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"Ha......" (y/n) managed to breath out, a deadpan expression painted across her face as her former classmates looked at her.

"A-re?" Melissa said, loosening her grip around the (h/c) haired girl's neck, "(y/n)-chan do you know them?"

"Yeah..." (y/n) said, turning her gaze back to the blonde girl who was still hugging her.

"Really!?" Melissa's eyes sparkled brightly, "then I guess there is no need for introductions!"

"I guess...." (y/n) looked back at her former classmates, something tugging in her chest. She sighed, then looked back at herself, sweat was dripping down everywhere because of the heat and she was not having it. "Tch, I'm disgusting...."

"(Y/n)-chan why don't you join us?" Melissa asked the girl, gesturing to the group of UA students that were awkwardly waving at her.

"Y-yeah we haven't seen each other in awhile..." Midoriya managed to stutter out while the rest of his classmates nodded in agreement.

"We literally saw each other at the provisional license exam." (Y/n) bluntly responded, looking at them with dead fish eyes.

"Ah.... right.." Midoriya awkwardly chuckled rubbing the back of his head.

(Y/n) sighed, "I'm guessing you will be at that party so we'll see each other soon anyways." She then turned to Todoroki who was awkwardly shifting from one foot to the other. "Todoroki."

He visibly flinched at her voice, looking up at her with a grimaced expression, she looked back, looking up her mask. "How's your special training?"

"Oh... its good..." The dual haired male responded, rubbing the back of his neck,.

"That's good," (y/n) blankly stated, ripping the bandages from her head and rolling her wrist to adjust it, a few cracks heard here and there, "I hope that you've learned from your mistakes."

Todoroki gulped thickly, nervousness building up at him. He couldn't help but look at the girl in front of him in admiration. Her posture, her stance, her voice, everything was dripping with intimidation, and he couldn't help but be feel drawn to her. Her lack of care and absolute dominance was something he was scared of but also drawn to.

"Yes I have.." Todoroki responded.

"Good," (y/n) sighed, looking back at Melissa who was still clingy onto her, "I can't deal with this shit right now, I feel disgusting...." she stated, gently prying off the blonde girl off of her who only pouted. (Y/n) ruffled her hair slightly and turned around waving her hand lazily in the air, "I'm gonna go buy food and clean myself up," she looked over her shoulder, "It was nice to see you."

And with that she walked away from the group down the street, walking away from the UA students who were softly smiling at the (h/c) haired girl's back.

"T-that went better than I expected.." Momo managed to speak out.

"Yeah it did." Uraraka beamed.

"Huh?" Melissa turned her head to look at the UA students who were softly smiling to one another, "what do you mean? Did something happen?"

Everyone visibly flinched, "ah.... (y/n) used to come to UA with us, but we messed up..." Midoriya answered, a sad smile on his lips as he looked at the ground.

Melissa, blinked in confusion before giving them a soft smile, "Don't worry." She waved her hand to reassure them, "(y/n)-chan may be uhhhhh.." Closing her eyes to think of the word, "aloof, but she means well. Just give her some time. This one time when we were kids I accidentally dropped her bottle of hand sanitizer and it spilled all over the floor. She didn't talk to me for a full week." She shyly rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment, "but I wrote her a letter apologizing and the next day she gave me a small bottle of strawberry Hand sanitizer and things went back to normal. So don't worry she just needs some time."

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