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(Heres a drawing of how you look in the upcoming fight scene)

You and Bakugo left the waiting room as your match was announced. Standing across from each other you tugged up your mask once more while he looked at you with a smirk on his face.

"You better give me your all clean freak." He sneered.

"Its the final match! On one side we have the explosive class representative Bakugo Katsuki!!" Present mic roared as people in the audience cheered."And on the other we have the mysterious daughter of a retired pro hero.... (Y/n)(L/n)!! BEGIN!"

Bakugo was the first to make a move as he sent a massive explosive towards you. The fire and smoke absorbed your body was you squinted your eyes to look around.

In the middle of the smoke you saw Bakugo high up in the air ready to send another explosive towards you.

"I'm gonna win this Clean freak!" He yelled.

He sent another big explosive towards you as it engulfed more then half of the stadium.

Bakugo smirked to himself thinking that he had won and turned around. The smoke cleared as the crowd went silent hoping to see your form. And to their surprise they did.

In the middle of the field you stood with your right hand raised up. Before Bakugo's attack could hit you, you had ripped off the bandages on your right hand and absorbed his attack leaving you standing there without a scratch.

Bakugo's eyes widened as the crowd chanted your name. He turned towards you as he got into a stance and small explosives were going off in his hands.

'Time to get serious.' You thought as you zoomed up to him, jumping in the air with a fist as a ball of purple energy formed around your hand. With emotionless eyes you slammed ur fist on the ground where Bakugo stood. His eyes widened as he jumped out of the way at the very last second.

'She's so fast...' he thought to himself but then he smirked as he sent another round of explosive towards you. 'But not fast enough!'

Before you could react you were sent flying towards the edge from his attack. Your feet skid on the ground as you stopped yourself from moving.

'Crap I need to focus.' You thought as you got up and charged towards him. You sent a ball of energy to him as he blocked it with his arms crossed infront of his face.

"Give me your all clean freak! Stop lazing around!" He yelled as he sent a blast towards you to which you absorbed.

You bent down with one knee on the ground. Your finger tips have split and blood was starting to flow onto the floor. You got up and sent another ball of energy to him which he dodged.

Getting up, you failed to see Bakugo send another massive explosive towards you. With wide eyes you placed your arms in front of you face with your hands wide open hoping to absorb the attack.


You were breathing heavily as you tugged up the mask once more and both your hands to your sides as 2 big balls of energy were starting to form around them. You winced as the skin around your fingers started to break more and more as the cracks were going down to your knuckles.

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