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(The next couple of chapters are going to dive into (y/n)'s past, you'll finally be able to see how she got those scars.) dabi will be 18 for the plot just so that they have time to interact as kids. the way I spoil you guys 😩🤚

(Y/n) wasn't always the powerful kid she presented herself to be. In fact, she had a really hard time defending herself back in grade school.

While the rest of the kids at her kindergarten had already gotten their quirks, showing them off infront of one another, (Y/n)'s didn't. Well that was what she thought.

(Y/n)'s quirk, drainage, wasn't exactly as flashy as the rest of the kids. She didn't know how it worked and she never had the chance to exert her quirk, so a lot of kids assumed she was quirkless.

"Hahaha! Look it's little ms. Quirkless!" A kid taunted.

"I bet her parents hate her because she doesn't have a quirk!" Another kid exclaimed while the other kids joined in laughing at the (h/c) haired girl.

(Y/n) just sat on the ground, looking at her hands with a blank expression as she allowed the kids to push and shove her. This was a daily thing, and at some point she realized that no matter what she said or did, they wouldn't stop.

"Ohhhh is quirkless going to cry?" A boy said leaning towards the girl as he pushed her to the ground. Her cheek scraped against the dirt, leaving a visible red scratch.

But despite the pain, (y/n) just laid on the ground, emotionless, not daring to show her weakness to her bullies.

"Tch this is boring let's get out of here." The leader of the group said turning around while his followers trailing after him.

(Y/n) slowly got up and brushed her kindergarten uniform down to get rid of the dust. She sighed, looking down to see that her knees were scraped and covered with dirt. She rose a hand to her cheek, slightly wincing at the touch of the raw skin that was slowly starting to bleed.

She sighed as she picked up her backpack from the bushes and rummaged through her things to find a tiny first aid kit. Walking out of the school she made her way towards an empty park and sat down underneath a play pen. Sitting down she dropped down her backpack and placed the first aid kit down, opening it to take out a few bandages, placing them on her knees and cheek.

The (h/c) haired girl just sat down, watching the sun set as she hugged her knees to her chest. Her blank expression staying put as a small frown formed on her face. Sighing she went to get up until she heard some shuffling along the bushes behind her.

Quirking an eyebrow as she turned her body and crawled towards the bushes. Once she was a foot away, a small boy leaped out infront of her as she yelped in surprise, falling on her bum as she groaned in pain.

She opened her eyes to see a boy, around the age of 8, with beautiful red hair and red marks around his arms and neck. She rose an eyebrow in confusion as the boy collapsed to his knees and groaned in pain, clutching his arm with one hand.

(Y/n) being the curious 5 years old, scooted towards the male with her small first aid kit, hoping to help the poor boy. She placed a gentle hand on his shoulders only for it to be slapped away.

"What do you want!" He snarled at the girl who only held out the first aid kit towards the red haired male.

"Tch I don't need your help." His voiced was followed by another groan of pain as the grip on his arm tightened.

(Y/n) sighed at his stubbornness as she walked back to grab her backpack, pulling out a small thermos that held ice water. She slowly made her way towards the boy who scooted away from her.

Grumbling under her breath she stomped over to the boy who hissed at her, only for her to roughly grab his hand, careful as to not touch the sensitive red skin, pulling it towards her as he started to pour the ice water on his burnt arm.

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