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(Y/n) didn't know that she had fallen asleep until she heard someone's voice all out her name. She groaned as she moved her bod away from the person who was calling her, scooting closer to the window of the bus.

"(Y/n) we're here..." someone called out.

She only grunted in response as she covered her ears with her gloved hands and screwed her eyes shut.

A sigh was heard from inside the bus as she felt something wrap around her body and carry her out the bus, her body loosely dangling in the air as she relaxed.

"Don't mind her," a familiar gruff voice said, "she's a bit tired from socializing these past few day."

'Yeah and you decided to leave me alone on the bus too.' (Y/n) internally huffed out at her teacher.

"What kind of rest stop is this?" Someone asked.

"Where is class B?"

"Hey Eraser! Long time no see!" A cheery voice rang out. (Y/n) slowly opened her eyes, rubbing them slightly to get rid of the drowsiness and lifted her head to see that she was a few feet off the ground.

"It has been awhile hasn't it." Aizawa grumbled as he looked at the masked girl who stared back at him with a dead expression. "So you're finally awake." He said as he gently placed her down on the ground.

"Rock on with these sparklingly gazes!"

"Stingingly cute and cat like!"

"We are the Wild Wild Pussy Cats!" A group of adults exclaimed in their hero outfits as an aura or sparkles flashed around them.

"These are the Pussy Cats, these Pro hero's will be helping us out during out training camp." Aizawa explained.

(Y/n) shivered, animals tend to.... be quite dirty, and memories of Miruko and Hawks flashed in her head as she remembered the amount of times she had to clean herself up after spending time with the two. This was definitely going to be a troublesome week.

"This area is our territory." Mandalay explained as her arms motioned towards the forest. "Your lodging cabins are at the foot of the mountain!"

"What? That's so far!"

"Why did we stop here then?"

(Y/n)'s eyebrows twitched in irritation, realizing that small smirk that was forming on the faces of the adults in front of her. 'God fucking damn it Aizawa you damn backstabbed you set this up.' She glared at the dark haired male who only looked at her with a blank expression.

"Its only 9:30 am so I'm thinking that you'll all make it by noon at least!" Mandalay said. "Those who don't ake it by 12:30 won't get any lunch!"

"Sorry kids, the training camp has begun." Aizawa said.

'Oh hell no.' (Y/n) internally grumbled as she started to walk into the forest. Today was not her day, especially after that blonde bimbo that bumped into her, and blatantly insulted her, plus the fact that she was betrayed by her teacher and forced to sit with someone on the bus, and on TOP OF THAT she had spent the past 2 days socializing with people and coming into contact with germs and germs and even more germs.

It was safe to say that (y/n) being angry was an underestimate.

The ground began to rise and it pushed everyone along and down the cliff. Bodies jumped and landed on the ground as groans o pain emitting from the class.

"This is out private territory so feel free to use your quirks!" Mandalay exclaimed, "you have 3 hours to make it up the mountain on foot! Good luck!"

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