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Now I'm not afraid death at all, in fact, I can't wait to die,

Honestly, I can not wait to die,

You know, I wake up in the morning, I'm disappointed.

I don't choke on my food at lunch, I'm disappointed.

I make it to dinner, I'm disappointed.

Now you're probably wondering why (y/n) wanted to commit unlife, well our poor little (y/n) is currently on a plane to go to I-Island along with her father. And (y/n) HATED, absolutely HATED airplanes, the small, cramp unsanitary bathrooms, the amount of people all squished together into one tiny plane, breathing so closely together, her fear of heights, turbulence, just EVERYTHING in general. She hated. (I personally hate airplanes, because I get motion sickness really easily and I have a really big irrational fear of height :D)

Why was she going?



Apparently word had gotten out that Energizer and Lacuna were now quirkless, and the information was released to the public. This was kept a secret for over 10 years, so as a way to honor the two previous pro heroes, I-Island wanted to award them as a way to preserve their name.

"Sorry dear, I can't make it." (Y/n)'s mother spoke, giving her husband a small closed eyed smile, "My mother needs me to help remodel her house in the countryside, but make sure to say hi to David for me!"

"Of course I will my love." (D/n) chuckled, planting a small kiss on his wife's forehead. "(Y/n) why don't you come with me?"

"Huh-" (y/n) looked at her father with dead eyes almost like she was like 'wtf is wrong with you-'

"Come on, Melissa misses you, and David was the one who gave you that mask remember? I told him you lost it so he's working on making a better one."

(Y/n) sighed, closing her eyes and nodded in agreement. "Fine, but Melissa is too clingy....don't get me wrong, I love the girl, but ever since we were little she always said she would move in with me so we could live together forever-" (y/n) shivered at the thought, hugging herself tightly.

(D/n) chuckled, "Don't worry you guys were kids, I'm sure she doesn't think that way anymore. Now go and pack your bags, we leave in about 4 days, Make sure to pack a dress as well, we will be attending a party there as well."

(D/n) looked over at his daughter who looked like she was about to puke her insides as a dark purple aura formed around her. He laughed softly and placed a hand on her head ruffling it a bit.

"Don't worry, the flight won't be long. In fact," he looked down to check his watch, "we actually land in a few minutes."

(Y/n) groaned, placing a bandaged hand on her forehead hoping to get rid of the headache that was slowly starting to erupt from her mind.

Once the two hand landed, they grabbed their suitcases, of course (y/n) spent about an hour disinfecting everything that came out of the place. Quickly took a taxi and drove to a hotel they had booked, going into a room and started to unpack.

"We're going to meet David soon, he messaged saying that he needs to clean up his office a bit." (D/n) spoke, scrolling through his phone and putting his bag down.

"That's fine," (y/n) said, going back to cleaning the bed and sanitizing everything in the room.

Her at her sweatdropped looking at her daughter going from corner to corner, wiping and cleaning the entire room. "You know sometimes I feel like you should take a job as a professional house cleaner instead of a hero."

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