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[ c o f f e e ]

I was walking towards the coffee shop. My head down texting snowy, not paying attention what so ever. I ran into someone, oddly we both fell. I look up and see colors through the darkness of the night. Someone who had green on, lots of it. A dark viridian green. But the colors were so vibrant. I saw white, a-and a bronze tan.
"I'm sorry- I wasn't watching where I was going..-" I say embarrassed collecting myself and standing up.
"I-it's okay- I wasn't either-" He just sat there, looking at his hands. "W-What..? Color..? W-What did you do to me..?"
"You.. can see color too..?-" I ask not even thinking about how weird that was. I thought the color thing was some weird thing that only I had.
"Y-you couldn't before we collided either..?" He asked me back.
I nodded no. "Wait are you.. ivorykeys? ivorykeys on instagram?" I ask blushing. I pulled my mask up higher. 
He nodded. "H-how did you know..?"
"Your voice is unmistakable, im such a huge fan of yours.." I said trying not to sound too excited. Just then I noticed that this person was Travis. "Wait- youre Travis right-? Oh my gosh I can't believe I didnt recognize your voice sooner." I was embarrassed, why did i say that to a person i just met 10 minuets ago at a terrible party.
"Aren't you Garroth's younger brother, Zane..?" He asked me, it caught me off guard for some reason. Then the image of him standing up for me came to mind immediately. 
"Yes, why did you stand up for me-? That was so stupid of you-"
"But what he did was wrong.." He blushed a deep color of red. His skin..so beautiful.. how did a man get such a lucky birth? Bronze skin, a beautiful voice.. it doesn't make sense to me.
"You remind me of someone im supposed to meet. Can I buy you a coffee and make this up to you since were here?" I hoped I was hinting enough that I was candl3 and he was snowy but maybe I was wrong.
"No, no it's okay- I'm sorry- I don't want to be any trouble." he stuttered out and stood up.
"You won't be, don't say that."
"B-but aren't you waiting for someone..?" 
"It's okay. I think he lives farther away from here." i reassured him. I felt that same energy from snowy, it has to be him i think my intuition is right about this.
"o-okay.." He said back. I could tell he felt like a bother. We got our coffees and sat in the back.
"So that party," I started, "It wasn't your thing?"
"N-no, parties aren't really my thing.." He got out his phone and took a picture of his coffee. Just then my phone buzzed in my pocket. I looked at Travis, and he looked at me. I slowly looked down at my phone and saw it was from snowy. I thought that it could have been a coincidence that he texted me at the same time but when I opened it I was even more shocked. It was the coffee Travis just took a picture of..
"You are snowy." I looked up at him and he was blushing a bright red.
"T-that means you're candle.." His sentence made me blush even though i knew it was coming. I didn't entirely know what to say now. "Well, now that we're both here, we might as well get to know each ot--" I was cut off by a familiar voice. 
"Zane! I told you to stay at the house." Garroth stormed over to me half drunk and scolded under his breath. He thought he was being quiet but he still caused a scene. By that i mean the baristas were staring at us. 
"What are you two doing? You guys on a date or something? Cmon. Dante needs you, Travis. And Zane if you leave the yard again mom will know and she will kill me!"
I saw Travis blush and look down at his feet. "Yes sir...- I-I mean--! Yes Garroth-- ugh- yeah, sure- ill go back to the party.." 'Yes sir' ? Seems like he has a terrible dad too. And he reacted to the date part.. he must be closeted too, but I don't want to assume too much.
"Shut the hell up, Garroth." My mother watches our location the whole time we go out to a party. And sometimes she makes Garroth drag me along with because she doesn't trust him. It's really sad that I got turned into my older brother's babysitter.
"Why are you so brave all of a sudden?" Garroth asked with attitude, dragging me outside the café. Was he really going to fight me? "What are you doing? Are you going to spank me? Are you going to tell mom like a 5 year old?" I was only a bit afraid, but if Travis can stand up to him surely I can. Im his brother for gods sake! Siblings are supposed to argue but not fist fight.
"If you want to fight, then we can, faggot. What are you going to do about it? Gonna tell mom?" He was trying to make me mad on purpose, and I noticed he couldn't come up with his own comeback. I turned and looked at Travis. He looked scared. Garroth was an asshole when he was drunk.
"Cmon.. Wanna listen to some music?" I grabbed my ear buds and held one out for him. Garroth looked back at him, I could sense that it made him very uncomfortable. "It's fine, ignore him. Don't listen to anything he has to say, not even the f slur. he's just drunk. Now c'mere, I know you can't resist listening to Claire de Lune."
Travis cracked a small smile and ran over to me. He grabbed the airpod and put it in. He was very near me. The right side of my body was tingling from negativity. It was actually making me anxious. But it was slowly going down, which was good. After while of listening to classical music, I played covers by him that I downloaded. Creep, originally by Radiohead, cover by ivorykeys, aka Travis apparently, came on first and he started humming and I found that adorable. I put the other ear bud in his ear when he started singing. I didn't need the earbud if i could just listen to him sing live. He grabbed my arm randomly. I blushed madly but then I noticed he sings with his eyes closed. I bet he does that in his videos too but he never shows his face. He was such a good singer. It drives me crazy that he is this good! he sounds exactly like the recorded version; he must not use auto-tune. No one was up to hear him so it was fine. I let him sing all he wanted to. I mean, it was amazing! He was making my heart melt~ We arrived at the destination. Back at the house of hell itself.
"Cmon you too. Stop holding hands and get inside." Garroth said to us. I just watch him walk inside. Travis looked at me with a nervous expression.
"W-We have to go back inside..?"
I nod slightly. "Sadly.. Ill make sure to stay close to you though, alright?" Once I said that out loud it sounded like I was is boyfriend of 6 months. He didn't think it was weird though and I didn't mind either way. Not saying I had a crush on a stranger but im not denying it either.
He nodded back, tightening his grip around my arm. I blush a bit and pull my mask up higher over my nose. We enter the house behind Garroth. All I see is an ocean of people. Smoking. Drinking. Making out in every corner or on piece of furniture. I felt a tug on my arm. I look up and see Travis being pulled away in the crowd.
"Travis-?!" I yell and try to run after him. I push threw people, knocking some over, but I didn't care.
"Zane-!" I hear the fear in his voice. But I can't find him!

The colors are fading- where are they going? it was like they were following Travis out the door.

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