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"(Y/n)! Wake up!"

You opened your eyes as they met with your place olive green ceiling. Your mother knocked your door and opened it slightly.

"Sweetie, I know that you're not feeling well but come on you should try to go to school. Internships are stating soon." She turned to see your clock above her head. "It's 10, I'll talk to Aizawa to excuse your tardiness. At least go for the last few hours."

She gave you a small smile as you sighed and nodded your head. She walked in your room as you slowly sat up. She sat across from you and placed a hand on your cheek, her thumb was caressing the scars. You looked down, but she placed a hand on your chin forcing you to make eye contact with her.

"Don't worry baby. I'm always here for you, me and your father. You know that right?" She said you lowered your gaze and nodded.

Getting up she walked out of you room with a small smile. Getting out of bed you went to the bathroom, washed up, and putting your uniform on. Looking in the mirror you looked at your reflection. There were visible dark circles under your emotionless eyes, and the 2 scars on your face. You took out a medical mask as placed it on your face. Opening up the first aid kit you replaced the bandages on your hands with new ones and placed black medical gloves on them.

The hallways were empty as people were still in class. Sighing you quietly made your way to your class, dragging your feet and you dreaded the feeling of their eyes piercing into you. As you were slowly making your way to your class you weren't looking ahead of you so you accidentally bumped into someone.

"Ah! I'm sorry!"

You looked up and you were met with blue eyes and blonde hair, behind him was another male with bluish purple hair, and a girl with light blue hair. You bowed in apology at the blonde.

"Oh! Wait! You're that first year who won at the sports festival!" The girl said coming closer to you. You internally panicked at the closeness and nodding nervously raising your hands up defensively.

"Oh! I remember! Your quirk was so cool!" The blonde said, as the other male nervously looked up at you and back down.

Taking out your notepad you wrote something down. 'Ah thank you.'

"Oh you're not much of a talker huh?" The girl said with a smile. "Your quirk was so cool! What is it? Why are your hands bandaged? Does it have to do with your mask?"

You visibly flinched at the last question, looking at the ground you subconsciously tugged up your mask avoiding their gaze. A certain elf eared boy caught this and placed a hand on the girls shoulder.

"N-Nejire y-yo-you shouldn't a-ask t-those q-qu-questions, you're m-making her uncomfortable." He stuttered out.

"Oh sorry! I'm just excited to know more about you!" She said.

"What if your quirk by the way?" The blonde asked, you wrote in your notepad.


"Ooh! How does that work?" the girl you presumed named Nejire asked.

'I can drain energy and use it as my own.'

"Woah! That's so cool!" The blonde and girl said.

"Y-yeah.. t-that's a powerful q-quirk." The other male sad.

"I'm Nejire Hado and this is Tamaki Amajiki." She gestured to the elf eared boy next to her.

"I'm Mirio Togata! We're third years!" The blonde said.

You bowed and wrote something down. 'My name is (Y/n) (L/n). It's nice to meet you senpais.'

"Mah mah~" the girl said waving you off. "Oh! You should get to class it's late!"

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