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[ triggers: sex, language, ] 

"Travis we have to get up. Im sorry i couldn't protect you.. we have to get up. We have to live for your dad.. for zane.. cmon i believe in you.. get up"

I was waking up and i noticed i was on a couch. I was in a lot of pain so i didn't move and i just laid there. My eyelids were heavy and i couldn't get the strength to open them.
"Actually hold on, don't open your eyes. Zane and Lucinda are talking about something.."
Demon had said to me. I listened to him, since he seemed to know what he's been talking about recently.
"How has the potion been treating you? Your nether regions working well?" some girl said to him, im assuming that is the Lucinda demon mentioned.
"Yeah it's been working well. It wore off a little bit ago."
"Did you have sex with any girls?"
"No, just a dude. But yeah.."
"okay spill the tea. It's not like i care. Did you have sex before or after the potion wore off?" She giggled
"Okay okay stop. it was Gene, and i was a top."
"Gene? You let Gene the stoner take your virginity?"
"You friends with them now? you know i have weed too right?"
"You smoke.?"
"Im a witch i have everything."
"heh, yeah you right."

I can't believe he smoked weed with Gene and those other two that pick on him. Maybe he did stuff with him because he was under the influence? Either way.. Zane and i are friends so it shouldn't bother me. 
"But it does because we like him, don't we?" 
So what? He is still here, and he saved us.. we can't hate him for that. It doesn't seem like he wants to stay with Gene anyway, he was just having some teenage fun.. We aren't dating anyway we just met... 
"It stings a little." 

"Can i eat you out?"
"What? You want to eat me out again?" 


"But you're such a hot trans boy.. I can't help myself. I know how to get you to finish quickly and you do anyway. So it won't take long. I promise. You don't have to repay me i just want to taste your beautiful flower again..Plus it's good for you to keep both part in check."
"But this is my biological part, im sure it works just fine, Lucy.." 
"Cmon. Do you still know for sure if you want to keep it or not?" 
Zane hesitated, "Not really. I don't know. Im young i have time to decide." 
"Then let me help you." 
"Ughhhh, fine." 

I knew Zane had boobs but some part of me assumed he was intersex or just had high oestrogen.. not trans.. I didn't know he was dealing with that. 
"Yeah cause in the locker room he is obviously packing some extra baggage." 
"Sorry but it's true. I didn't know either. I wonder what his dead name is." 
We aren't asking. Im more worried about Lucinda trying to persuade him to keep his female parts right now. He is about to have sex again... 
"We are jealous. We have the right to be angry." 

[ L u c i n d a p o v ]
[warning: unneeded sexual bit, but even though i don't like it, im leaving this in because i want to normalize female sexual fantasies because i write a lot about gay boys, and girls get horny for boys (or girls) too <3 ] 

I had never kissed Zane before but i really wanted to. I didn't though because i knew he loved the demon sitting on my couch.. I could tell deep down he did. He had to be the boy he gossiped to me about. So i just pulled his pants down and lifted his legs up to his chest and ate the shit out of his womanhood. He panted and moaned lightly and i loved it. I slightly fingered him and he moaned harder. I was wet just listening to his raspy yet feminine voice make noises of pleasure.
"oh my goodness Zane~ You taste like candy~" I licked him slow, fingering him deeper and massaging his g-spot. I felt the grip on my hair tighten and his body start to shake. 
"Fuck- Mm~ mmm~ Okay i can't take it- anymore-" Zane barely said through his heavy breathing. I stopped and watched his cream drip out of his throbbing boy pussy. 
"fuck..." he let go of me and covered his sweating face with his hands.
"See~? Quick and easy. Now hold still I have to clean you up!~" I said holding his white cheeks and licking up all of his cream. He flinched because he was still sensitive.
"L-Lucinda stop it please-~"
Ahh~ What a cute innocent trans boy. Zane and i are besties, we have been since school even though i'm a few years older than him. I'm the type of friend to either be your mom, or the best friend that is okay with kissing each other like it's normal. I don't think i have a crush on Zane, but when it comes to sex, which i am a huge fan of, i just want him. Something about him gives me the dominance and confidence i didn't have back then to protect myself. Plus it's lonely here. I usually stay here because i don't have anyone on the other side besides Zane. And why follow the right dimension rules and laws when i can do whatever i want here in my safe little bubble? My family isn't around anymore, so i don't know what it holds me back, but i haven't found someone yet because it's tradition to be with a warlock.. and not another witch.. so i live by myself. And i never dated in high school so i haven't been in the dating pool before really. I choose to be this way, it's fine. Kinda lonely, but back to Zane. He let me do this with him only a few times before. Zane claimed he wanted to see if he was comfortable transitioning all the way or not, and i still haven't gotten an answer out of him. I honestly think he enjoys it and is stuck between all the different ways he can experience sexual pleasures. If you think about it, he can have male or female parts and have sex with a guy, or male or female parts and have sex with a girl. The options are limitless almost, and i think that's why he lets me have my fun. 
"Okay well.. I better get you that potion going again so you can take it and your boyfriend can suck you dry." I joked trying to lighten the mood and not think about having him all to myself.
I walked away and suddenly felt myself get more wet. My warm bodily liquids seeped into my undies and since I was wearing a dress so I was afraid it would drip down my leg if it got any worse.
"Zane I need to take a shower. I just had some girly issues. Ill get your potion and your demon pet all figured out in like.. 20 minutes!"
I ran to the bathroom and started my water. Of course im going to fix my problem. I have just the thing too. My rainbow dildo and the faucet. I need this so, so bad. I stuck it inside of my flower and slowly but deeply fucked myself while the water came splashing down on my clit. It was the best thing ive felt in what seems like forever. being alone in my witch dimension gets lonely sometimes. as much as i enjoy pleasing myself it's always better with someone else.. 

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