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(Here's a little quick doodle LOL THE SANDWICH LOOKS WEIRD I SCRIBBLED THE COLOR ON MY BAD but anyways hope you like it)

"Come on (L/n) don't resist the fire." Endeavor shouted as he sent another wave of fire towards you. You raised your hands a bit in front of you to shield yourself from the heat, but it just wouldn't go away. The fire grazed your fingers slightly as you jumped back with one knee and hand on the floor. You winced a bit as your slightly burnt hand made contact with the cold wooden floor. Todoroki visibly flinched as he watched you train with his father.

Currently you were training with Endeavor because you had asked if he could help you absorb the energy in fire. This training went on for hours, but for some reason you couldn't quit get it. Something inside of you was holding you back, and you knew exactly what it was. You subconsciously grazed a hand over your masked mouth, subtly rubbing the area that had your scars.

Endeavor sighed for what seemed like the tenth time, "We'll continue you this later, get patched up." He walked up to you, passing by your side to exit the room. "I'm disappointed in you (L/n)." He sneered as he left the room, slamming the door shut behind him.

Sighing you got up from the ground and looked at your hands. They were red, and warm, and it didn't help that your fingers were still split from the sports festival. A cold hand made its way on your burnt hands and a small layer of ice was formed on your palm all the way up to your fingers.

"I'm sorry about my dad.." Todoroki whispered as he cooled down your hands. "He's a bit harsh." His eyebrows furrowed as he kept cooling down your hands.

You nodded in agreement, and he gave you a ghost of a smile. A few minutes passed and Todoroki looked down at your hands that were less red and were at a cooler temperature. Satisfied with his work, he gave you a small smile.

You took out a notepad, 'thank you, but you didn't have to.'

"It's fine, and it seemed like you needed it anyway. I don't want you to get hurt because of my father." He said with a stern look as he glared at the floor.

"I'll be okay, besides I asked him.'

"Still, he went too far."

Sighing you walked over to your duffle bag to get some cleansing alcohol and disinfectant wipes to clean your sweat off. You were cut out of your thoughts when Endeavor burst through the door.

"There seems to be some suspicious activity near the Hosu District mall, and the pro heroes were requested to arrive at the scene. Other agencies will be there." He gave a stern look turning his back towards us. "This will be your first day as heroes don't disappoint me. Get into your hero suits and come along." He said then walked out of the room.

You and Todoroki quickly went to change and met Endeavor out of the building as you both trailed behind him, making your way to the Mall area. The three of you both patrolled around the area, as you took in the area around you, while Endeavor lectured the both of you.

"When driven into an undesired lie situation where you can't escape, its better to wait and stall for a bit until the pro hereoes come to take care of it." Endeavor grunted a bit crossing his arm as you and Todoroki trailed behind him. "You can't predict the outcome of a battle, but the best decisions need to be made during a fight, out job as heroes is to protect the citizens and take down the villain."

You nodded, taking in the information that was given to you. 'For a no good asshole, he says some good shit.'

You were cut out of your thoughts when you heard a woman scream, "HELP!" She cried out as a man ran out of a small cafe with a cash register in his hands. Without a thought Endeavor rushed into action, jumping on the back of the robber while a few reporters came around the scene.

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