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The rest of the class took a lot longer than anyone had anticipated so during the time (Y/n) took it upon herself to clean the entire place, since she wasn't exactly quite comfortable with the unknown germs that were swarming the area. Kota occasionally asked if she needed help and the both of them were scrubbing floors and wiping the walls.

"Is..... is she always like this...?" Mandalay asked Aizawa.

The gruff man only sighed in response pinching the bridge of his nose, "don't mind her... she's an extreme germaphobe."

"I mean HEY at least we get like a free cleaning service..." pixie bob said as the pussy cats and Aizawa watched the girl going back and forth of her feet, scrubbing the floors with a wet towel and a bottle of disinfectant.

"Do you still need the bucket of soap and water?" Kota asked the girl who looked up at him from a sitting position and shook her head.

The small boy nodded as he took the bucket off the ground and waddled to dump the dirty water down the drain.

"But she seems to have gotten close with Kota that's nice." Mandalay gave a warm smile watching the 2 converse.

"She's a good kid, she just needs a little push that's all." Aizawa said as Kota came back from the back door and picked up a small water bottle, giving it to the girl who gave him a closed eyed smile under the mask nodding her head in gratitude.

Kota gave her a small smile as he continued to watch her clean, following her around the lodge cabin, and occasionally helping her put away brooms, mops, and cleaning supplies.

It as almost dark when (y/n) and Kota took a small break to eat. Kota assured her that she could eat comfortable in front of him and promised to not tell anyone. The (h/c) haired girl was a bit hesitant, which Kota noticed, so he took it upon himself to go grab a book.

The two were alone in the kitchen while (y/n) cooked, she had asked Kota if there was anything he wanted to eat.

"What? We can just eat the food Mandalay made.." Kota muttered under his breath.

'I don't really eat food that other people cook...' she wrote.

"Why not?"

'I don't exactly trust how clean it is..... and besides think of it as a way of saying thank you for helping me clean today."

Kota's face flared red as he turned around, his back facing the mask girl while he muttered words under his breath. "I-Its fine! It just seemed like you needed help..."

(Y/n) softly chuckled under her mask as she wrote down on a notepad and placed it infront of the boy so that he could read. 'That's why I'm doing this, come on, I'll make you whatever you like.'

He mumbled something that (y/n) couldn't exactly make out. She titled her head in confusion, silently asked him to repeat himself.

"Omurice....." he whispered turning his face away so that she couldn't see the flaring red on his cheeks.

(Y/n) smiled and nodded her head, taking a spare apron from the kitchen tying it around her waist. Chopping vegetables and cracking eggs as the kitchen filled itself with a beautiful aroma. The sizzling of the eggs as it hit the oil filled pan and the smell of the rice being fried in the pan. Kota watched her in amazement as she flipped from on pan to another and before he knew it, she had placed a plate of food in front of him, as the delicious steam hit his face. He gulped hungrily as (y/n) wrote 'Kota' with two horns around it with ketchup on the yellow egg.

Kota's cheeks tinted red once more as he whispered thank you. (Y/n) took a seat next to him as Kota pulled up a book between them, propping it up so that there was a border between them, blocking her scars as she ate.

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