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[ e n v y   p a r t   t w o ]
[ triggers: sexual activity ]

Garroth asked me over. I honestly just wanted to see Zane, but even that was a stretch right now. I kind of wanted to be alone, but I went anyway..
Garroth walked in and yelled through the house, "Mooom! Travis and i are doing homework together!"
"Okay hunny!"
Garroth looked at me and smirked. "Cool, lets go." He ran up the stairs and i followed. I glanced into Zane's room and noticed he wasnt there.
"W-where is Zane.?"
"Who knows. Let that fag stay at school." Garroth said grabbing his homework out of his bag.
"Oh.. ok.. lets just finish homework.." i didnt feel like standing up for him, or myself, while i was alone. i saw how high his temper goes with Zane in public id hate to see it in private.
Garroth stopped once he was done with his algebra. He looked like he was going to say something but didnt, and suddenly there was a hand on my crotch. I jumped and turned a bright red. Garroth hushed me by putting his finger over my mouth.
"What do you say, Trav?"
I didnt say anything. I just looked at his arms and how he was already taking off his tie. I felt like i couldn't move, i couldn't stop him. I was too stunned to think clearly.
"Let it happen, okay? No one will catch us."
I laid back as he started towering over me. He looked down at me and got close. Our lips were almost touching and i was starting to sweat with embarrassment. i didnt know what was going on and the words wouldnt come out! He pressed his lips against mine for the first time. It was long and awkward because he was my first kiss and I didn't know what I was doing. He backed out first but still remained close to me. I could feel his breath on my face, it was warm and smelled like mint. Garroth went back in for a second kiss; he started to undo my tie and unbutton my shirt, then his. He pushed our bodies together, his muscular body on top of my fragile and weak frame. Garroth noticed i was a bit awkward and still in shock and placed my hand on his chest as if I wasn't moving fast enough for him. He held my cheek and continued to kiss my chapped lips. His were so soft and light. I felt like i was kissing an angel. My hand eventually started to wonder around his chest and i melted as i felt his muscles.
We eventually got into it and i started to hold onto his shoulders and i moved my right leg up by his side. This was a mistake as it quickly escalated into Garroth leaving little bite marks on my collar bone.  He stood up and pulled me to the edge of the bed. I am honestly scared for my life right now.
Garroth started undoing his pants and I sat up and said something that I actually.. wasn't in control of.
"Garroth- we should wait. Your mom is home and I can't keep quite"
This made him stop and think about his actions for a moment. "Yeah, I guess youre right. My mom doesn't need to hear anything. I can tell youre rusty.. Ill be back then" he walked out and went to the bathroom. I just laid back, sighed and felt really weak.
"Where did that come from?"
"It came from me you big silly."
"What do you want?"
"I was just here to say you're welcome. You do know you were about to get fucked by your crush right? And youre a gay virgin."
"Could you not, Demon?! Gosh. Why do you do these things to me?"
"I just saved your ass from rape stupid fuck."
"Okay okay you didn't have to call me names."
"Besides if you would have let him do that you would have been kicked to the curb."
"He wouldn't would he?"
"Unless youre doing his homework for him right now, then yes. He's a major fuck boy, Travis. I absolutely hate being stuck inside of you sometimes but I want to have my fun so ill be nice and help you a little bit here. Im no expert but I vote going back to Zane"
Just then Garroth walked back in. "Travis? Who the hell were you talking to?" He looked so confused.
"Ummm- I-I was just talking to myself- Hehe- sorry-" I turned a bright red.
"Umm, okay? You aren't secretly a really weird kid are you?" Garroth sat down with his wet hair dripping onto his shirt. did he really take that fast of a shower?
"Define weird" I said. Heh, that's something Zane would say. I really miss him right now..
"Ya know, crazy. Are you crazy? Like talk to yourself all the time crazy?" He threw his towel in his hamper
I started blushing and I looked around. I looked at everything but him. I just couldn't match his eyes. It was physically impossible to at this point. "No, im not crazy. Why- why would I be crazy?"
"I was just making sure you aren't crazy like my brother where you would shoot up the school right?"
I sat there dumbfounded and just looked at Garroth. I felt the color drain from my face.
"Zane is gonna shoot up the school..?"
"Im sure he is thinking about it. Then kill himself. Suicide is such a joke, he won't ever do that. He goes to the therapist and probably talks about suicide or murdering someone."
I couldn't listen to this much longer. I was seriously in so much pain! Garroth speaking his mind literally wanted to make me punch him straight in the mouth. I felt my heart sink and I saw my colors fade. I picked up my phone and acted like I got a text message from my father.
"Oh sorry. My dad texted and he needs me to come home right now.. Ill see you tomorrow though.. right?" I asked gathering my things.
"Oh, yeah ill see you tomorrow."
"Thanks for doing homework with me." I said before leaving his room.
"Yeah no problem." the way he responded suggested that i was thanking him for getting on top of me.
I walked out of his room and down the stairs. I saw Mrs. RoMeave in the kitchen cooking. It smelled amazing. I was so hungry. I don't think my dad has made me any food in more than 6 days.
"Do you want to stay for supper, dear?" Zianna asked me. The smell was getting to me and was going up into my nose right to my stomach making me so much more hungry. I didn't know what to say to her. I couldn't really say much because my brain was taking over and I didn't want that to happen.
"Hunny you look like you've seen a ghost. Do you want to talk to me about something? I understand if you don't want to, but keeping things locked inside of you isn't always the best."
"No, im okay. Thank you for the offer but my dad has a bit of a temper and he asked me to get home immediately. Im sorry. Ill see you later, Mrs. RoMeave." I said my goodbyes and left through the front door. I started walking home.

The colors of the world were pale, and I don't like it. i dont like anything that happened today..

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