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"Are you fucking kidding me?!?!?"

The second portion of the exam had finally been completed, with the help of Shindo's vibration quirk, and the class of 1-A coming together to take down the rest of the villains and Gang Orca. (Y/n) used her quirk to take down a majority of the villains, while Inasa and Todoroki were taken down by Gang Orca's attack. Eventually they were able to work together with the combination of fire and wind.

But what happened during that exam was unacceptable. And (y/n) was filled to the brim with anger, not only had they sabotaged her and Tsubaka's score, but they also put someone in danger. If it hadn't been for Midoriya saving Shindo, who knows what could've happened to him. Although (y/n) wasn't quite fond of the male, that still didn't stop the rage building inside of her.

"What the fuck were you two thinking?!" She exclaimed at the two, a hard glare in her eyes as the two slowly got up from the ground. "If it wasn't for Midoriya, Shindo would've been extremely injured!" Her voice was starting to strain, and crimson red was starting to bleed through her black mask.

"(Y/n) your mas-" Tsubaka tried to reach out to her but a hand was raised to stop him.

"Shut up." She growled, glaring harshly at Todoroki and Inasa who hung their head low in shame. "If no one says anything these two idiots will just continue their childish feud. What next? Are you gonna endanger everyone else in the arena?! What if this was a real life situation?! Innocent people who be in danger because of you two!"

"(Y/n)- that wasn't our intentio-" Inasa voiced out.

"I don't care what your intention was!" Her voice was strained, but her anger overtook the stinging in her throat, " Because of your incompetence someone could've been sent to the hospital. We came here to get our provisional licenses but you two have been acting arrogant this entire time! If this was a real life situation, the villains would've already gotten away while you two are busy arguing like a bunch of children!"

"I don't care about what idiotic affairs you guy are arguing about, but if you two can't put your differences aside while you're trying to save people you don't deserve to call yourselves heroes!" She yelled, raising a hand as blood from her split finger tips flew in the air.

Being angry was a complete understatement, (y/n) was infuriated. The whole reason why she had changed schools, and trained all these weeks was to get her provisional exam, but she spent the entirety of the second part trying to break apart a childish feud between Todoroki and Inasa, two of the most powerful students were acting like a bunch of 5 year olds. She wasn't anywhere near her goal into saving Eri and now without her license, Eri would have to be suffering even more.

"You two are supposed to be the top students of your class and here you are acting like a bunch of goddamn children!" She exclaimed, her glare hardening, and her voice going coarse, "If Tsubaka and I fail this exam because of you two...." her eyes glowed a bright purple as she looked into their fearful eyes, gulping nervously under her gaze. "I'll make sure you both never step foot into a hero agency ever again."

The arena was dead silent, and the only thing that could be heard were the angry breaths of (y/n) and the blood dripping from her fingers and mask. (Y/n)'s eyes were dead cold, a bright purple flame erupting from her pupils.

"Tch, why do I bother wasting my time on you idiots anyways," she spoke sternly, flicking her wrist, as blood splattered onto the ground, echoing in the arena, "I'm going to the infirmary." She coughed harshly, the burning pain in her throat now being evident to her as she turned around and walked towards the exit.

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