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The next round was a Calvary battle based off of a point system. Which meant that whoever was in first place was worth 1 million points. You turned to see Midoriya's soul drain out of his body.

'Poor kid.' You thought, 'oh well.' As you tugged up your mask once more.

"Now get into teams of 3 or 4!" Midnight said as she cracked her whip. "You have fifteen minutes!"

"Oi! Clean freak! You're on my team!" You turned to see Bakugo march towards you as he was about to grab your hand you quickly moved to the side as he stumbled.

"What the heck!! You're on my team whether you like it or not!" Bakugo tried to grab your hand once more but you moved to the side to avoid him.

'No way am I going to be on his team, hes covered in sweat.' You thought as you started to walk away.

"(L/n)." You looked to see Todoroki walking towards you. "Be on my team."

"No way Icy Hot! Clean freak is going to be on my team!" Bakugo yelled back as he made his way towards you.

'Great I can't get a fucking break.' You groaned in distress as they argued back and forth. Kirishima walked up next to you, you turned as he held out his hand. "Hand sanitizer." He said as you quickly gave him some. Once his hands were clean he placed a hand on your shoulder.

"They must really want you to be on their team." He chuckled. "Well I mean you are really strong."

You just shrugged as you scanned the arena looking for someone to team up with. You then saw Midoriya by himself, trembling back and forth looking around nervously.

'Come on (y/n) you don't have to be nice. Remember? You're not here to make friends.' You thought, as your
body subconsciously moved towards the green haired boy who's eyes lit up in delight as you walked towards him. 'Fuck.' Kirishima watched as you got out of his grasp and walked towards Midoriya. He frowned, he hoped that you would be on his team but sadly you went to another. Sighing he grabbed Bakugo's arm and dragged him away to another part of the arena.

"(F-F/n)-chan....!" Midoriya said looking at you with tears welling up in his eyes. You had your hands in your pockets as you looked at him with a bored look. Taking out your note pad you wrote out a few words.

'If you don't mind, I'd like to be the one to hold the headband. I don't want to get dirty.'

"O-of course!" Midoriya said, he was happy to see you be on his team. Recently he hasn't talked to you in awhile so he was happy to see you come towards him and willingly be on his team, when no one wanted to. Soon Midoriya was able to recruit Uraraka and Tokoyami on the team as you both readied in positions.

"So what's the plan?" Uraraka asked.

You took out a notepad and wrote, 'I can just touch the people who try to take the band and make them fall, it'll be a easy win don't worry. If I need help I'll tap one of you.'

"Woah this will be an easy win then!" Uraraka beamed with a smile.

"We're counting on you (L/n)." Tokoyami said with a determined look.

"I believe in you (Y/n)-chan!" Midoriya said as you gave them a thumbs up.

'Before we start please put some hand sanitizer.' You wrote as they deadpanned while reading the notepad but did as told. And once done they hoisted you up on Tokoyami's shoulders and you go into position.

"Alright! Is everyone ready?!" Midnight yellled into the mid. The timer ticketed as everyone else got into position. "The game starts..... NOW!"

Immediately, the teams started to rush towards you to get the 1 million points. Tokoyami, Uraraka, and Midoriya started to run away hoping for a way to keep the band away from arms reach.

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