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[ s l e e p ]

Zane's room was remarkable. I was so shocked by all the paintings in his room. Honestly you could barely see any of his walls. I turned back to Zane and to my surprise I saw him looking down at his hands and then looked back at me.
"W-What's the matter, Zane?" I ask with concern.
"Are.. your colors pinkish too?" He was blushing a little, I could see it over the bridge of his nose under his mask. I looked around and found a canvas that had a lot of reds and pinks on it and yeah, it was pretty vibrant. Is this because I am embarrassed? I turned back to him and nodded slightly.
"So, what do you want to do first?" Zane asked me. "I have my playstation, or I have art supplies we could mess around with. Or we could just talk. It's really up to you." Zane said, pulling down his mask.
"Y-You said you had a playstation..?" I asked with a smirkish smile.
He nodded. "I have a lot of games if you want to look through them. They are right over there is that white box." He pointed to a shelf where he had multiple, boxes with handles on them. They were actually one of the only things that weren't all white or black in his room. As they went down to the bottom they turned to grey, to charcoal to black. I liked his style, it was actually quite nice and aesthetically pleasing. I pulled out the box and set it on the floor. I started grabbing games out while he was turning on his tv and console. I saw Minecraft and black opps II which made me excited. I wasn't good at either game though.
"I found some games." I say kind of talking to him like I was more comfortable being around him.
"Okay, that's chill," He looked away from the buttons on his tv, "Lets see what you have here. Minecraft, Black Opps II, Midnight Club, all very good choices. Did you see the Evil Within or Overwatch?"
"The E-E-Evil Within..?" I looked up at him. He gave me a small smile and a chuckle.
"We don't have to play that one if you don't want to. How about Overwatch though?"
I nodded. I have never played that game but I wanted to so bad! I would always watch game play on it.
"So, wanna play bo2 first? so you can warm up to play overwatch?" Zane asked me grabbing the case and opening it, like he knew I was going to say yes. I nodded yes.


Little did I know that Zane was a god at this game. He was snipping people left and right, no scopes, long shots, spawn shots. He made so many people rage quite. And he only had like 2 deaths. Zane complimented me on my tomahawk skills. He said that I should try to use a sniper rifle because it was like the same thing with the timing and all. So I did and I was terrible. But he said I wasn't as bad as a noob. I just wasn't a god yet. We weren't that bad of a team. I was actually enjoying this. We started changing game modes and of course Zane was awesome at every game mode we chose! Gun game went by within like 15 seconds. He managed to get through the game without dying more than once (the one death he had was from me, tehe). The next round I won finally. We started playing overwatch and I had to be taught how to play because ive only watched people play it before. I went for reaper because Zane said him and WidowMaker were his favorites but I tried to play everyone and I got the hang of it pretty quick. I changed to soldier76 because he was the easiest to play as for me, and he had white hair and was gay so I thought he suited me. Zane was honestly the Reaper to my Soldier.


Many games later

It was around 4:30 in the morning. Zane had finally fallen asleep, and i was uncomfortably thirsty, and awkward in an unfamiliar house of a boy that i just met who let me add i was already sleeping in the same bed with. I was here out of pity if you think about it. He probably didn't like me as much as he was letting on, even if snowy and candle were getting along so well, they were different people it seemed like. i could hide behind a screen and be okay and in person i was a stuttering sweaty mess who didn't know how to act around people. I carefully made my way to the bathroom as well, since i was was up all night and trying not to squirm around to wake Zane up. I hated using the bathroom at other people's houses, i just felt so awkward in the middle of the night. And i definitely didn't want to get a drink or just wonder around, even though Zianna said that i could have anything i wanted while i was here.. I had that strange feeling in the back of my neck that my form was trying to take over me or talk to me again. His voice was scary, knowing i couldn't control him. I walked out of the bathroom as quietly as i could, seeing Garroth passed out on his bed still fully dressed, and even walked past their younger brother's door as well. I crept down the stairs to their massive kitchen, using my phone flashlight to navigate my way around. I hated doing this, but i looked in their fridge of bottles of water and quietly took one instead of getting in their cabinets for a glass. I felt that it was slightly less rude even though i still felt terrible. I didn't want to sit on their furniture or anything, but i just didn't want to be in bed with Zane. i felt like such a burden here, in a house full of people i had just met because my dad was too much of an asshole to control himself. I mean id rather be here than there i suppose, after something like that happened.. 
Just as i was about to head back up to his room, i noticed stairs that went to the basement. I nosily went down the stairs. I was mostly asleep and not even conscious of my own thoughts and actions much anyway. I went down there and it was just an empty living room with windows that showed their back yard. It was beautiful just like the rest of their house. There was a big window and sliding door. Right in front of this was a piano. A grand piano, sitting there by itself. I walked over to it and ran my fingers over the dusty keys.
I decided to play a song that I have been working on for awhile now. There were obviously still parts that I messed up and I hoped that I would get them right so I didn't mess up in front of the RoMeaves. I closed my eyes and started playing, feeling the keys and the vibrations of the strings. It was Victor's solo from the Tim Burton movie Corpse Bride. It was one of the most beautiful pieces of music I have ever heard in a kids movie, that I enjoyed a lot.

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