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Kirishima and Midoriya collapsed on the cold wooden floor breathing heavily from exhaustion. It had been about 4 hours since they started the studying session and they studied non-stop. (Y/n)'s mother occasionally dropped by to bring they some snacks and drinks, but the time spent was mostly (Y/n) helping Todoroki, Midoriya, and Kirishima because Bakugo was too busy yelling at the poor red head or arguing with Shinso.

Currently, Kirishima, Bakugo, and Midoriya were downstairs getting some snacks from your mother and she happily chatted with your classmates.

You sighed as you closed your textbook and rubbed the your temples. Spending this much time with people, especially in your room was starting to give you a headache. Todoroki noticed the (H/c) girl in distress as she screwed her eyes shut with furrowed eyebrows. He lifted his right hand and displayed a small layer of ice and placed it on her warm forehead trying to cool her temperature.

(Y/n) flinched, not because of the sudden coldness, but rather the feeling of someone touching her. After a couple seconds she relaxed a bit and allowed the cold hand to calm down her warm forehead. Closing her eyes she felt her headache simmer down until it went away. Todoroki softly smiled seeing her tense shoulders relax and a small, almost inaudible hum escape her mask covered mask.

But their small interaction was cut short by a slap to Todoroki's hand  moving itself from the girl's forehead. Shinso glared at the male while placing a arm around the girl's shoulders.

"Don't touch her." He snarled, glaring at the male infront of him.

Todoroki's eyebrows furrowed as he glared back, "She had a headache, I was helping her."

"Yeah, sure." Sarcasm dripped out of Shinso's mouth, "helping her."

(Y/n) sighed and placed a hand on Shinso's shoulder. He looked down at her in his arms and his eyes softened at the sight of his childhood best friend. Reassuring her friend that it was alright Shinso visibly relaxed but still kept his arm around the girl in a protective manner.

Todoroki watched their silent interaction, yet it felt has though they had their own silent conversation with their own eyes and slight movements. A unsettling feeling gutted itself in Todoroki's stomach, wishing to have that type of intimacy with the girl sitting in front of him, yet here she was in another man's arms, while he could barely place a hand on her without her flinching. It upset Todoroki a bit seeing how comfortable she was with someone else while it felt like she despised anyone else's presence.

Shinso's phone rang as he picked it up, "yeah I'm on the way." Sighing he removed his arm from the girl. "I got to go, mom's calling me since I was supposed to leave 2 hours ago."

(Y/n) nodded as the purple haired male go up and gave the girl a smile. "You gonna be okay with the rest." He said, bitterness coming out as he thought of the others staying in her house.

She nodded and closed her eyes, to others it may just look like she was just resting her eyes, but Shinso knew better. She was giving him a small smile under her mask. He gave her a small smile back and walked out of her room, going downstairs to bid her mother farewell while Bakugo yelled at him.

(Y/n) got up to remove her books and papers from the small foldable table she had in the middle of the room. Her bandaged hand reached for a book but it was captured by the dual haired male.

"Lemme help you.." he said as he started to clean up her room as well. The girl nodded her head silently thanking him as she started to wipe the table down with a disinfectant wipe and folded up the legs of the table. She dragged it to her closet but she felt the weight of the table being lifted as she turned around to see Todoroki taking the table from her hands.

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