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[ t w i t c h y ]

We haven't been sleeping much, i keep having nightmares, the same nightmares. About rape, Zane self harming, my dad dying. I'll wake up, go right back to sleep and get sucked into the same dream resuming where i left off. Ive been in that dream at least five times now, and im almost immune to it, but blood and my dad gets me every time. I was in bed still when i felt the sun's warmth kiss my face. I rubbed my eyes sitting up, but started to panic when I didn't see Zane anywhere in his room. I sat up and heard muffled yells outside his door.
"I said stay the hell away from him. Get ready so we can." It was Zane i could tell. He had been giving a lot more attitude recently, Demon couldn't figure out where it was coming from either. "Fine, fuckface, get out of my way then!" That was Garroth.
"Boys quit cursing right now!" I heard Zianna yell from the main floor. Zane opened his door and came back inside to greet me.
"Oh youre awake. So, some bad news.. We actually have to go to school until my mom can get a doctors excuse note from my therapist." Zane explained sitting down on the bed. I know this was irrelevant but i couldn't stop staring at his lips, the sun coming in and making his eyes so much more silver and blue, they were beautiful.
"Pay attention, Travis. You're in no mood to be kissing him."
I want to tho.. because i know he really loves me
"No- maybe im mentally stable enough but you are not."
"Oh-," I snapped back into reality, "Okay when will that be..? Wait you said for us? But it's you're therapist, right?"
"The next meeting is for the both of us.. you have to tell her what's going on too so she will believe my mom that we need to stay home from school for a bit. But it's this Thursday so we have to make it four days in school.." He said with a half frown on his face. Zane walked a few paces over to his closet and rested on one hip.
"What are you deciding on? It's black or black." I said confused, chuckling. He turned to look at me with a smile creeping over his face.
"I have to decide how edgy i want to go, just mild or full chains and makeup. It's been awhile since i dressed up actually.. think i should?"
"Up to you i guess.. i don't have much to choose from." I explained.
"I think he's trying to make you feel better."
I noticed...
"Well? Try it. Dress up with him. I tried telling you that before clothing is a huge part in feeling confident in yourself."
Demon.. i don't think clothes is going to help... Besides i don't need to look more gay.
"Fine, then Zane will dress up all on his own. And don't let me catch you thinking about him then."
Yeah yeah whatever.. My thoughts trailed off as i saw him pick out ripped straight pant jeans, light blue jeans a matter of fact, a long sleeved shirt that was black and white striped, and a black band tee shirt to go over it.
"Umm you can change in here if you want.. i have to put my binder on so.. umm.. ill face this way.." He said blushing. I nodded kind of awkwardly, i figured i could change quicker than him because he was putting more layers on than i was. "Ill just change in here at the same time.." I said soft. I grabbed my bag of things that Zane packed from the house, it wasn't that much but it was enough to start off, which was nice of him. I put on my black jeans, a tee and my usual green hoodie. As i predicted, i was done way before Zane.
"Look at him."
What why?
"Because just do it. I bet he looks adorable and tiny."
Demon! Quit! I am not going to look at him we aren't dating. Plus you just told me it's not the time to be messing around like that. 
"Pleeeeeaaaassseee!! I said i could not you."
I didn't answer demon, but i did shift about 3 steps to the left so i could barely see the side of Zane's body in his mirror. He was in his binder and jeans already, he had such a thin waist.
"Thank youuuu."
Shut it. I finished getting dressed by throwing on my hoodie. "Im ready when you are.." I said, still speaking in the same soft tone.
"Alright, im good now." He said a few seconds after. We walked out together to the upstairs bathroom to freshen up, brush our hair and teeth. On the way out i glanced at Garroth's room, the door was open and he was no where to be seen. Zane must have noticed because he grabbed my hand as we walked to the bathroom.
"I made sure he was downstairs already." His tone comforted me. We finished getting ready. Zane brushed his hair and his natural curls poofed up so much! I was in love! I decided not to comment on it though.


Zianna drove us to school and Garroth took the bus. She promised me she told Garroth to leave me alone because i wasn't doing too well, i hoped she didn't find out Garroth almost hurt me again, i don't think i was ready for that. I will admit i was new to this school and already missed about a weeks worth because of everything going on. As we were walking on the long sidewalk up to the entry, Zane started whispering to me.
"My mom called the school, she let them know we've had something happen and she requests that we stick together. So your locker is right next to mine, and i changed my schedule so we have the same one now. Garroth will still be there too unfortunately but ill be right next to you the whole time okay.?"
I nodded, Zianna did her best, that was all she could do to help until we could be homeschooled for awhile. As we approached the doors, i noticed Zane went from calming to almost resting bitch face.
"W-why are you upset?" I got the courage to ask.
"Oh- sorry.. i always look like this, so the idiots don't think im in a good mood. When im in a decent mood they fuck with me more. Waaaaiit- youre popular aren't you. Shit! Just- try to act like nothing is wrong, okay? They'll try to talk to you and push me away. Im used to it just go along with it." Zane suddenly told me something different than what he promised we would do. How could i be around the popular kids if i knew they were all like Garroth?
"Just go with it if you need me to say something than let me know ill say something for you." Demon explained.
The bell rang, the school day started. Seven long hours were lurking ahead.
"Travis there you are. Weve missed you buddy." Dante said bro hugging me. I went with it, it had been some time since i saw Dante. I trusted him really.
"Yeah, sorry i had some family stuff go down." I explained, trying not to let it bother me too much.
"You could've texted me ya know? I was worried." He said back, half smiling with worried brows.
"I just needed space. But im here now, everything is good as it can be for now." I said trying to sit down next to Zane.
"Umm what is he doing following you like that? Is the puppy lost?" Laurence said to Zane, that last part in a cute voice, looking over at Zane with a fake sad face. Zane gave them no emotional response. "Wow.. Youre so boring today." Laurence said sitting down. I didn't comment.
A bit into the class, i was doing my homework and Dante tapped my shoulder, causing me to jump.
"Woah, i didn't mean to scare ya, dude. Sorry bout that. Anyway, do you wanna hang out sometime after school??"
"I-I don't know that i can today. Are you having another party this weekend? Maybe i can make that." I lied so he'd stop talking to me.
"Yeah so you can have sex with someone huh?" Laurence grabbed my arm and it freaked me out. I didn't know what to say.
"Don't yell-"
"Laurence please let go of him." Garroth spoke with an annoyed tone. I was surprised to see it come from him. Laurence let go of me and turned to face him.
"What's wrong with you? I was just playing with him." -Laurence
"I know but he's been through a lot. Don't stress him out." Garroth turned back to doing his work. I was dumbfounded, why on earth would he do that for me?
"You know why.. so his ass wouldn't get caught. He knows if you say something hell get caught because all the jocks do shit like that. He also knows you're part demon. He's probably scared."
I glance at Zane who was staring at me intensely, his head down at his paper resting his head on his hand but eyes looking up at me.
"We should learn sign language."
Thanks Demon, ill keep that in the memory banks.. 
"im just saying if you sign to Zane it would be helpful in situations like this." 

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