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(Y/n) ran towards the building, her heels clicking with every step and the wind blowing her hair gently in the wind.

"I won't let you in!" A villain jumped in front of her, only for (y/n) to blast them away with her quirk.

'Tch.' She clicked her tongue and retracted her hand to see her fingers slowly start to split. 'Not again.'

Once she was able to make it up the building she spotted Iida quickly taking care of the other machines that were attacking everyone. "(L/n)!" He exclaimed, a big smile on his face filled with relief after spotting his top former classmates.

"Iida!" (Y/n) spoke out, "Do you know where Melissa is?"

"Yes!" He yelled back, recharge his engine, "she should be up there soon! Uraraka is using her quirk to lift them up to the top. Her and Midoriya are planning on restoring the system."

"Thank you Iida!" (Y/n) ripped open her purse and took out a small glass sphere, placing it in her hands, it slowly started to glow a bright purple. "Iida catch!" She tossed it over to the blue haired boy who frantically caught it in his hands. "This will help so that you won't burn out. Be careful."

"Thank you (l/n)!" He exclaimed, his heart skipped a beat as he saw the (h/c) hair girl run into the crowd.

"Oi!" (Y/n) waved her hand to the others who were in front of her, smirking under her mask, "you need a little help?"

"(Y/n)!!" They exclaimed, their faces filled with relief.

"We're saved!" Mineta exclaimed.

"Total drainage."

(Y/n) got into a stance, and placed her hands ground, the area glowing a bright purple as the machines slowly started to come towards her. Smirking, her gaze hardened as the purple veins seeped into the ground and slowly started to wrap around the machines, and a surge of energy coursed through her veins as the machines slowly started to collapse one by one.

But that wasn't enough, more machines kept coming and (y/n) had already reached her energy limit. "Make sure no one touches Uraraka!" She yelled, rummaging through her purse to grab two purple and black rods, smirking, "huh, Tsubaka maybe you're not such an idiot after all." Gripping them tightly in her hands and releasing the energy so that the glass orbs glowed purple. Reeling her arms back, two purple whips appeared.

Pulling her arms back she wrapped a whip around a machine and swing it around, releasing it into a wall leaving it broken. But suddenly a huge explosion appeared before her.

"Don't tell me what to do shitty hair!" Bakugo yelled, flying in the air to explode a machine that was about to attack Uraraka.

"Kacchan!" Midoriya exclaimed in relief, and suddenly a huge wave of ice appeared to take down a majority of the machines that were in the way.

"Todoroki!" They exclaimed, to see the dual haired male standing across from them.

"Took you long enough." (Y/n) said, jumping in the air and landing in a crouched position next to Kirishima who bashfully smiled.

"Sorry, there was a bit of trouble with a couple villains." He said.

"Its fine." (Y/n) sighed, reeling her arm back to attack another machine, "we just need to get those to up there." She pointed at Melissa and Midoriya.

"Go to hell!" Bakugo blasted another explosion.

"Thank you... everyone-" Midoriya said, floating up in the air only for the wind to cause them to fly in another direction.

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