WANTED TO FUCKING HEAR?!" Travis screamed at the top of his lungs, causing everyone in the hallway to stop and stare at him. Even the principal was listening at this point. "Do you want my death to be in your hands? Do you want anyone's death to be in your hands? Stop spreading rumors to protect your own shitty mistakes! Fuck all of you." He said and started crying and ran out of the building. I ran after him. "Travis wait!" He ran all the way to Garroth's car and sat there crying. I got in with him, "Baby... come here.." I held him tight. "You're so brave you know that..? Hows that hand? That was a nice right hook.." I tried cheering him up. He slightly smiled. "Hurts.." He chuckled through tears. 
"I fucking love you.. so much.. you're the bravest person i know to ever set foot in a place like high school after what happened to you.." 

After that we walked home. I lit a cigarette about halfway home and puffed on it while walking hand in hand with Travis. He even asked for a drag off it, so i let him. I know today was shit, and we left early. I think it's safe to say were doing homeschooling for the rest of high school. We don't need anyone of them in our lives to make it through school and get a good college degree, if we were doing college. We decided that we would do our own therapy session since we were home alone, which consisted of us sitting on my floor facing each other, spilling out anything that came to our minds. I started. 
"I got called barcode boy again and it made me want to self harm." 
"When the girls were talking in front of us i almost said that it was Garroth." 
"I almost spit in the sophomore's face. if you wouldn't have shown up i would have." 
"I actually punched the kid today, not demon." 
"I thought that it was extremely hot." 
"I genuinely thought i was going to off myself today until i yelled, it felt like i let it all out." 
"I don't want to stop smoking in order to not hurt myself." 
"I thought about sex in 3rd period." 
"I could kill the sophomores if given the chance." 
"Demon and I would let you." 
"Mhm. Okay i think.. im good.. are you good?" 
"Yea, im better. You thought about sex again?" 
"I thought we agreed not to ask questions unless asked first." He whined out. 
"Trav i know but i don't want you to over sexualize yourself. Did you or Demon do it?" 
"I did. And i wasnt i was just.. thinking about you..." 

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