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(SO I'm sorry but I can't draw their reactions BUT I imagine them to look like this. ^^ like a mix of being shocked and sad ANYWAYSSSSS )

"Sorry we're late." Tsubaka lazily said, waving a hand over to Inasa and Camie who rushed over to the two.

"Cutieeee~" Camie embraced the girl, wrapping her arms around the girls neck and rubbing her cheek against her masked one. "I missed you."

"I missed you too Camie-senpai." (Y/n) said trying to pry the girl off of her.

"What took you guys so long?" Seiji asked.

"Ah well....." Tsubaka placed a hand on his chin in thought while looking up into the sky. "We got off the bus after we finished cleaning out seats, and (y/n) was waiting out side for me, and then a weird guy hugged her from behind."

(Y/n)'s soul left her mouth as her body went limp in Camie's arms. "(Y/n)? What's wrong?" She asked shaking the lifeless masked girl.

"She freaked out, so I picked her up and ran to the nearest bathroom to clean up." Tsubaka yawned, "sorry we're late."

Seiji sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, "I swear to god sometimes I don't understand how we're friends

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Seiji sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, "I swear to god sometimes I don't understand how we're friends."

"We could've came earlier but this one," Tsubaka placed both of his hands on the girls masked cheeks, squishing them gently together as he made a 'chu' face. "This one wouldn't function properly until I dragged her to the nearest bathroom.

"Tsubaka......" An irk mark forming on (y/n)'s face as the said male kept squishing her cheek, a flowery aura surrounding him, "you have 5 seconds to let go of my face...."

"I told you to call me Hiromi

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"I told you to call me Hiromi."





"Tsubaka, let go before I take your energy and sabotage your exam."

"(Y/n)-channnnn~" Tsubaka reluctantly let go of her face before embracing her from behind, wrapping his arms around her neck and pulling her back towards his chest. "You're so mean."

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