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[ c a n  I  o r  n o t ? ]

Zane and I managed to make it the last few hours without getting picked on. Zianna said she was picking us up from school again, Garroth came by Zane's locker in a rush.
"Zane listen-"
"Garroth I don't wanna hear any of your bullshit, alright? I don't care if they overheard or if you told them. You weren't supposed to say anything about anything!" Zane scolded him, never turning to face him, I tried to keep my eyes on my locker as well, packing up my things.
"I didn't tell them anything, Laurence asked why Travis was acting jittery and I told him he's been through a lot recently. The sophomores were making gay jokes at you on their own. I had nothing to do with this." He explained, then sighed. "Listen I want to make peace alright, I want to stay on the football team, stay out of trouble, and you want to stay out of drama, we can work together here."
"No Garroth, we can't work together. I don't think you understand what is happening here. You want to save yourself and your reputation. Maybe if you would stop drinking like a pussy and just own up to being bi curious you wouldn't have had--" Zane stopped himself abruptly as i turned to look at him, "If you weren't an asshole none of this would have happened." He said turning towards him at the end. I did noticed Garroth turned into the victim here pretty quick. When the situation had anything to do with himself he was cautious with what he said and how he acted toward Zane.
"Im gonna be late for the bus, ill see you when I get home." He said walking off. We did the same.
isn't this my fault?
"No it's not don't say that. It's true, Garroth has a drinking problem. Sooo can we do homework and flirt with Zane?"
What? Why are you so obsessed with Zane today?
"What do you mean? It's your thoughts."
Zianna pulled up and we both got in the back seat.
"How was your day boys?" She asked in her cheery voice.
"It was fine." Zane said in his voice that meant he was hiding pain. Like the same tone he used at school so no one would pick on him or ask questions.
"That's good.. Do you have much homework?" She asked another question, she was just trying to start small talk with us. I imagine this is what she say when the brothers walk inside from getting off the bus too.
"No we don't have much, we used our PE as a study hall today. The gym teacher said we didn't have to participate until we come back from our break.." I said shyly.
"That's good. Zane the greenhouse needs taken care of today, a lot of the fruit bushes need harvested." She explained. I had no idea they had a greenhouse in the back!
"Alright, after homework." He said looking at his phone. I didn't want to snoop but I glanced at his phone and he was writing down something in his notes. It was about a 5 minuet drive back to the house. I managed to see a couple note sections labeled: date ideas, 13 reason why, plants, and surprise.
I wondered what all of those things meant, and what really caught my attention was 13 reasons why. Even though I was sitting right next to him I texted him.
Me: are you alright??
he turned and looked at me confused, then started typing.

Zane: yeah why whats up??
Me: just making sure.
Zane: what are you thinking about over there? ;)
Me: n-nothing- it's demon doing the thinking.
Zane: hey so about us, are we really an us or just friends. we kissed and all but what does that mean to you?
"Does he want to find out?" Demon said in a really horny voice, I could tell he was smirking. It made me turn bright red.
Me: Demon said do you want to find out🫣

that earned another glance from Zane, this time he had his lips slightly parted, and it said it all in his eyes.
"How much homework did you say you had, Travis?" He asked out loud.
"Oh um- math and a lot of chemistry." I said confused. I wasn't sure why it mattered but I knew something in the head of his was spinning.
"Yes he's ours! Can we please kiss him again?"
Demon! Don't turn me on!
"Don't you see what he's doing? He is trying to see how much time you have to get freak-ayyyyye"
DEMON QUIT! Zane isn't like that..
"When did you need the fruit mom?"
"Before supper would be nice. But take your time with your homework please." She said pulling into the driveway.
"Alright." He said grabbing his bookbag and getting out abruptly. "Cmon Travis lets get chem done so we can go out in the greenhouse." I didn't question and went inside as well, following him up to his room. When I walked in I closed the door behind me. "Zane I think Demon really wants out.."
"Oh, he can come out as long as he knows chemistry." Zane joked with me, he unzipped his bag, taking his book and notebook out, "Do you want the bed or the desk?"
"Ill taaaaaaaake.. the bed." I said setting my stuff on Zane's bed, getting my things out as well. Demon was poking, making me antsy and it hard to concentrate.
What is it Demon? Im trying to get homework done, you can talk to him in a minute.
"I want to right now.."
I sighed heavily, causing Zane to look up from his book. "What's the matter?"
"Demon won't stop bothering me. He's making it hard to think. Can I have 7 through 12?"
"Yeah," Zane tossed his notebook on the bed and sat there studying me, "Why does he want out so bad for?"
"I don't know.. He won't say he just wants out." I said copying the answers.
"Don't lie Travis; that's a naughty boy. Zane will have to give you a punishment."
Demon actually stop- you're being weird. you may have been affected differently from the assault but i just have trauma. don't even make me a sex addict now.
"We can put chemistry off if he's bothering you that much. Were almost done anyway." He said, his tone was so comforting and forgiving. It was hard to explain, the best way to say it was he was like a host and I was his best friend over for the first time in forever asking me what I wanted to do like he would sacrifice anything to have me enjoy my time here.
"Youre taking too long." I felt Demon taking over quickly, without any warning I was blacking out.

{demon pov}

I took over Travis without warning, Zane basically giving me the okay to. I was laying in the same position Travis was when he was doing homework.
"Well hello, why are you bothering Travis so much today?"
"Because Zane I saw the look you gave us in the car." I was eager to get some type of hot conversation going since there potentially was something sparking but he gave up.
"W-What look.?" He tried playing dumb.
"Zane RoMeave do you think im stupid? Im a Demon I know when I see lust in someone's eyes."
"Ohh so you thought you saw lust in my eyes, alright. Is this what this is about? You could have just said so." He was looking down at his hands, then glanced up at that last part slightly smirking. His slouchy posture in his rolling desk chair was hot to me, his legs rotating it back and forth slightly.
"Really? So youre saying you would accept me saying that Travis wants to kiss you again. You'll accept me saying I want to kiss you?" I knew that last part would make him hesitate. Why would anyone want anything to do with me other than sex... That's my job, to be the opposite of Travis so why would I even think for a second id get affection.
"You could have asked.. I figured the only time id get to kiss Travis again would be on some kind of date. And if im being honest that glance in the car did mean something. But I wanted to make sure Travis wasn't uncomfortable because your guys' feelings come first. After everything that has happened i didn't want to make you guys uncomfortable" He explained looking at me all serious like.
"Alright enough of this mushy bullshit, can I kiss you or not?" I said impatiently.

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