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You sighed as you started to walk towards Aizawa, who was being taken away to a nearby hospital. He gave you a look as if he was saying he was alright.

"What the hell?!" A pale blue haired male exclaimed as he looked towards you. You didn't pay much attention and instead looked in concern towards Thirteen who was also being carried away. Snipe and the others happened to arrive as well but you had already taken care of the mess before, so there wasn't much left to do. The villains escaped but, the handsy man just glared towards you as you looked at him with emotionless eyes.

Then all of a sudden a wave of discomfort flooded your body as you fell to your knees and hands. You groaned in pain, coughing a fit as your mask started to darken to a crimson red.

"(L/n)-san!" you heard Midoriya and a couple others all out your name.

You felt yourself hurl a bit more blood as it started to seek out of your mask and drip onto the floor. Your head was pounding and your stomach felt like it was on fire. Your throat was clogged with blood as you tried your best to stop your coughing fit.

A hand landed on your shoulder, you flinched and slapped away the hand, turning to glare at a certain red haired male. He looked at you with wide eyes as you continued to cough.

"I'll take it from here." A paramedic said as he lifted your body up onto a bed and took you inside the vehicle. You groaned in pain onto the bed, but felt a bit relieved that the paramedics were here. You loved the hospital more than anything, they kept everything clean and the smell of hand sanitizer was always in the air. You sighed as you let yourself close your eyes into a slumber.

'Tch stupid villains, stupid Aizawa, stupid kids.' You grumbled in thought as you let sleep overtake your body.

You fluttered your eyes open to stare into a white ceiling. Turning your head you saw and IV tube inserted into your arm. Slowly sitting up, you grunted in pain as you felt a fire in your stomach and back. Your stomach was bandaged and so was your head. Sighing you looked at your hands.

'The tips haven't split that's good.' You thought to yourself.

"Oh you're awake."

You turned to see a green haired male sitting next to you. He was rubbing his eye and yawned, which indicated that he was asleep awhile ago.

Your eye widened as you quickly turned away from him and reached a hand to your mouth. You sighed in relief once you felt the mask on your face. Thankfully you didn't need an oxygen mask and you've been to this hospital quite a lot, so they knew of your tendencies.

"(L/n)-san?" You turned to face the green haired male.

You tilted your head in response. His face flushed as he frantically looked around for a note pad and pencil. Once found he hesitantly handed it to you. You reached to the table next to your bed which had a bottle of hand sanitizer which you pumped a bit on your hand, then you held it up for the male who quickly held out his hands and rubbed the semi liquid on his hands. Then you took your small bottle of cleansing alcohol and sprayed it all over the note pad.

Once satisfied you took the notepad in your hands and looked at him awaiting for him to talk. He looked at you in confusion then immediately stammered to ask.

"I-... Uh.... H-how a-a-are you f- feeling?" He asked. You looked down at the notepad and scribbled something down.

'I'm fine.'

"O-oh that's good." He said rubbing the back of his head.

'What is it that you need?'

"O-Oh! I just wanted to check up on you just in case. We were all a bit worried after the USJ incident. But thankfully the school gave us a couple days off of school to rest. We start school back tomorrow." He said.

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