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{garroth pov}

For lunch the boys and i stepped outside and took a slow walk to the track.
"So what's going on with Travis? Why is he all twitchy like?" Laurence asked walking backwards in front of me. Dante was at my side.
"You can't say anything, my mom threatened to have me suspended if any word got out."
"Is it that serious?" Dante's eyes got wide.
"Yeah. Travis has been staying with me- i mean at the house and all. He apparently was abused as a kid, and got raped recently, and not that long ago his dad overdosed. He walked in and found his body i guess.  I noticed he's been real close to Zane though, he wants nothing to do with me at the house anymore." I explained, leaving out the fact i was the culprit. Today when he hung out with us, he acted like nothing was going on; must be Zane's doing.
"Damn. You think he's scared to be seen as gay?" Laurence asked.
"No," the person who did it is though, i thought, "He hangs out with Zane, he isn't afraid of a rumor calling him queer." We kept walking until we found the bleachers. We all stopped when we saw Zane and Travis talking at the very top.
"You think it was your queer brother?" Laurence asked me, sounding confused.
"Now why would Travis be around his rapist but not a friend? Laurence youre so dumb sometimes." Dante scolded.
"Don't say anything about this to anyone, if the school knows ill be fucked. Im sure my mom will find out sooner or later that i told you."
"Is he our friend still since he's talking to the mutt?" Laurence asked confused again. He's the stupid one out of us all i could say.
"Laurence, it's Travis. He IS our friend. Im only worried about the jackass sophomores finding out and tormenting him." Dante said.
"You mean them?" Laurence said, pointing to the group of kids going over to the bleachers.
"Where did they come from?!" I yelled in a panic.
"I think they overheard what we were saying." Laurence said guilty like.
God mom was going to kill me if not Zane. 

{zane pov}

Travis and i were sitting on the top of the bleachers, just hanging out for lunch. Of course we didn't eat, eating at school was one of the biggest mistakes you could ever make. Well actually, no matter what you do at school it's always wrong to someone. You eat you're fat, you don't you're depressed.
"We only have two more classes after lunch, we can make it. You're doing so good." I tried to encourage Travis. I noticed people were staring at my change of clothes, but no one could say anything clever enough to hurt my feelings. I had one earbud in, Trav had one of his in. We were probably listening to very different music, I decided to listen to Twenty One Pilots because it had been awhile since I actually listened to them.
"Thanks.. yeah im doing alright, sometimes looks seniors give me in the hallways freaks me out, i want to just.. hang onto you but.. i-i" Travis started but it was hard for him to finish.
"It's alright. You don't have to explain yourself at all. If you need to be close then you can. I told you i don't care what i need to do to make you feel okay i'll just do it." I grabbed Travis's hands, hoping to make him feel comfortable.
"C-Can we do something after homework when we get home?" He asked blushing. I smiled sweetly and nodded yes. "Of course we can." Suddenly there was loud banging from the underneath of the bleachers that caused us both to jump. Some group of kids started making loud moaning noises too, so Travis and I looked over down behind us to find the sophomore jocks acting like they were fucking someone, if you get what I mean. I looked up across the road and who do you think I saw? Garroth, Laurence and Dante.. but oddly they all looked concerned. I flipped them off with one hand. Travis started panicking, his grip on my hand tightened as he looked at the group of underclassmen under the bleachers.
"Can we join you fags?" -kid 1
"Who is the bottom between you too?" -kid 2
"You wish you were good enough to get with someone like me." I said stomping down the stairs in my platform Doc Martins. "Ill wear platforms tomorrow and kick your ass in them if you don't leave us alone. Whatever ramen head over there said to you is probably a lie." that was probably one of the lamest insults ive said about Garroth. He has blonde curly hair, so.. i tried saying his hair looks like ramen noodles. Good one zane.. -_- 
"Well see about that tomorrow. If you want to fight we can, queer, just be ready to lose." -kid 3.
"Whatever you say." I said back smiling. They hated when what they said made me laugh. I looked down at them from still being on the bleachers, but now looking over the railing at them, a few feet away from them.
"You'll regret smiling Ro'Meave!" -kid 3 getting flustered.
"Listen, I don't regret anything, there is nothing that can ruin my life anymore than it already is. Just fuck off. Your jokes aren't funny." I said back smiling even bigger. Travis was still close to the top of the bleachers, waiting for them to leave.
"Are they gone yet.?" He asked slowly coming down.
"Yeah.." They could have been making fun of us because we were alone together, but the way they were acting made it seem like Garroth spilled his lid already.
"Do you think he told them to come do that? I saw them on the side of the road." Travis said changing his song.
"I don't think he would expose himself that much. He's stupid but I don't think he's that stupid. I think those assholes were just talking about us being gay."
"Does the school think you're straight?" Travis suddenly said, he covered his mouth right afterwards, eyes wide, "Demon!! Why would you make me say something like that!" His flustered expression made it seem believable.
"Umm yes, Demon, thank you for saying I look queer. What did you expect im a transgender? Of course I look queer! I don't think anyone in this school thinks im straight." We had to start walking back inside the school to finish our last two classes.
"Demon said he wants to do stuff when we get home." He started blushing and only got worse from here.
"What does that mean?" I was confused, and started going threw my music, picking Migraine because it's been forever since I listened to that song.
"Demon says he means like do stuff with you-"
"Oh.? Like what?" I slightly chuckled.
"He says he wants to.. kiss you.." He whispered the last part since we were close to the school now. We talk about kissing like were publicly talking about sex- younger kids have done worse. 
"Oh- I see, we can talk more about that on the way home." I said starting to get flustered myself. Why would Demon be interested in liking me? Would that be like dating two people or just Travis.? Anyway- we reached the doors to go back inside. We both put our other earbud in while walking to our lockers to grab our stuff for 6th period. What Travis was saying, well saying for Demon, was still on my mind. It got me thinking about how serious our relationship even was. Yeah we sleep in the same bed but his rapist is my brother, where else is he going to sleep and feel safe at the same time? We kissed once, went on one date, but did it still hold meaning to him?
I was woke up from my thoughts with a hard shove, I was pushed into someone. I turned around swiftly to see the sophomores laughing and walking past. I turn to apologize to who I ran into and it was only the scariest, edgiest senior in the entire school. "Oh- Ein im so sorry.. it was -"
"Yeah i know who it was." He said in a deep growl. I met back up with Travis to head to our lockers.

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