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(Y/n) kept her balance, clutching her side, her body aching in pain slightly. "Ah.... sorry about that..." she muttered under her breath looking up to see who she had bumped into.

The male had a white shirt, with purple hair and a hat adorned on his head. He looked down at the girl, slightly glaring at her. "Please watch where you're going next time." He stated.

'Geez, who pissed in your cereal this morning.' She grumbled to herself as she trudged to the side to continue her walk. Not until a shout was heard from behind the boy.

"WAAHHHHHH!" A masculine voice echoed out as (y/n) flinched looking behind the purple haired male who sighed. She turned around to see a tall male who wore the same uniform as the guy she had just bumped into. Her eyes widened as she saw the male speeding towards the two.

"SEIJIIIIIIIII!!" His voice boomed as (y/n) covered her ears from the volume. Geez if she yelled like him she'd probably be mute at this point. "You went ahead from me and left me at the store!" The tall male said.

"Because you spent 10 minutes starting at two bottles of soap." The so called 'Seiji' person grumbled under his breath, pinching the bridge of is nose.

"I didn't know which brand was bet-" he cut himself off as his head turned around to face the masked girl who was awkward side stepping to continue her way back to Shinso's house. "Oh! I know you!" The male gasped as he looked at the girl who took a step back in fear.

'Please- I just wanna go home.' She internally panicked backing away from the approaching male.

"You're from U.A. Right?! I saw you at the Sports festival you were so cool! And the recent villain attack at the training camp! It must've been scary!" The male's face held determination as he looked at the girl. "I absolutely love U.A. I am absolutely honored to be in your presence!"

Wow first that weird curly haired dude at the mall and now this guy? How many people knew her from the sports festival, Jesus. She knew it was a bad idea to participate. Curse you Aizawa

"Inasa it's not polite to indulge in other people's affairs. Look you're scaring the poor girl." The purple haired male said gesturing over to (y/n) who had her back against the wall of a building, scooting to the side.


EXTREMELY SORRY!" He yelled out, slamming his head onto the ground floor.

(Y/n)'s mouth gaped open under her mask as her wide eyes looked at the male who's head was dug into the concrete. She frantically waved her hands around, panicking at his old behavior. She didn't know whether to be scared or concerned for him.

"I-... uh... it's quite alright..." she managed to speak out, sweatdropping at his persistence.

He lifted his head looking at the girl with a cut as blood dribbled down his forehead, "Thank you very much!"

(Y/n) panicked once more lifting a shaky hand towards his bleed hand, imagining how many germs were infecting the wound after slamming his head onto the ground, "y-your h-head..... I..." she hastily rummaged through the white plastic bag in her arms as she took out the bottle of rubbing alcohol and bandages approaching him to treat his wound.

(Y/n) sighed. God damn you germaphobia. She cursed under her breath as she dragged the male with her gloved hand towards a small bench on the sidewalk while the purple haired male sighed deeply, trailing behind them. "Let me treat your wound. It's covered in germs." She said taking out a paper towel.

"Oh! Thank you so much uh..." the male trailed down, not knowing what to call her. "I forgot your name..."

"Oh. Uh (y/n)..... (L/n) (F/n).... first year" she muttered under her breath,

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