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"When is she going to wake up?" Midoriya asked.

It had been a couple days since their fight with stain, and Todoroki, Midoriya, and Iida were all discharged from the hospital after their talk with Tsuragamae, and Endeavor taking full responsibility over their encounter with stain, however (Y/n) wasn't waking up.

"She's been out for almost 4 days.." Iida said looking down at the (H/c) girl that was sleeping soundly, an IV in her arm and a medical mask to cover her face.

"This is all my fault.." Iida said sitting down on a chair beside the bed covering his face with his hands.

"No Iida-chan calm down. The doctor said it's just a drawback from her quirk. She'll wake up soon." Midoriya said placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

Todoroki stood infront of her sleeping form, she looked so peaceful, so content with life. Her (H/c) hair, her closed eyes that held bright (e/c) eyes and the distant inhale and exhale, indicating that she was still breathing. He took a strand of her hair and held it to his cheek.

'Please be okay.' He thought to himself, closing his eyes as the familiar scent of strawberry milk and rubbing alcohol entered his nose.

Midoriya and Iida watched from a distance, a foreign feeling lingering in their chest as the watched the dual hair boy caressing the girls hair as she slept soundly. Looking at another man gently looking down at you with such kindness, making them feel uneasy.

Their thoughts were cut off by the door opening, revealing a middle aged couple.

"Ah (L/n)-san!" Midoriya exclaimed as the 3 boys bowed down to the girls parents.

Midoriya and Todoroki lifted their heads while Iida kept bowing. "I'm so sorry, because of me.... your daughter (Y/n) she's.."

"Don't worry about it Iida-san." The dad said as he gave him a small closed eyed smile.


"She's okay don't worry. The doctor said that she'll wake up soon, and the cut in her lung wasn't severe so it was fixed with a little surgery. She's just asleep because she ran out of energy." The girls mom said waving her hand.

"It's really nice to meet you Energizer and Lacuna." Midoriya said with sparkles in his eyes.

Energizer, (y/n)'s father, had a quirk that allowed him to transfer energy from one thing to another while Lacuna, (y/n)'s mother had a quirk that allowed her to create beams using her own energy. Thus making the pair some of the top 10 heroes.

"Wow it's been awhile since people recognized us." (Y/n)'s father chuckled as the couple made their way to the side of her bed. Her mother caressed her daughter's cheek looking at her with a loving gaze while her father moved strands of hair form her face.

Todoroki looked at the couple in awe. He knew that they were in a quirk marriage but they looked so in love. Nothing like his parents, and a part of him yearned for that type of affection that your parents shared with each other and you.

"I'd actually like to thank you guys." Energizer said.

The 3 looked at him with a confused face. What type of father thanks the people that dragged her into a fight, resulting in her being in a sleep induced coma?

"We've always wanted her to be a hero." (Y/n)'s father spoke. "As you guys can tell, she has a powerful quirk, but she never really uses it."

"She's been through a lot and she doesn't have friends to call her own, I'm sure you guys are dying to know more about her." (Y/n)'s mother chuckled looking down at her daughter's masked face. "But when the time is right I know she'll open up to you guys more. It may not look like it but she's a very fragile girl."

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