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(OKAY SO LIKE I'm embarrassed to say I don't know a lot about Shiketsu Academy since it's not in the anime a lot BUT uhhh anything I write about Shiketsu will not be canon. I will keep the personalities as real as ever but just know most of it will just be me making stuff up.

I've also put a lot of thought into this, but if you guys like, [and please comment if you would] I wouldn't mind putting either, Levi, Sakusa, or Aoyama, in some of the chapters.

But anyways thats all I wanted to say and don't worry we will eventually go back to the UA characters. I think most of us agree that (y/n) needs a little break from them.

I really have a lot planned out for this story, so I'm super grateful that you guys are enjoying it.

Anyways thank you and back to the story.

"I've looked through your enrollment (L/n)-san and might I say you have an astounding record. High grades, excellent physical ability, and a powerful quirk." The principal spoke with papers spread out all around his table while the (h/c) girl stood infront of his desk, arms behind her back. "But I must ask, why would anyone give up such a prestigious school such as UA and come here?"

"After spending some time in UA I didn't think it was the right fit for me." (Y/n)'s voice was clear, gulping down the still stinging pain in her throat as her vocal cords adjusted to the new usage, "I would like to spread my wings a bit more, to see what I could do under different circumstances, with new people. Shiketsu has an exceptional reputation and I would love to be a part of your system." She bowed slightly at the older man who chuckled in amusement.

"I would expect no less from the daughter of Energizer and Lacuna." His deep voice echoed in his office as he folded in hands in front of him. "It would be an honor to have you attend our school (L/n)-san, I believe your outstanding assets will prove to be a great addition to our school. I expect great things from you (L/n)-san, great things." He stood up from his desk and walked infront of the masked girl who lifted her head to look up to him.

"Welcome to Shiketsu High Academy. If anything happens please alert me," the principal shook her gloved hand, "I owe your parents a great debt, they saved my life and for that I will do everything in my power to not make the mistake of losing you like UA. You can start tomorrow and I shall assign our 3 best students to watch over you. Your uniform will be sent to you by tonight."

(Y/n) bowed her head, "Thank you for the opportunity."

The principal chuckled, "Anything for a (L/n). Please feel free to visit my office at any time. You are always welcome."

(Y/n) thanked him once again as she exited his office. Taking a bottle of hand sanitizer from her pocket, she squeezed the clear semi liquid onto her gloved hands as she rubbed them together. A sigh of relief escaped her lips under her mask as she closed her eyes.

'I'm coming for you Eri.' She thought as she snapped her eyes opened and walked down the halls and out of school.

(Y/n) walked home feeling a bit rejuvenated from her talk with Shiketsu's principal. Although a bit nervous at the thought of going to a new school with new people and new.......germs. She hoped that this school wouldn't be like the last.

No family friend heroes

No more lies.

Just a fresh start.

She exhaled through her nose as she opened the gate to her house and walked up the steps. Opening the front door, her mother was in the kitchen cooking. (M/n) glanced at her daughter giving her a small, sad smile, before turning her head back down to stir the pot. A whisper of 'welcome home' escaped her lips and (y/n)'s face grimaced.

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