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(Here's a little treat, since I made y'all cry during the past couple of chapters starting from when we met Touya 🥺 I hope you like it. Its when she ripped off the bandages from her hand during the previous chapter I just realized while typing this i forgot to put the mask but OH WELL SORRY-)

(Anyways I just wanted to say I'm really excited for the next part of the book I am currently brainstorming and spoiler alert something is going to make you go back to being a hero, BUT there will be a twist and I am going to put it in this chapter. Also from now on (y/n) will be more talkative since well, yknow after the whole Dabi thing. SO PAY ATTENTION MY DEAR CHILDREN)

(Y/n)'s mind swarmed with thoughts as she and Shinso walked down the hallways of U.A. She clenched her jaw as she clutched her side from the sore pain on her torso. Keeping her head down she stared at the floor.

Would she really be able to walk away from someone in danger?

Would she really be okay with that?

That someone could get hurt and she could do nothing about it?

And what about her promise to Kota......

To help people...

To be a good person......

The usage of quirks were illegal without a license, so what would happen if someone was in trouble and she couldn't do anything about it?

And an even bigger question.

Was Shinso really okay leaving like this?

She held in a breath as her mind swarmed with thoughts. This was Shinso's dream. To become a hero. Ever since they were younger, he always talked about how much he wanted to be a hero. How he was going to save people just like All might.

And of course, like most children, (Y/n) had that dream too. To save people just like All might. But that dream slowly faded as (y/n) grew up. After the incident, she couldn't bring herself to save anyone, when she couldn't even save her best friend.

Shinso looked at the girl that was walking next to him, an arm around her waist to support her while they both walked. He saw the unreadable expression on her face, her eyebrows furrowed as she glared at the ground below them.

He wasn't really sure whether what he was doing was right, but he knew that he wanted it. He wanted to spend time with (y/n), and after hearing what had happened, he couldn't bring himself to leave her alone. But...... this was his dream. To be a hero. But (y/n) was worth it. This was his decision. He'll make it somewhere else eventually, right now he needed to be there for the girl he loved.

"Hitoshi..." the purple haired male was cut out of his thoughts from the girls whisper as he turned his head to her, his purple eyes meeting (e/c) ones.

"Yes?" He responded giving her a small smile.

"I-..." she bit the inside of her cheek, she had to do this. This was her own journey and Nezu was right, she couldn't drag him along with her. If she was going to quit, she needed to do it alone. Shinso had always been there for her, so this was the least she could do.

"I.... I want you to stay." She gave him a stern look as his purple eyes widened.

"W-what..." his breath hitched. Was he hearing this correctly?

"I want you to stay in U.A." She sternly spoke.

"I-if this is about what Nezu said don't think about it! This is my own decision!" He exclaimed at the girl with a desperate look in his eyes.

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