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You didn't watch the other games, you left into a small secluded area away from everyone else. You didn't want to face the others. What if they too had seen your scars, what if they went behind your back as looked at you without your permission? All of these questions filled your head while you sat down, leaning against the wall, lost in your thoughts.

You never showed your scars to anyone besides a select few, your parents, a few pro hero friends such as Aizawa and All might, and your friend Hitoshi. No one out of that circle saw them, and you wanted to keep it that way, but here you were, with another vermin that forced his way into your life, forcing himself to see your deepest insecurities. For now you couldn't trust anyone, you just wanted to get this day over with and go home.

"Next match is Mina Ashido and (L/n)(Y/n)!" Present mic said.

You walked towards the middle of the stadium with a glare, while Mina waved as you excitedly. What if she had went behind your back too? What if she was just being nice just so that she could tear you apart. With these thoughts in your head, anger boiled within you.

"(Y/n)-chan! Let's do our best!" She said, you sent a stern glare to her.

"Now for the fourth round we have our acidic alien, who'll boil you down with her quirk! Mina Ashido!" Present mic said, "And in the same ring we have our mysterious yet powerful, daughter of a retired pro hero, (L/n)(Y/n)!"

"Annnddddd! Begin!"

Before Mina could even get a hit on you, you raised your hand to form a ball of purple energy that you had gotten from the first 2 rounds. Flicking your wrist you blasted it towards her as she was pushed. Once the light faded, Mina was out of bounds on the floor, her body was emitting steam while she had a few scratches here and there, but nothing too serious. The crowd was silent, mouths gaping as they just watched the match finish in only a matter of second.

You dropped your hand down to your side as you turned to leave the stadium. The crowd roared in cheer as they praised your work, but you didn't care, you wanted to leave, you wanted to get away from these filthy humans. Not even bothering to check if your opponent was okay you walked out, a stern glare painted all over your face.

"I-.. Mina Ashido is out of bounds! The winner if (L/n)(Y/n)! What a quick match!"

Once you were far away from the stadium you went to a secluded area, not even going to look for your classmates. The hallway you were in was empty, no one was there and they were too busy watching the match so you were able to be in your thoughts by yourself. Taking out your bottle of hand sanitizer you poured a bunch of your hand as it started to seep through your fingers onto the floor. You watched with emotionless eyes as the semi liquid feel down your hand onto the floor. Stopping you rubbed your hands, then your arms then your shoulders.

Your body was trembling, with wide eyes you crouched down with your hands clasped over your mask covered mouth, attempting to cover it more and more even though it was already covered, you couldn't risk it. A figure made it's way towards you and bent down to pat your shoulder. Without thinking you slapped it away from you.

Looking up you saw that the person you had slapped away with Shinso. He looked at you with wide eyes as he bent down and placed his arms around you.

"W-what.. What happened?" He asked in a soft voice.

Shaking your head you tugged up your mask once more to try and cover it more.

"I-I... S-someone.. saw..." you stuttered.

Shinso's eyes widened as he embraced you in his arms, a hand on your head while your head was pushed into his shoulder. You inhaled his scent a bit more gripping his shirt in your hands.

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