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( YALL SEEM TO LIKE THE KOTA CHAPTER AND IM HAPPY CAUSER personally I really like kids and I used to volunteer at a day care with little kids and they are adorable SO KOTA REALLY HITS, hes vv cute.

And the reason why I had Kota like you is because if you remember at the very first chapter of this book, (y/n) didn't want to be a hero, and her view on heroes is a bit weird. She doesn't exactly know what she wants to be, she just helps those around her, but doesn't exactly call it hero work. Thats why Kota likes her, because she doesn't force the hero title on herself and she just does what she wants.)

(Anyways enjoy this doodle of (y/n) putting a mask on Kota)

Everyone woke up early in the morning and met in a field to start their second day of training camp. (Y/n) grumbled under her mask as she slouched her back, rubbing her eyes gently with her gloved hands, trying to get rid of the drowsiness.

"It's too early..." Midoriya grumbled as the masked girl nodded in response.

"Today is the second day of Training camp, your real training starts now." Aizawa instructed, standing in front of a sea of tired students. "The purpose of this training camp is to grow stronger, strong enough to acquire your provisional licenses." (Y/n) internally groaned at the thought of the hero provisional license exam. She still wasn't quite sure if she wanted to be a hero. The whole reason why she was here at UA in the first place was because All might had forced her to attend.

The idea of being a license hero didn't quite sit well with her.

"For starters.... Bakugo here." Aizawa gave the boy a ball. "Try throwing the ball, last time your record was 705.2 meters, lets see how much you've grown from then."

Bakugo smirked as he gripped the ball in his hand and flung it in the air.

"Go to hell!!!" He yelled out as a blast was followed after the ball, sending it flying in the air. A seeping noise came from Aizawa's device as it read 709.6 meters.

"Yea, you've gone through a lot during these past months at UA so of course you will have grown. But because of your quick, only your techniques have grown not your body so your quirks haven't been keeping pace. Starting from today, you'll improve your quirks so do your best and stay alive." Aizawa said with an awkward, eerie smile on his face.

The rest of the class had gone out to do their own thing, Midoriya trying to control his power while sparring with others around him. And well (y/n) kind of just stood in the background, not really knowing what to do as she shuffled her feet from side to side.

(Y/n)'s quirk never had a problem, she was powerful and she knew that, as long as she had a source of energy around her she could take care of herself ,so with that in mind, she didn't exactly quite know how she could improve her quirk. Aizawa noticed the (h/c)-haired girl who was staring at her classmates sparing and releasing their flashy quirks and walked up to her sighing.

"You need to train to you know that right?" His gruff voice entering her ears.

(Y/n) shrugged taking out a note pad and pencil, 'I don't know how I'm supposed to train.'

"Why don't know you try exerting your energy in a different way?"

(Y/n) quirked an eyebrow, turning her head to face her teacher, questioning his suggestion. "I'm saying, you only exert energy by orbs, why not try and mold them into weapons." He suggested crossing his arms in front of his chest, "like a bow and arrow, it could be useful and you could have a wide range when you attack."

(Y/n) thought for a bit, it was a good idea, with that, her quirk could be changed, almost like a second quirk where she could create weapons out of her energy. It could help when she needs to attack from far away, where her distance could be a disadvantage in a fight.

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