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[ s l e e p   o v e r ]

"Travis-! Jesus- Are you okay-?" I ran over and hugged him immediately, it was kinda like instinct to hug him... I haven't hugged anyone in ages. It felt nice and all, but was he comfortable with it? I felt very awkward now. I pulled back and looked at his cheek.
"Y-yeah- c-can I.. idk what to do..-" Travis was freaking out and started crying. He held onto me, not wanting to leave our bodily reunion. I felt his finger tips dig into my bag and he shook in my arms and didn't want to let go. 
"Do you want to come over.?" I offered not asking my mom first. Im sure she would understand just fine and not care either way.
Travis nodded and I felt a lot of stress leave his body. He relaxed. I texted Garroth, not that he would answer, but I texted him just to let him know I was leaving with moms permission.

Me: Garroth, I called mom, she knows im coming home. Im leaving though, don't do anything stupid. Have fun, jackass
To my surprise, it only took him 10 minutes for him to answer me.

Idiot: Oh, okay, everything okay?

He must be totally drunk. He never cares about me.

Me: Just peachy. When you get home don't bother me, please. I have company over.

Idiot: Oh, okay. You have fun 2.

I kind of smiled under my mask and put my phone in my pocket, it's just funny to see him already drunk.
"Travis.. are you ready? Trust me, my mom is very understanding and she's very kind." I pulled down my mask and told him face to face. "Trust me hunny.. she is the best." I gave him a smile.
"...you have very kind eyes..." Travis said back very quietly. That made me blush. No one really sees my full face but my eyes so for him to comment on my eyes other than my freckles while my mask was off made me feel good. My cheeks turned pink slightly as I blushed.
"I think im ready to leave..." He said, I guess the shock took over him for a bit.
I stood up, then reached my hand out for him to grab to pull himself up. He hesitated but grabbed it and joined me standing. I started walking to my house and he followed. We walked in silence for a very long time. Then my mouth just started spitting out words. Was I really talking without my control? Just starting my own conversation? Im not sure what's gotten into me.
"The colors.. I-I saw them disappear when I was looking for you.." I said. I didn't know how this topic would make him feel, but it was too late i already started talking so i have to finish. "Do you think.. that our colors are connected to each other now?"
"They did bring us together for a reason.. maybe they thought we needed to be friends.." Travis said looking down and blushing.
"Hm, I didn't think about it that way, I like how you think. We're almost there." I said noticing we were about 3 houses away from mine. I kind of felt bad. We lived in a mansion, and from what I can tell, lets just say I doubt that Travis lives in a mansion- not to be rude in any way!
"Woah.. I-is this your place?" Travis stopped at the beginning stepping stone of the sidewalk and looked up at the house in amazement. I wasn't getting any envy or hurt vibes from him, still calm feelings which was good.
"Yeah this is it. Do you want to head inside?" I ask with a slight smile and chuckle. He looked away from the house and down at me. He nodded slightly with an embarrassed smile. When we got to the door lined with glass, Travis stopped and ran his gentle fingers over it. "Cmon inside. There is much more for you to explore than just a fancy window at the front door." I said grabbing his other hand down by his side and leading him inside the house. He stopped and looked up at the chandelier right inside the door. I looked over at him and saw the tiny, detailed glass fragments sparking in his emerald eyes. When I looked at his fragile face, I saw the fear and gentleness in his nature. I felt like I was starring into the galaxy when I gazed into his eyes. I heard footsteps on the tiled floor walking towards us.
"Zane? Is that you, dear?" it was my mother. She had a high-pitched voice that was unmistakable.
"Yes, and this is my friend, Travis.." His cheek was stained red with a handprint still. I hoped my mom wouldn't say anything. I could tell that she knew Travis wouldn't want to talk about it. She just gave me a look of worry and I shook my head no, low key obviously. She looked back at him.
"Hello there..~ im Zianna, its very nice to meet you..~" my mom said to him in a rather calming voice than she normally does. She kept glancing at me then at travis's newly bruised cheek. I gave her a sharp look and shook my head no again. She looked like she was about to burst.
"..T-Travis.. nice to meet you Mrs. RoMeave.." Travis tried to smile.
"Oh hunny- no need to fake a smile, you must be shaken up- go on, go have fun and relax in Zane's room. Trust me he'll take good care of you, he doesn't bite." Which she did burst, but not as bad as I thought she would. I still wished she wouldn't have said anything about his bruise.
I gave her a 'are you serious?' look, Travis giggled. "Thanks mom, you make me sound more gay than i already am."
"Sorry Zuzu-" she blushed and just watched us walk up the stairs to my room. I opened the door for travis. I had a pretty decently aesthetically pleasing room, if I do say so myself, that was a good size.
"..wow.. Zane these paintings are beautiful..~" he spun in a 360 looking at my paintings. He stopped on the one i did earlier today, the one with blood mixed in my crimson paint.
"..this one is my favorite.." he said and i was totally shocked
"Why is that?" I ask not knowing what else to say.
"..you painted you heart and soul into this.. I can tell. I mean it could mean a variety of things. Maybe it means the old you is dying and the real you is blossoming or.. just how youre feeling.. " he looked at me calmly but the next second he was awkwardly blushing.
All of the colors were super bright, but pinks and shades of red stood out the most, I wonder what that means?

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