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[ s u r p r i s e ]

"He should be here by now. He said he would be home around 2." I said pacing the room. Zianna was walking around "cleaning" the already spotless house. Garroth was on the couch playing on his phone or something like that. He noticed my pacing and spoke up, "Travis he'll be here when he gets here, alright? He's probably running late like usual." He said and continued to get sucked into his phone.
"But he should've been here not that long ago!" I said starting to over think now.
"Travis you have to calm down. You know instead of freaking out you could let your body be excited to see him. Ever think of that?"
"Now relax before you give yourself a heart attack."
It's hard to, Demon!
"Well just chill out he'll walk in the door any moment."
Lucinda appeared behind me suddenly startling me. "Gah-! Lucy don't do that- I'm already on edge." I explained hugging her.
"Oop- Sorry, Travis. It's nice to finally talk to you in person again; I've missed you so much. How are you doing?" She asked hugging back.
"I'm doing much better thanks for asking. Yeah i mean.. I really do think I'm doing good. Right now I'm just nervous for Zane. He was supposed to be here already."
"Oh don't worry it's Zane, he's always late." She said. Everyone said this like it was normal for him to be late but he was coming home from the ward by himself. What if they took him back or something?! But the plan was to throw a tiny party for him because he missed his birthday while he was in the ward. I know he doesn't like big parties, so the decorations were limited to a string of letters spelling "welcome home" hanging over the dining room, and lucinda edited it with her magic so it also said "happy birthday" under the other two words. We also didn't buy him a fancy cake, Zianna and I made it. She said cherry chip was his favorite cake flavor so that's what we made him. Zianna of course has all the latest kitchen ware, so she had the automatic mixer that sat over the bowl and did it all on it's own, but i suggested we hand mix it. And of course we both tried a tiny bit of the batter, tehe. So yeah, nothing too fancy, just a welcome home party with just us pretty much. Gene and Dante said they would come up later and play games with us but wanted closer family like Garroth, Zianna and I to have time with him first. Just then i heard a car door. It has to be him. I couldn't wait anymore. I looked out the window. I saw the colors turn vibrant and flash a shade of pink as my heart pounded.
"Travis you'll ruin the surprise." Lucinda giggled at me. I didn't care at this point. I heard his footsteps come up to the door and open it slowly, he stepped in, arms full of his suitcases. As soon as he saw me he dropped them right there and ran into a hug quickly. We were only a few steps away from each other but it didn't matter, he still charged at me and locked his arms around me, not letting go for anything.
"God ive missed you- it was a nightmare there!" He said dramatically as he leaned over my shoulder.
"Go see your mom." I chuckled out. He let go and hurried to her side as well, Zane hugged her just as tight.
"If this is how it feels I might keep you home for college." Zianna joked, joyus tears rolling down her cheeks. After their reunion, he walked over to Garroth. "Who are you again?" He said, causing Garroth's face to drop. "I'm just kidding-" He said laughing and hugged his brother.
"Ugh i hate you sometimes. It's good to have you back, though. It's been way too quiet around here." Garroth said in response to the mean joke. I honestly can't believe he fell for it. He hugged Lucinda as well. He noticed the decorations and a cake sitting on the table.
"What is all this?" He asked looking at everyone.
"You missed your birthday silly, so were celebrating." Lucinda explained.
"You guys didn't have to do that-" He started but Zianna cut him off, which made me giggle.
"Yes we do, Zane Allister you turned 18!"
"Gah- okay okay- it's important. Did you guys make this yourselves?" Zane gestured towards the sheet cake in the pan with tons of sprinkles on top. He was all emotional, it was only a cake and a few presents but he was probably just glad to be home and see everyone as well as feel appreciated. And of course the presents he was about to get were way over the top but it's the perks of belong to a rich family i guess. I didn't mind, they were mostly art related things anyway so it would only help him grow his passion. Mine was not something art related but i hoped that he would still like it anyway, plus i asked Zianna for permission. Lucinda may have helped me a bit with the expenses.
"Seriously? Presents too? You guyssss. I'm gone for a few months and this is what i get in return?"
"Well yeah- what did you expect? Let yourself have this youre worth so much more than this." Garroth said, that even shocked me. Zane nodded and we lit his candles so he could make a wish, and eat a piece of cake of course. While Zianna was cutting it and giving out pieces, we asked him to tell stories. He said he had a weird time there so we demanded to know. Personally my experience at my facility wasn't bad at all, other than it being extremely hot there all hours of the day but 10pm-5am. I might even be more tan than i was before.
"Well, *takes bite of cake* oh my god this is sooooo good! I haven't had sugar in what feels like forever! Anyway- i met someone named Nana, she was my roommate for awhile and we had about the same issues so we became friends. Then my next roommate had a break down as i was leaving and had to be removed from the room. Some kid tried filling up the shower and drowning, the only way to get to the knobs to turn it off was by opening it and of course the little shit had the drain clogged so part of the building flooded. Right after that they had all the showers replaced so now it was a bathtub with a shower head in it. Two girls addicted to masturbating.. Ahh never mind on that one-" He caught himself and kept thinking.
There were really two girls put in the same room addicted to masturbating? 
"Umm well.. Some girl was trying to 'scratch the bugs off her skin' so the nurses had to cut her nails short and put gloves on her. Overall not a terrible place, i mean they were doing their job but some of the nurses there could of at least acted like they cared a little more. It's one of those things I wish i could open my own of so i would for a fact know the kids there would be treated with respect."
"I know you would, Zuzu.. please don't dwell on it too much. You're home and doing better and that is what matters." Zianna explained.
"Make him open the present before it dies."
Damnit! That's right!

"Do you want to open presents?" I ask eagerly. Zianna gave me a quick glance and i hid a smile the best i could. She handed her present to Zane first and it was an Wacom tablet for drawing digitally. His eyes lit up as he unwrapped the expensive box..
"Mom oh my gosh you didnt-" I saw his eyes light up. And same goes for Lucinda's present. She got him a BUNCH of crystals and a whole guide book to crystals, mediation, and different rituals so he could work on doing the type of things Lucinda does. While he was admiring the new gems, i went down the hall and into the laundry room, which i felt terrible for leaving his surprise in there but i had to. He called for me, i could hear the confusion in his voice.
"Travis? Where are you going? What is he doing?" he asked his mom. 
I picked up his present and cradled her in my arms. I know he's always wanted a sphynx kitten, this one just so happens to be the most adorable egyptian, grey, sphynx kitten Lucinda and I could find. I walked out with he in my arms, and Zane covered his mouth in shock.
"Wait- no way- you guys are joking right?" He looked at his mom who shook her head no with a smile on her face. I handed the adorable, hairless cat to my boyfriend who had tears in his eyes as he took her.
"She's so darling~ You guys~" He said in a quiet yet very excited and cracking voice. I hugged his shoulders from behind him as he sat in the chair with his new baby.
"What are you going to name her?" I ask him, looking down at her. He thought for a second, i could see the wheels turning haha.


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"Neptune. Her eyes are so blue oh my gosh. She's gorgeous and when it gets cold i can make sweaters for her and she'll hate me for it." He said with a huge smile on his face still. She let out the tiniest meow that melted everyone's hearts.
Gene and Dante came over to welcome Zane and i both home. We of course played games and hung out, but by 8pm Zane was ready for bed. He yawned laying down in his bed with Neptune curling up in front of him.
"You still on the ward schedule too?" I asked turning my back and taking off my jeans. Even tho i was in boxers and only taking my hoodie off, i still turned my back.
"Yeah..  Neptune and i are warm and comfortable in our own bed." He said very sleepily. He was very particular about his bed. I really wasn't sure how he was doing, we briefly talked about our health, I figured it was everyone being respectful in case talking about it sent either of us into a spiral again. When i was done removing extra clothing i saw that Zane was already asleep. I was glad to see he was sleeping again.. I took all his necklaces and chains off of him and tucked him in. It was almost like an awkward sleepover with him at this point because it had been so long since i saw him. Demon filled my thoughts with his instagram posts and his floofy, wild grown out hair. I was just overjoyed to know he was doing better and home. Demon and i both were.. The colors were too, seeing as they are extremely bright still.

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