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'That's my girl.'


Okay sorry LOL I was rewatching howls moving castle anyways-)

"And that's why you should never eat vanilla ice cream cause you never know if there will be beaver butt in it." (This is tru btw look it up) the teacher said before closing his notebook in his hand, and as on cue, the lunch bell rang, "alright go have your lunch, we will be do quirk training when we get back so be ready."

Everyone was packing their things and taking our their food to go to the cafeteria to eat. (Y/n) was a bit nervous to eat in front of new people, or even eat in front of people in general. Although she had come to terms with her facial scars after seeing Dabi and getting countless amounts of reassurance from Shinso, she was still a bit insecure to show people.

"(Y/n)! Let's eat together!" She turned to see Inasa waving happily to her and Tsubaka leaning against the door frame with his hands in his pockets. "Seiji and Camie are going to be joining us! Let's go or else the good stuff is going to be sold out!" (Y/n) quickly closed her bag and made her way to the two, walking in between them as they made their way to the cafeteria.

"Today's menu is hot soba and takoyaki!" Inasa beamed.

"Their takoyaki is always good." Tsubaka lazily said giving a yawn.

"I see...." (y/n) lowered her gaze onto the ground.

"Is something wrong? Do you not like Takoyaki?" Inasa asked the girl, lowering his head to look at the masked girl.

"Oh no it's not that....." (y/n)'s blank expression turned into dread, "I just don't eat other people's food........ and I forgot to pack my lunch today so......"

"Oh is it because you don't trust them?" Tsubaka peered over her shoulder to which she nodded.

"What do you mean not trust them?" Inasa asked.

"Its a germaphobe thing, she doesn't know whether she can trust their cleanliness" Tsubaka said plopping his chin on the girl's shoulder. (Y/n) didn't mind at all knowing him to be a fellow germaphobe, the skin to skin contact did not faze her.

"I assure you our school does out best to make sure everything is sanitize everything before us!" Inasa enthusiastically rose a hand in the air.

"You're an idiot." The 3 turned around to see Seiji walking over to them with his arms behind his back. "Come on, Camie is saving our seats.

The 4 made their ways to the cafeteria doors, opening them as the smell of food hit their nostrils, Inasa visibly drooled at the sight of food, rushing over to the the line in order to get his lunch.

"You should eat to (L/n)." Seiji said, looking down at the girl who had a visible purple aura around her, slouching her shoulders.

"It's okay... I can't eat food that people make....." she groaned.

"You sure? As a hero you need to eat properly."

"It's alright I'm not hungr-" she was cut off from her words when a hand placed itself on her head ruffling it slightly. She looked up to see Tsubaka looking down at her with a blank expression.

"Don't worry I have a friend who just finished their culinary course, he's a germaphobe as well so you can eat his food." Tsubaka said walking out of the cafeteria leaving only (y/n) and Seiji.

"So," Seiji cleared his throat, "do you mind me asking why you left UA? Was it perhaps the recent villain attack?"

(Y/n) visibly flinched at his words, recalling the amount of pain her body had endured at the recent attack, the amount of yelling that occurred in the hospital and the last time she saw her fellow classmates, leaving a bitter taste in her mouth. A part of her felt a bit guilty exploding on them, but she was distraught.

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