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Two words.

Holy shit.

Denki you lucky son of a bitch.

There stood (y/n) tall and proud. Wearing a black mesh panel dress, her black heels clicking on the cement with every step and her (H/l) hair swaying from side to side as she walked up to the yellow haired pikachu. And even though half of her face was covered with the dark gray mask she had just gotten from David.

Man did she look fine as hell.

"(Y/n)!" Denki exclaimed with a bright red face and a wide grin, running up to the girl who adjusted the turtle neck of her dress. "I can't believe you're my date tonight! You l-look so...."

Denki's heart felt like it was going to explode out of his chest and no matter how much he pondered, words couldn't describe who breathtaking (y/n) looked in front of him.

"I never agreed to your date thing." (Y/n) bluntly spoke out, giving him a deadpan expression.

Denki's happy face fell as he heard those words, only to turn into anger when he heard Mineta in the background. "HA! Suck it Denki! I knew she as too good for you!!"

(Y/n)'s eyebrow twitched, "you know what on second thought I'll take your offer, Seeing Mineta this happy pisses me off."

Denki's once glum face turned into a bright one as he happily nodded his head, a flowering aura surrounding him as he followed the (h/c) haired girl around like a lost puppy.

"It's nice to see you all this evening, I apologize for my late arrival," (y/n) spoke with a clear tone, "my father suggested I arrive later since the rest of the adults would come early and that I would find it boring when 'the adults are talking'."

"N-no it's quite alright." Midoriya stuttered out.

"Yeah we actually all just arrived."Uraraka said.

"I see." (Y/n) held her handbag to her side. "It's good to see you all."

"Its good to see you too (y/n)-kun." Iida spoke out before looking around, "wait where's Kirishima and Bakugo?"

Turning around you realized you couldn't find the ash blonde and red haired male who were supposed to be attending the party. "Weren't they with you Kaminari?" You asked the yellow haired teen who was still in a flowery state.

"Oh," he snapped out of it, "they left the cafe to go to Kirishima's room to change into their suits since Bakugo didn't bring one."

But before anyone could respond the sound of the doors cracking open bought the attention of the group of teens in front of the building. Turning around they hoped it would be Kirishima and Bakugo who perhaps had arrived early, only for it to be Melissa.

"Oh! You guys are all here! The party's just staring come on in!" The blonde then turned to (y/n) with a smile, "Ah~ (y/n) darling you look good in anything."

"Yeah yeah," (y/n) said, scooting away from the approaching girl, "Melissa please, at least put some hand sanitizer."

"But (y/n)-chan~~"

"Sorry but," Denki walked up to the girl, standing right next to her with a smirk, pointing at himself with his thumb, "She's mine for tonight."

"What?! (Y/n)-chan you cheater!" Melissa puffed out her cheeks.

"Sue me." (Y/n) rolled her eyes," I'm going in. Dad has my spray bottle and I am NOT having it tonight-"

"Attention! This is an announcement from the I-island security system. We have received a strange report, the system was able to detect an explosive device in the I-Expo are. I-Island will now be on High alert mode. Please evacuate and return to your homes and hotel rooms as quickly as possible. Anyone who is not in their homes will be arrested immediately so please refrain from going outside. For safety, our security system will be closing off the main building so no one can get in or out. Please be safe."

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