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What happened today was downright cruel. If i could reverse time and stop all of this from happening i would in a heartbeat. One thing that having abusive parents has taught me is that sometimes it's best to grow up and be the bigger person. Killing Garte wouldn't necessarily solve anything, him behind bars would at least give Zianna and Zane the closure they deserved. Zianna motioned for me to take Zane to his room to try to help him. As guilty as i felt about leaving Zianna downstairs with confused Garroth, i did anyway.. When i was younger and my parents would start fighting, i would color in the corner of my room, under a fort that i made with my blankets. It was the only thing that wasn't messy or loud. I know we aren't children anymore, but i didn't know how to distract Zane.. From the severity of his anger and emotions, i can assume it has been awhile since something like this has happened to them, so it was stinging like a brand new type of hurt. 
"Zane..? Hey, why don't we do something to distract our minds okay? Do you have any coloring books you want to work on? Maybe we could draw together or something?" I suggested. He looked up at me with red eyes, nodding to my idea. I'm glad he was trying.. I grabbed his adult coloring books and sketchbooks along with colored pencils, markers, and crayons. "We can order you another binder, hunny. Im just glad nothing happened to any of you. We can get another binder but we can't get you another life.." I spoke softly. He nodded at me still quiet for now. We sat and colored for awhile, Demon and I were silent, just observing Zane's behavior. About twenty minutes went by and he started to yawn. 
"Sleepy?" I asked calmly. He nodded. 
"Getting there.. Can we lay down?" He asked. I nodded and took the coloring book away from him, placing it gently on the ground next to the bed. By the time i turned around he was already under the blankets with his eyes closed. I half smiled quickly, kissing his forehead and getting up to shut the lights off. I creeped down stairs, shutting the door quietly behind me, leaving it open just a crack so the clicking of the door wouldn't wake him up. Zianna was sitting in the living room with an icepack on her eye, talking with Garroth about what to do. I silently walked over to them, "Zianna.. are you okay?" I asked gently. She smiled at me through pain. No matter what that woman is feeling on the inside, she manages to show a bright, cheerful smile and cheers everyone else up. 
"Im fine, dear, thank you. Is Zuzu okay?" She changed the subject already. I nodded. 
"He's sleeping. How is your leg, Garroth?" I asked, even though i knew he was fine. I still can't ever forgive Garroth for what he did to me, but i live in the same house as him, it's almost like i have to get along with him. Plus i know he's had his fair share of bullshit from school once i blew up.. but it's well deserved. Plus all the rumors that he's slept with almost every girl in his grade.. and every other girl in the school to be honest. 
"Im fine. It's not as bad as it looks." 
"thats good.. so, is he in jail?" 
"As of right now.. the police questioned me over the phone, they what he did to us when they took him away and they said it was proof enough to keep him there.." 
"That's good. Is there anything i can do?" 
"No hunny we're fine, thank you.. This doesn't involve you and i hope it never does.." Zianna looked up at me worried. 
"Im more worried about him coming back to hurt you guys, demon will protect me. and together we will protect you all." i promised. 
"You're so sweet.. I will admit, your Demon is quite scary when angry." She chuckled. 
I blushed, "Yeahhhh, we haven't gotten that mad in awhile, heh. I promise we will never hurt you though! I guess you could call him very protective." 


over the next few weeks, things were back to normal. Garte wasn't spoke about again, Zane's back healed up, his new binder came in, Zianna's black eye healed and she went back to work. Actually.. quite a bit of weeks passed, and we were entering the last month of school. And on top of that, as if life wasn't crazy enough.. Lucinda called us with some exciting news... 

"Hey Zane! Is it a good time to come over to talk to you boys?" She asked basically yelling. I could hear her excitement through the phone and she wasn't even on speaker. 
"Yes, yes, Lucy. what is it?" 
Just then she teleported in front of us. We looked at her confused, waiting for her to break this oh so important news. 
"What?" Zane asked confused. Then she turned sideways and held her stomach. He both looked shocked at her, speechless. "Luc- are you-?" 
"Yep! Two months." She got excited and started dancing around, "I finally figured out how to make myself pregnant without a donor! I know it's going to work because all my other attempts haven't lasted longer than 4 weeks." 
"That's amazing Lucy!" I exclaimed, happy for her. 
"I want a kid..." 
You do? 
"Kinda yea.." 
"Are you guys gonna have kids someday?" Lucinda asked interrupting Demon and I's conversation. I turned to Zane nervously. "I-I.. I'm not sure.." I stuttered. 
"We haven't thought about it. We might go to college before then." Zane butted in saving me. She nodded. "Well i just thought id let you knowwwww. You guys are gonna be old before you even have a baby in the house if you wait until after college, you know that right?" She said. 
"We will not!" Zane defended. They started bickering back and forth, playing around, and i got sucked into my own thoughts again. A child..? I didn't ever think we would have a child.. well for one i don't want a black cloud of negativity to hang over our kid just because of our past, and i couldn't just lie to them about what happened back then. I don't feel im personally ready for a child purely because i can barley take care of myself, and i just don't think im mature enough for a kid yet. I was kind of hoping to go to college actually.. 
"Trav? You okay?" Zane interrupted my thoughts. 
"You have that stupid worried look on your face again. You're making it obvious." 
"Yea im okay, why?" 
"You looked like you were lost in thought big time." Lucinda explained. I looked up at her. 
"Oh, im sorry. Im fine guys i promise." 
"Okay.." Zane let it go, but he didn't seem to convinced. I started thinking again. What about the colors? We never did find out if anyone else had colors like Zane and I. I can't even remember when i lost my colors.. I think it was around the time my childhood started going to shit and my parents started fighting more. My guess is Zane lost his colors around the time his dad started derailing. I just hope we never have to face this problem again if we ever have a child. 

[an: this isn't my better work, but its a filler chapter, sorryyyyy. ]

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