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"She has 3 broken ribs, internal bleeding, and her vocal cords are ruptured. Since (L/n)-san hasn't talked for over 5 years, her vocal cords are a bit sensitive, which is why when she screamed they got damaged. I advice that she doesn't speak for the next two weeks or else her hemorrhage will start to bleed which can cause serious issues with her voice. Recovery girl is not here at the moment so we did our best and we hope that her quirk will fix her up, but until she returns we shall keep checking up on her." The doctor spoke as he flipped a page through the clip board. "Please be careful so that she doesn't have an outburst, her voice can be permanently damaged if she over exerts herself."

"Thank you doctor...." (D/n) whispered as he hugged his wife.

"She's in room 25a, you can visit her now. Her surgery was a success." He bowed and walked off.

"I am so sorry." Gran Torino bowed to the couple.

"No no... It's quite alright," (y/n)'s mother weakly spoke, "you guys saved her. At least she's still alive."

"Still.. I was the one who kicked her..." the old man lifted himself up.

"Energizer... Lacuna..." All might's voice croaked.

"Yes... I know..." Energizer spoke, "We shouldn't have kept it away from her."

"(Y/n) is a strong girl." Aizawa said. "She'll be okay."

The door to 25a slid open as All might, (y/n)'s parents and Aizawa walked into the room. There was (y/n), leaning against the bed frame and looking out the window, the back of her head facing the group of adults that stood in her room.

"Honey....." her mom's voice softly echoed in the empty room, but she got no response.

"(Y/n)... your parents are here." Aizawa said.

Still no response, no movement.

(D/n) walked over to his daughter as he slowly pulled up a chair next to her bed, "sweetie.... how are you feeling?" He placed a hand on her shoulder.

(Y/n) slapped it away, clenching her jaw as her dad's eyes widened. Her back was still facing the group as she softly spoke.

"How long..." she whispered.

"What?" Her dad asked.

"How long were you going to keep this from me..."

Her mother broke into tears, "(y/n) I'm so sorry we didn't want to keep it from you! I'm so sorry!" She weeped into her hands as she collapsed down to her knees.

"Lacuna!" All might spoke as he placed an arm around her shoulder to comfort her while Aizawa pat her back.

"(Y/n) sweetie, we were going to tell you but we didn't know when the right time was." Her father's voice hitched.

"So this entire time you've been lying to me?!" She yelled harshly turning around, her eyes glared at the group of adults in her room as tears streamed down her face.

"(Y/n) pleas-"

"If I hadn't found out about it yesterday were you just going to keep lying to me?!" She cried out. "Is this how you wanted me to find out?! A villain telling me that I was the reason my parents lost their quirks!?"

"Young (Y/n) please calm down! You'll damage your vocal cords!" All might exclaimed.

"And you two!" She directed her glare towards Aizawa and All might, "You both knew didn't you! When I asked if my parents were okay you lied straight to my face! How long were you going to keep it up?!"

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